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Senior Health Emergency Planning Officer

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1 Senior Health Emergency Planning Officer
Health Plans Julie Hicks BA(Hons) PGTC DipEP MEPS Senior Health Emergency Planning Officer Welsh Government

2 “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” Benjamin Franklin “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” Alan Lakein “Planning is an unnatural process; it is much more fun to do something. And the nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression.” Sir John Harvey Jones, businessman (1924–2008) “A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” George S. Patton “A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.” H. Stanley Judd

3 “It’s not the plan that’s important, it’s the planning.”
Dr. Gramme Edwards

4 What would you do if your organisation was faced with responding
NOW to a major incident?

5 Could you Have you Do you
assemble an incident response team straight away? work through the incident in a systematic way? provide accurate information to the public and media and respond to enquiries? continue essential routine work during the incident? Have you recently contacted the other agencies with whom you need to work throughout a major incident? Do you have all the right equipment? have staff who thoroughly understand their roles?

6 Under-pinning Guidance
Core Guidance Under-pinning Guidance Wales Pandemic Preparedness & Response Wales Mass Casualty Arrangements Blast Injuries Guidance Planning for Lockdown of NHS Facilities Activation of Health Countermeasures Wales Building Partnerships staying safe: Guidance for Healthcare Organisations WAST Guidance - Dealing with Radiological Incidents & Emergencies Planning for the Psychosocial & Mental Health Care of People Affected by Emergencies Planning for the Management of Blast Injured Patients 'How to’ Guide on Local Arrangements for Antiviral Collection Points NHS Wales Resilience & Business Continuity Management Guidance NHS Wales Emergency Planning Core Guidance April 2015 Issued by Health Resilience Unit Health & Social Services Group

7 built on good practice & shared knowledge
NHS Wales Emergency Planning Core Guidance Issued by Health Resilience Unit Health & Social Services Group Purpose sets out requirements on NHS organisations in developing their ability to respond to a major incident or emergency to manage recovery built on good practice & shared knowledge provides a platform for NHS Wales organisations to undertake emergency planning & associated activities within the context of the CCA & Welsh Government Health & Care Standards

8 Health & Care Standards
Compliance with the requirements of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 & supporting guidance. This will include undertaking risk assessments, having current & tested emergency plans & business continuity arrangements developed through collaboration with partner agencies. This will ensure delivery of a robust response & ensure continuity of essential health services in the event of a major incident or emergency situation.

9 NHS Wales plans to reflect requirements of –
Emergency Planning Core Guidance Issued by Health Resilience Unit Health & Social Services Group Requirements NHS Wales plans to reflect requirements of – the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 the Capabilities Programme led by the Cabinet Office & health led work streams - mass casualties, infectious diseases & essential health services Welsh Government NHS guidance & policy relevant to emergency preparedness be compliant with appropriate Healthcare Standards for Wales JESIP principles

10 Up to date plans to deal with major incidents & emergency situations that are compliant & tested in accordance with national guidance Consulted key partner organisations in the preparation & testing of major emergency plans Ability to mobilise staff to respond to incidents & emergency situations that could affect the provision of normal services Identified the financial procedures for dealing with implications of responding to incidents & emergency situations that could affect the provision of normal services Written plans and associated procedures are a key component of preparedness and should demonstrate for each NHS organisation that it has –




14 In addition to written plans
However … In addition to written plans there are other equally vital aspects to an organisation’s preparedness that are needed …

15 Making the plan work … Ownership, understanding & support within the organisation training, exercising & testing of arrangements availability of the right equipment & procedures

16 “It’s not the plan that’s important, it’s the planning.”
Dr. Gramme Edwards


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