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Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)

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1 Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)
Reconciliation-repairing of the relationship between God and Humans Christianity Beliefs and Teachings: Focus Sheet- Q1 Father-the creator Omniscient- All seeing/knowing Evil-pain and suffering in the world created by Satan. Incarnation-Jesus is both fully human and fully divine Christ-anointed one/leader of the Jews Crucifixion- death of Jesus on the cross Trinity- God is 3 in 1 God- Supreme Being Omnipotent- All Powerful Ascension- Jesus returns to heaven Jesus- teacher and holy man Atonement- the reconciliation between God and humans due to the death of Jesus Holy Spirit-the part active in the world today Salvation-Jesus died to save/forgive humans of their sins Grace-salvation through faith in Jesus Resurrection- rising from the dead/Jesus did this Just- God brings about what is right and fair The Son/Son of God- Jesus is incarnate Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2) Hell- place of eternal suffering after death Word-God/Jesus becomes flesh Suffering-when people face pain in their life Denomination-branch of Christianity Heaven- place of eternal life after death with God Orthodox Christianity- branch of Christianity in Eastern Europe Sin- breaking a religious law Creation-how the world began Christian- follower of Christianity After Life- belief in life after death Original Sin-the first sin by humans- Adam and Eve and the apple. Catholic Christianity- branch of Christianity led by the Pope Protestant-liberal branch of Christianity that broke away from Catholicism Judgement- God will judge right and wrong after death and punish/reward.

2 Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)
Father- the creator Guides Christians like a parent does a child Reconciliation- Jesus died to repair the elationship between humans and God. Jesus death brings salvation Christianity Beliefs and Teachings: Focus Sheet- Q2 Omniscient- God can see everything knowing Evil 1) Types- human made 2) Humans have freewill to do bad 3)Natural suffering 4)Caused by Satan Incarnation- Jesus is both fully human 2) Jesus is fully divine Christ-1) anointed one 2) leader of the Jews Crucifixion- 1) Jesus died on the cross 2) Jesus died to forgive the sins of others. Beliefs bout the Trinity- God is 3 in 1 Different parts Father, The Son, Holy Spirit Ascension- 1) Jesus returns to heaven 2) It happened 40 days after the resurrection Beliefs about God- 1) Supreme Being 2) Creator of the world 3) Only one God Omnipotent- Created the world Power over everything. Beliefs about Jesus- 1) teacher 2) holy man Atonement- 1) Jesus died to repair the relationship between God and humans 2) Jesus died to save humans of their sins Holy Spirit- the part active in the world today Guides Christians Salvation- Jesus died to save/forgive humans of their sins Jesus reconciled God and humans Grace- Have faith in Jesus Follow Jesus’ teachings and example Resurrection- 1) Jesus rose from the dead 2)Jesus appeared to hid disciples 3) Jesus rose after 3 days Just- God brings about what is right and fair Rewards the good/bad The Son/Son of God- Jesus is incarnate Jesus is God in human form Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2) Hell- place of eternal suffering after death Punishment for sin in life Word- Jesus is God Jesus/God becomes flesh Suffering- Types, crime, illness 1) Test of faith 2) punishment for doing bad Heaven- place of eternal life after death with God 2) reward for doing good in life Denomination- Orthodox Catholic Orthodox – Found in Eastern Europe A branch of Christianity Beliefs about the after Life- Heaven Hell Purgatory- Catholics believe you go here to be cleansed of your sins Sin- Murder adultery Creation- Happened in 7 days Created The land, the sea, the light, the heavens Keywords associated with being a Christian- follower of Christianity Original Sin-the 1) first sin by humans 2) Eve tempted by Satan Judgement- God will judge right and wrong after death God will punish/reward in heaven/hell Catholic – based in Rome Led by the Popo Protestant- 1) liberal branch of Christianity 2) Broke away from Catholicism

3 What do Christians DO because of what they believe?
Belief= God Because Christians believe God is Just and Omniscient they will: Not sin and do good so that they are not punished by god for doing wrong but are rewarded. Forgive others and show mercy to those who do wrong as a knowing/just God would. Because Christians believe God is Omnipotent they will: not sin and do good so that they will not be punished by God and go to heaven when they die and not hell. Worship God and be thankful for what they believe he has provided through his power which is shown in the creation of the world Because Christians believe God is Omnibenevolent they will: Look after the planet showing love for God’s creation. Christianity Beliefs and Teachings: Focus Sheet Q3 Belief= Creation Because of this beliefs Christians will: Look after the planet showing love for God’s creation including each other and animals. Worship God and be thankful for what they believe he has provide through his power which is shown In the creation of the world. Crucifixion/Death Salvation Take Holy Communion the body an blood of Christ as bread/wine which represents his death and resurrection Forgive others who have wronged them like Jesus who forgave during his death. Take Holy Communion the body an blood of Christ as bread/wine which represents his death and resurrection Forgive others who have wronged them like Jesus who forgave during his death. Atonement/Reconciliation Incarnation/Incarnate/Son of God Follow the example and teachings of Jesus as this is believed to be how God wants them to be. Be willing to forgive others and quick to repair any broken relationships as Jesus repairs the relationship between God and humans. Take Holy Communion the body an blood of Christ as bread/wine which represents his death and resurrection Follow the example and teachings of Jesus as this is believed to be how God wants them to be. Belief= Jesus INFLUENCES Actions/Doing What do Christians DO because of what they believe? Resurrection Ascension not sin and do good so that they will not be punished by God and go to heaven when they die and not hell. Not fear death as they know that Jesus showed them there is life after death in his resurrection and ascension. Take Holy Communion the body an blood of Christ as bread/wine which represents his death and resurrection Not fear death as they know that Jesus showed them there is life after death in his resurrection and ascension. Belief= Life After Death Because of their belief in the afterlife, Heaven, hell or the day of Judgement Christians will: not sin and do good so that they will not be punished by God and go to heaven when they die and not hell. Not fear death as they know that Jesus showed them there is life after death in his resurrection and ascension. Belief= Trinity Because of this belief Christians will: Make a sign of the cross whilst saying ‘ in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit’ during prayer and church services. Baptise infants in the ‘name of the father, The son and of the holy spirit’ whilst welcoming them into the faith. Belief= Salvation through Grace /Good works/Freewill Follow the example and teachings of Jesus as this is believed to be how God wants them to be. Do right/good things such as charity work/ Helping those in need.

4 What do Christians believe and Why?
Belief= God Question could ask about God in general or be specific to his nature. Christians believe: God= Just That God will bring about what is right and fair according to religious law-because he is the example or moral behaviour and therefore he is the perfect judge of human character. That God will never support injustice and ill treatment- because he punishes those who do wrong i.e. afterlife in hell and rewards those who do good i.e. afterlife heaven ‘Nothing is impossible with God’ God= Omniscient That God will never support injustice and ill treatment he sees everything- because he punishes those who do wrong i.e. afterlife in hell and rewards those who do good i.e. afterlife heaven ‘ Nothing is impossible with God’ God=Omnipotent That God has unlimited power- because there is nothing he cannot achieve, he created the world and everything in it. ‘ Nothing is impossible with God’ That God will never support injustice and ill treatment and has the power to punish those who wrong others- because he punishes those who do wrong i.e. afterlife in hell and rewards those who do good i.e. afterlife heaven ‘Nothing is impossible with God’ God = Omni-benevolent That God loves all humans-because he gave the world his son who sacrificed himself to repair the relationship between God and humans ‘God so loved the world he gave his one and only son’ That God is loving to all humans- because he created this beautiful world for humans to exists in and therefore humans should so love to one another and the planet ‘ Love is patient, Love is Kind’ ‘Nothing is impossible with God’ Christianity Beliefs and Teachings: Focus Sheet Q4 Belief= Creation Questions could ask about creation/ how the world started/how it began Christians believe: Fundamental Christians God created the earth and all living things in exactly 6 days, resting on the 7th-because bible exact words and events happened exactly as it states- ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth’ Liberal Christians believe God created the earth and all living things over a period of time and not exactly as stated- because bible open to interpretation- quote ‘Through him all things were made’ Crucifixion/Death/Salvation/ Atonement/Reconciliation Question could ask about Jesus’ death, crucifixion, salvation, atonement or reconciliation Christians believe: In salvation to humankind- because Jesus death was a sacrifice. He died to forgive the sins of humans so that they be saved from their wrong doings - Jesus says while on the cross ‘forgive them, father’. In reconciliation-because Jesus’s death repairs the relationship between God and humans that broke down due to original sin. ‘Surely this man was the Son of God.’ Incarnation/Incarnate/Son of God Questions could ask beliefs about Jesus as incarnate, Son of God or his incarnation. Christians believe: Jesus was both human and divine, this gives God the ability to fully understand what it means to be human- because in the bible it says ‘the word’ which is God ‘became flesh’ Jesus words and actions have great authority- because he was divine and able to perform miracles etc. and in the bible he is referred to as ‘the Son of God’. ‘in the name of the father, and of the son and of the holy spirit’ Belief= Trinity Question could ask about Trinity or a specific part be prepared for any. Christians believe: That God is three in one which are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit- because in the bible all three aspects are given equal importance- ‘the word’ (God) becomes ‘Jesus’ and ‘the holy spirit’ speaks of Jesus as God’s son ‘whom he loves’ The First part of the Trinity is God the father- because like a parent with a child, God guides and supports humans who are his children. A part of the Trinity is Jesus who is Son of God- because Jesus is belived to be incarnate, that is both divine and human at the same time. A part of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit that works in the world today- because it is the spirit that gives life to Jesus during his baptism- ‘in the name of the father, and of the son and of the holy spirit’ BELIEFS What do Christians believe and Why? Resurrection/Ascension Question could ask beliefs about resurrection or ascension Christians believe: it is evidence that life after death does exist and that they like Jesus will go on to heaven- because Jesus resurrected/ascended- “life everlasting” Jesus words and actions have great authority- because he was divine and able to perform miracles like the resurrection/ascension etc. in the bible he is referred to as the ‘Son of God’ Belief= Life After Death Question could ask about life after death/afterlife/judgement/death Christians believe: In the day of judgement where God will judge good and bad deeds and send people to either heaven or hell-because Jesus taught this in his parables- ‘Then they will go away to eternal punishment but the righteous eternal life’. That there is a heaven and a hell that the human spirit goes to when a person dies- because Jesus ascended to heaven and proves this- ‘life everlasting’ Belief= Jesus Belief= Salvation through Grace /Good works Christians believe in salvation through: Good works – the belief that Old Testament makes it clear that a person achieves salvation by having faith in God and obeying God’s law alone. They therefore will do good things as God would want. Grace- the belief that salvation is given by God through faith in Jesus. It is not earned or deserved but is a gift for the faithful who believe in Jeus. “so in Christ all will be made alive” Christians believe in freewill which means God has given them the freedom to choose between right and wrong.

5 Christianity- Practices

6 Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)
Sacrament-the rites and rituals where a believer receives the grace of God Christianity Practices- Focus Sheet- Q1 Worship- an act of praise and devotion to God. Non –Liturgical Worship/Informal worship-worship -that doesn’t follow any set structure is charismatic/spontaneous in its style. Baptism-the ritual where people are welcomed/enter the Christian faith Sources of Wisdom and Authority- the belief that the Bible, religious leaders and statements of belief i.e. The Nicene Creed should be respected and followed. Non -Conformist-An English protestant who does not conform to the doctrine or practices of the Established Church of England. Liturgical worship-Traditional church service which follows a set structure. Eucharist-means “thanksgiving” another word for Holy Communion Holy Communion-ritual using bread and wine where Jesus’ death and resurrection are celebrated/remembered Believers Baptism-where people old enough to use their religion are fully immersed in water for their initiation into Christianity. Prayer/Private Worship- When a Christian Honours God/communicates with God on their own The Lords Prayer-A prayer given by Jesus for Christians to use Divine Liturgy-service which celebrates Holy Communion/Eucharist in the Orthodox denomination Mass- service which celebrates Holy Communion/Eucharist in the Catholic denomination Infant Baptism- the ritual where babies and children are entered into the church. Parents and God parents make promises on their behalf. Set Prayers-traditional prayers used in worship and prayer that have been written down for many to use. Informal prayer- Prayers made up using an individuals own words Evangelism- spreading Christianity through preaching/public speaking. Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2) Agape- word in the bible that describes selfless and unconditional love. Festival-celebration for religious reasons Bible- The word of God for Christians Mission/Missionary work- calling/vocation of religious people/organisation to spread their faith in the world and do charitable works. Christmas an event to celebrate the birth of Jesus for Christians Church –the community of Christian believers. Holy people of God. Catholic Agency for Overseas Development(CAFOD)- a catholic charity who provides emergency and long term aid Easter- an event that remembers the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Persecution- hostility and ill treatment due to religious beliefs Pilgrimage- A religious journey( seen as an act of worship/devotion) Street Pastors- Christian charity who work at night providing help and aid to those on the streets. Food Banks-place where food is donated and given to the poor Lourdes- A town in France where it is claimed miraculous healing has taken place and where it is believed Bernadette saw visions of the Virgin Mary. Reconciliation- a sacrament of confession but also the repairing of a relationship Iona-a place of pilgrimage dedicated to the Virgin Mary where Christianity was first brought to Scotland Tear Fund-Christian charity that provides long term aid to the developing world. Christian Aid- a Protestant charity who provides emergency and long term aid. The Great Commission- Jesus’ instruction to spread teaching to all nations in the world.

7 Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)
Christianity Practices- Focus Sheet- Q2 Worship- Types: liturgical/non liturgical Used to: Praise/ Thank God Non –Liturgical Worship/Informal worship-worship -actions: no set order/a range of different prayers and hymns Used to: Praise/ Thank God Sacrament-holy rituals/ express a spiritual experience, initiated by God. Eg. Baptism, Holy Communion used to: strengthen relationship with God/ Make God apart of their life Non -Conformist-An English protestant who does not conform to the doctrine or practices of the Established Church of England. Holy Communion/ Eucharist- the bread and wine= body and blood of Christ. Used in church service/in Mass. Prayers are read and the wine and bread are taken. Used to remember death and resurrection of Christ/thank God for sending Jesus Baptism-types; Infant Baptism/Believers Baptism Used to: welcome people into Church/ Receive God’s grace Actions: blessed in the name of the ‘Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. / Immersed in water if Believers, blessed water poured over the infant’s head. Prayers are said and candles are lit. Liturgical worship-actions: set order/use of set prayers Used to: Praise/ Thank God/Eucharist Sources of Wisdom and Authority- eg the Bible, the Pope, religious leaders. Mass- As above Prayer/Private Worship- individuals spend time with God/ mediate or study bible on their own The Lords Prayer-’our father who art in heaven’ ‘give us today our daily bread’ Divine Liturgy- As above Evangelism- do so by: preaching/going to other countries. Courses such as the Alpha Course. Do because: to make Jesus known to others/ continue the work of the disciples. Informal prayer-used to: Thank God/ talk to God directly for own support or guidance Set Prayers- Traditional prayers/written down/many can use Examples: the Lord’s Prayer and the Nicene Creed. Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2) Agape- show this love through charitable actions i.e. given to the poor and need shelter/food. Creating organisation such as CAFOD to help and support those in need. Mission/Missionary work- involves: evangelism/ helping the poor and disadvantaged. Do because: to make Jesus known to others/ continue the work of the disciples. Festival-used to: celebrate events/ remember important religious figures. EG Christmas and Easter Christmas- used to: celebrate birth of Jesus/symbol of love(giving and receiving) Actions: Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, Sing carols/ read prayers Church – grow numbers by: inviting people to Church/Preaching and teaching. Street Pastors- care for people out clubbing/talk to people on alcohol, drugs, gun crime. Do this: because Jesus helped those in need, Follow the example of Jesus Easter- used to: celebrate death/resurrection of Jesus/symbol of forgiveness/sacrifice Actions: services held, paschal candle used Persecution/Reconciliation- examples: forcing Christians to pay an extra tax/not allowing places of worship. Solution: reconciliation bring people together to understand similarities and differences Pilgrimage- it’s a physical journey/ it’s a spiritual journey. Used to/ Do there: worship God, pray and gain healing. Examples: Iona and Lourdes. Food Banks-give the poor food, work with professionals such as doctors/social workers to identify those in need Lourdes-God’s presence here/ focus on Mary who was seen here in Visions . Actions: drink or bathe in the spring waters, light candles, touch the walls of the Grotto Iona-feels God’s presence here/ focus on the Virgin Mary. Actions: 7 mile hike to the holy spots/ take part in workshops on Christian themes. / read or study Bible Christian Aid/TearFund/CAFOD- provide emergency aid i.e. shelter/food, raise money to help those in need. Do this: because Jesus helped those in need, Follow the example of Jesus The Great Commission- Do because: to make Jesus known to others/ continue the work of the disciples.

8 How are Christians beliefs different?
Christianity Practices- Focus Sheet- Q3 Belief= Worship Contrasting view Liturgical Worship Set style of worship with an order- the ritual has been passed down through generations and has a sense of tradition In contrast-Non Liturgical Worship In contrast- Worship that follows no set style or pattern. Holy Communion is not a weekly requirement and could be one or twice a month. OR Private Prayer Individual worship- allows for an intimate communication with God and can involve meditation and personal prayers In contrast- Public Worship Allows Christians to come together as a group of worshipers and feel part of community. Brings a sense of unity under God Belief= Sacrament Contrasting views on the Sacraments Some Christians such as Catholics believe there are seven sacraments to follow in life. These sacraments are all seen as equally important such as Baptism, Marriage, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Reconciliation/ In Contrast other Christians believe there are only two sacraments- Baptism and the Eucharist. Although they see the other rites as important they only regard these two as sacred. Contrasting views on Holy Communion Some Christians view the taking of the wine and bread as the actual body and blood of Christ. For them it is a literal process. In Contrast other Christians see Holy Communion as representing Jesus’ death and resurrection and although they believe Jesus may be spiritually present it is not the actual body and blood. Contrasting ways to practice Holy Communion Some Christians like Orthodox Christians have a set ritual for the Holy Communion and it can only involve them who have been baptised by the Orthodox Church. In Contrast other Christians will not have a set routine and it follows a very simple format where everyone can be welcome to take Holy Communion. Contrasting views on the baptism Some Christians believe in a Believer Baptism. This is where the person has the choice to be a Christian and is baptised when they are older. They are usually fully immersed in water. In Contrast other Christians believe in infant Baptism. This is where babies and young children are welcomed into the church. Here the parents and Grandparents make promises on behalf of the child. Work of the Local Church Some Christians believe this type of work should be done to help others as Jesus helped those who were sick, poor and in need. By helping other through charity and the giving of food and shelter they are following Jesus’ example. Other Christians believe this work is done to evangelise. This is because Jesus instructed the disciples and his follower to spread his teachings. Therefore this type of work should be done to spread the message of Jesus. Worldwide Church Some Christians believe this type of work should be done to help others as Jesus helped those who were sick, poor and in need. By helping other through charity and the giving of food and shelter they are following Jesus’ example. Other Christians believe this work is done to evangelise. This is because Jesus instructed the disciples and his follower to spread his teachings. Therefore this type of work should be done to spread the message of Jesus and convert people to Christianity. Contrasting Views How are Christians beliefs different? Festivals Contrasting views on Christmas Orthodox Christians celebrate this on the 7th January when it is believed the Magi visited Jesus. They celebrate the day before Christmas with a fast and attend a liturgy on Christmas day. Other Christians celebrate Christmas on the 25th December as it is linked to the winter Solstice. Jesus actual birthday is unknown and so this day is deemed the most suitable. Contrasting views on Easter Some Christians use eggs during Easter to symbolise new life, the resurrection of Christ and the opening of the Tomb. This means the eggs represent eternal life. Orthodox Christians boil and paint the eggs red. This is to symbolise the blood of Jesus shed on the Cross. Missionary Work/ Evangelism Some Christians believe the message of Jesus should be spread abroad. Missionary work/evangelism will therefore take place in other Countries. This could be through courses such as the Alpha Course which are classes put together for people to study and learn the teachings of the Bible. Other Christians believe this work should be done closer to home and so will distribute books through peoples doors or ask church attenders to bring friends etc. Pilgrimage Contrasting view on pilgrimage Some Christians believe it is an opportunity for spiritual growth and deepens their faith. It allows Christians to lead that lives according to key religious figures such as Jesus. In contrast some Christians would suggest it is not necessary for spiritual development. They would say this can come from attending church, taking holy communion, prayer and reading the bible. Contrasting types of pilgrimage Christians visit Iona which is a pilgrimage dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Here Christians take a seven mile hike to holy sites and take part in workshops In contrast Christians visit Lourdes which is a pilgrimage dedicated to healing. Here Christians may bathe in or drink the spring water and light candles.

9 Beliefs behind the Practices
Christianity Practices- Focus Sheet- Q4 Belief= Worship Worship/Prayer- General Important as it is a Communication with God, strengthens their faith and brings them closer to God. Helps them to live a truly Christian life according to God. ‘for where two or three gather in my name there I am with them’ Important as it allows Christians to ask for forgiveness and seek help for the sins they have committed. pray continually’ Liturgical Worship Important because there is a worldwide set order that is familiar to all even visitors. This means that all can get involved in this type of worship. Important because this type of liturgy is traditional and passed down through the centuries. ‘for where two or three gather in my name there I am with them’ Non-Liturgical Worship Important because faith can be expressed in different ways. This form of worship allows for that. Holy Communion for example is delivered differently throughout the churches. Important because it follows the style of worship practiced by some of the early Christians. This form of worship allows them to interpret the teachings like these early Christians ‘pray continually’ Belief= Sacrament Sacraments Important as they are believed to allow Christians to gain God’s grace. They are actions that allow for God’s unconditional love. They are an expression of their inner spiritual experience. Important as they have been initiated by Jesus. In following these sacraments they are following the example of Jesus who is believed to be God incarnate. Holy Communion/Eucharist/Divine Liturgy Important as they are believed to be taking the body and blood of Christ. The bread is the body and the wine is the actual blood. They are therefore in the presence of the divine. ‘This is my body’ ‘This is my blood’ Important as it represents the death and resurrection Of Christ. This is important as without this Christians would not have reached salvation. Therefore it is important to remember and practice. ‘In remembrance of me’ Infant Baptism Important as it welcomes people into the Christian faith. It is here Christians make their promises to God and commit to following the teachings of the Bible and having faith in Jesus. Important as they are following the example of Jesus who was the first to be baptised. In following this practice. they are following the example of Jesus who is believed to be God incarnate. ‘baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ Work of the Local Church Types of Work of the Local Church Street Pastors- who care for those at night who have been out clubbing. They give them guidance and support and someone to listen an care for them. Food Banks- these receive donations of food from people and pass it on to those who are poor and in need of food. ‘Love thy neighbour’ Reasons why/importance Because in the parable of the sheep and Goats Jesus taught that those who do not help others will not receive eternal life and will go to Hell. ‘for when I was hungry you gave me something to eat’ Because Jesus helped the weak and those in need and doing so would be showing agape. The unconditional love that Jesus showed to everyone. Types of Work of the Local Church Christian aid- Christian charity who provide emergency aid such as shelter and food in Times of need for instance natural disasters. ‘Love thy neighbour’ CAFOD-Catholic charity that provide long term aid to help countries become self sufficient. Examples are educational programmes and providing medical needs. Reasons why/importance Because in the parable of the sheep and Goats Jesus taught that those who do not help others will not receive eternal life and will go to Hell. for when I was hungry you gave me something to eat’ Because Jesus helped the weak and those in need and doing so would be showing agape. The unconditional love that Jesus showed to everyone. Worldwide Church Beliefs behind the Practices What is the importance/purpose of these practices.? Festivals Festivals General Important as they are opportunities to remember the important events in their religion. Events such as the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus who they believe was sent to give salvation. ‘this is my body’ ‘this is my blood’ Important as they are a form of worship and allow Christians to be closer to God. Christians connect with God through the specific practices and rituals that are carried out like prayer and worship around these key times. Christmas Important as it celebrate the birth of Jesus. This is important because he is believed to be God incarnate sent to earth to experience life in the human form. Important as it is a symbol of love. All Christians around this time focus on the giving and receiving of love which follows the example of God who showed his unconditional love by sending his only Son Jesus. ‘myrrh, frankincense and a gold.’ Easter. It is important as it is a time to remember and reflect upon the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus died for the salvation of others and forgiveness of peoples sins and his resurrection proved Jesus to be the Son of God. . ‘this is my body’ ‘this is my blood’ It is important as Jesus’ resurrection showed that there is a life after death. That those who follow his example and teachings will receive eternal life in heaven. Missionary Work/ Evangelism/ Church Growth Types of Work of the Local Church The Alpha Course- opportunity for people to explore the meaning of life through talks, discussions and bible study. Can take place anywhere and allows for questions and answers on the teachings. The Church Army- focuses on evangelism through running children's clubs and working with families. They also have chaplains who visit people in hospitals and prisons. ‘As the father is sending me I am sending you’ Reasons why/importance Because of the great Commission- the instruction given by Jesus to spread his teachings around the world. ‘disciples’ means follower Because they are following the example of the disciples who spread the word as per Jesus request through teaching others Pilgrimage This could be used for pilgrimage in general or questions on specific pilgrimages like Iona or Lourdes. Important as it is believed to b an opportunity for spiritual growth and deepens their faith. It allows Christians to lead that lives according to key religious figures such as Jesus and be closer to God. Important as it is seen as a means for healing. These places are seen to be holy where miracles and visions have taken place and so these pilgrimages may help the sick and disabled with their problems. Persecution and Reconciliation Ways Christians are persecuted: Not being allowed their own place of worship. This stops them from being able to practice their faith and communicate with God. Attacks on their home and family because of their beliefs. In some cases people have resorted to murder. ‘blessed are the peacekeepers’ Ways Christians respond to persecution: Through reconciliation- working to repair the relationships between them and others through showing forgiveness like Jesus did. Through showing love and providing opportunities for interfaith dialogue and church members to gain support where needed. (The Corrymeela Community) ‘blessed are the peacekeepers

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