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OU Campus Content Editor Training

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1 OU Campus Content Editor Training
MVCC Marketing and Communications

2 Major New Features on OU Campus
Content approval Publish scheduler Version control Stale reminder Assets/Snippets/Components Form builder Dependency tag New Emergency Notification System Built-in accessibility/broken link checker New Online Course Catalog New Faculty/staff directory Built-in on page analytics Many more! Image resizing New file system Batch File upload

3 Design Objectives images (Folder) pdf (Folder) SECTION Web page
We design the web content for students Streamlining our web content Flat section organization structure New file organization images (Folder) pdf (Folder) SECTION Web page SECTION >


5 Workflow

6 Editor Login To access the beta site, go to
Scroll to the button of the page Click “Last Updated XX/XX/20XX” Link Your Username: (Your MVCC Alias) Your Password: (Same as MVCC Outlook)

7 Dashboard See what you’re working on Recent Edits you people made
Message from the admins To see your section/files, Click “Content” on the top blue Bar > Page

8 Content Check-in/out 3 different Status: Checked in, Checked out, Locked Prevent other users from editing page you’re currently working on Check in to access/edit your page Check out once you complete editing the page

9 Editing Experience What you see is what you get Format your text
Save your changes before exiting! More editing options to come (soon)

10 Hyperlinking: how dependency tag works
This is an unique ID assigned at the creation of every asset web asset It substitutes the absolute urls for linking purpose on OU Campus They are for internal links Moving files without breaking links A dependency tag starts with {{f:

11 Publishing Publish a page to make it go live
Page will be pushed to Production Server Page will be checked out automatically once published Editor > Submit for Approval Schedule your page to go live on a specific date

12 Publishing: Site check
Quality assurance: no broken links and misspelling Check before Submit for Approval Ignore W3C and Accessibility Options since they are mostly site wide issues Give your change a short description (Optional)

13 Version Control Tracks how the page was edited (and by whom and when)
Allows you to compare the iteration against Live version Allows you to revert back to the previous version

14 Creating a new page Click + NEW under content directory
Choose a template

15 Choosing a Template Currently there are 2 page templates
Fill in the settings carefully

16 Images Upload your new image to “images” folder within your section
For an image that needs resizing (larger than 1200pixel width), click the source icon under “Insert/Edit Image”, locate your “images” folder, click arrow icon next to Upload button, and choose “Upload and Edit” Verify the file path at which the image is being uploaded!

17 Files If you have many pdf files, create a new folder called “pdf” first Name your files in a consistent manner Use dash instead of space or underscore All lowercase

18 Replacing a file Do not delete the current file and then upload the new file as replacement! This will break other reference link on the website. Replacing a file without breaking any reference link on the website Preserve the best file names without adding additional characters on the url (e.g: catalog.pdf instead of catalog201908B.pdf) To replace a file: look at the current file name on OU Campus Rename the new local file. Rename it to match the current web filename. Upload the file to OU Campus Check “Overwriting Existing” before clicking “Start Upload”

19 Sections vs. Folders Sections are for webpages, whereas Folders are for files (Images, pdf, docx,etc.) When a new section is created, 3 new files are added by default Index.pcf is default home page for the section is where the side navigation lives Ignore _props.pcf

20 Side Navigation When a new page is created, you have an option to add the link to the navigation To make changes to the side navigation, you need to modify If you need to reorder the links, it must be done manually has to be republished before you see the change

21 Side Navigation with Nested Items
You can nest links inside a heading on the navigation, but you need to plan ahead To do that, you will have to create a new section within your section PS: If you move your files, the side navigation will not be updated automatically. You must edit to update the navigation list

22 Assets Assets are the reusable content
You make a change on the asset, the change will be reflected on the webpages that has the asset. Asset can be pure text, web source code, a web form, an image gallery Once an asset is created, the asset will have to be applied to a web page

23 Asset: Web form The asset allows you to build your own form and collect submissions Added necessary fields to Elements Area Name must be concise, discrete, without space. Change label for the front end display Helper Text and Default text for elements are optional Check Required if a field is required notification to a recipient. For multiple recipients, separate address with a semi-colon Check “Include all submitted values” under Messages to include form value to the notification. Check “Save Result in Database” in the bottom of the form builder if you want a database backend Once created, you can insert the form asset to any page you wish

24 Asset: Web form submissions
If “Save Result in Database” was selected (when the form was created), “Form submissions” option should be available after you checked back out to the form asset You have the option to save the submissions into an excel spreadsheet Purge the database by clicking “Delete all” If you need a form that does complex logics and workflow, or integration to Banner this form builder may NOT be the solution Click to select all submissions

25 Asset: Image gallery Create the Image Gallery Asset
1. Click content 2. Click Assets 3. Click New Create the Image Gallery Asset Added Images to the sets Publish the asset Apply the asset to a page Publish the page Carousel and Popup styles available, to change: Check out to a page Click Properties Choose a gallery style under “Gallery Type” 4. Click Image Gallery

26 Snippets Snippets are preset layouts providing different content presentations You can insert your own content into a snippet on the page Snippet content are managed using table transformation Some of the popular snippets include: Accordions, Feature Icon buttons, 2 or 3 columns layouts, Tab layout, wide content region, etc. Tab at the last table cell to insert additional row (Or right click, Row, insert or delete a specific row)

27 Analytics Understand your web visitors Available on Gadgets side bar
To access Page analytics: Check out to a page Click “Plug” icon on the right side Click “Gear” icon next to Gadgets Choose a date range you wish to see Click individual stat to open the chart and learn the definitions

28 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The site search is ranked based on terms in the following order: Keywords > Title > Body content > Description > URL The search counts for a number occurrence of the search term on a specific, the more it appears on a page, the higher it is ranked. Pages are generally ranked higher then the pdf (Avoid pdf if possible) Keywords should be discrete. Consider what people would type to find this particular page. Avoid generalized keywords that may be detrimental to search ranking of other pages Best Bets are available on request To edit keywords: Check out to a page > Choose Properties > Edit “Keywords” under Custom Settings

29 What we are working on Adding new snippets / style to OU Campus
Optimizing mobile sub navigation Password protected file server New employee directory launch

30 Writing style Break down your content in chunk
Structure your text content with headings Use of outlines Hyperlinking existing content Don’t use CLICK HERE for links. Specify the title of the target page instead

31 FAQs How can I edit Heading 1 on a page? Check out to a page > Choose Properties > Edit “Page Heading” under Custom Settings How can I create a short URL? Contact Marketing and Communications What to do if I need immediate publishing approval? Contact Marketing and Communications How can I create a complex form? Come up with a realistic plan, then consult with IT or MarComm for a custom form I see incorrect information on the college catalog website. Contact VPLAA office. They collect changes and revise the catalog every so often Why I don’t see the changes that I just made? The page/ file will need to republish to be seen on the live site.

32 Learning resources/help Need to sign up OU documentation - Click “Help” on Dashboard Keep an eye on future training opportunities

33 Thank you for attending
Any Questions?

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