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2 DRUG USE FACTS 50% - 75% Of people arrested test positive for 1 or more drugs at the time of their arrest. Controlled Substances Act: a law passed that classifies drugs into 5 groups. I controlled substances: no prescription, is addictive Marijuana, Heroin, LSD II controlled substances: no prescription, is addictive, causes psychological problems Morphine, Cocaine, Meth III controlled substances: no prescription, is addictive, lower dependence Steroids, vicadin IV controlled substances: no prescription,moderate physical dependence Ambien, Xanex V controlled substances: Low potential for addiction, used as treatment as prescription in America Cough medicine

3 DRUG PENALITIES Drug penalties vary from State to State
Federal Law – drug traffickers can face “life without parole” 40% of States have a recidivist law – require long jail sentences for those repeatedly convicted of the same crime. Some politicians believe that “as long as some drugs are illegal, we are creating a market for their illegal sale” Marijuana Many believe that drug regulation would work better than drug prohibition Others believe that drug legalization would lead to increased drug problems LETS READ THE PROS AND CONS OF LEGALIZATION

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