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By: Quaneasha Ward & Fadeke Goncalvez

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Presentation on theme: "By: Quaneasha Ward & Fadeke Goncalvez"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Quaneasha Ward & Fadeke Goncalvez
-Hello, my name is Quaneasha Ward. This is my partner, Fadeke Goncalves. We would like to introduce, a great, free web-based resource and technology that may be used professionally or inside the classroom. Jog The Web By: Quaneasha Ward & Fadeke Goncalvez

2 A synchronous guide to a series of websites
-Using will allow you to create a synchronous guide to a series of websites within your own website. It allows you to ask questions, and make notes and/or commentary on each page. Its soo easy to create and its very easy for your audience to navigate. Don’t believe me? Well, let us show you just how simple it is…

3 Easy as 1,2,3… Once you have created an account, you can click on the link to create a new jog under the “My Jogs tab”. There, you just enter your title and a description if you want. After you hit the “submit” button, you are taken to a page where you can add new page titles, urls, and comments are optional. And when you’re done, you just have to click “save”.

4 Add Your Own Content Don’t want to link to other websites on your jog? That’s fine too! You can add your own content. When you go to add a new page to your jog, just click on the “Your Own Content” tab. Then, you’re able to create a title, choose a wallpaper, and insert your content in the textbox. When you’re done, click on “save” at the bottom of the page. It’s just that easy!

5 Annotate and ask guiding questions for each page.
Any annotations that you provided when creating your jog and adding your pages are always visible at the top of the page. So depending on what you’re using your jog for, you could enter notes and comments for your viewers, you could ask guiding questions, and more. You could even use this section to assign work to your students based on the page being viewed.

6 Ability to Edit Not satisfied with your jog? If you ever have the need to make changes, you always have the ability to go back and edit your jog. You can change everything, from the title, the comments and content, even the order of the pages. You also have the ability to delete pages and add new pages if necessary.

7 Access to All of your Jogs in One Central Location
Every jog that you have ever created is available to you under the “My Jogs” tab. This is where you have the choice to edit a jog. You can access links to share your jogs. If you ever want to make changes to a jog without altering your original, you have the ability duplicate a jog. And of course, you can also delete a jog altogether.

8 A step-by-step approach uses a step-by-step approach of taking viewers through pages. The table-of-contents is always accessible on the left of the page. Users may navigate by using the back & forth arrows, or by clicking directly on the pages they would like to view. This is so easy to use, a baby could do it!

9 Use Other Web Resources Through Jog the Web
Another great thing about using is that you are not limited to using just this one web resource. You may link other resources, such as Wordle, Voki, Padlet, etc. within your jog pages. So now you can use two... or three… or all of them if you want! There is no need to limit yourself to just one resource!

10 No Need for Students to Create an Account
And take a look at this! Your students do not need to create accounts. As long as you provide the link to the jog, they are able to access your it. You can share the link by posting it to twitter or facebook, ing it, adding it to your favorites in your web browser sharing it through google, and more. No more wasting time trying to remember usernames and passwords.

11 Explore Previously Created Jogs
Be sure to check for jogs that other users have already created. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel! You can explore other users’ jogs under the “explore” tab. You can also sort them based on the categories on the right of the page. No matter which tab you’re in, you can always search for jogs in the search bar at the upper, right-hand corner of the page.

12 Comment on Jogs You are able to comment on jogs and other people have the ability to comment on your jogss as well. This enables users to provide suggestions, share resources, ask questions, and more. In order to do this, the only thing that the user needs is a valid address.

13 Premium Account While it is not necessary to upgrade to the Premium account, you do have that choice. For about $40 per month, your jogs are 100% ad-free, you gain access to a variety of different readers and skins for your jog, you gain the ability to turn notifications on and off, and you can make your jogs private.

14 Personal Use has many valuable uses, including, but not limited to, personal, professional, and educational uses. You can create a jog in order to store all of your useful, personal information, such as contacts and to-do lists, in one place. Please note: your jogs are only private if you upgrade to the premium account.

15 Professional Use may be used as a way to provide useful information to your colleagues as well. If you are a specialist, a contact for a specific subject, a technology resource, or just a person who likes to pass along valuable information to your associates, can be used as a means of relaying that information.

16 Educational Use Home-School Communications
Using is a wonderful way to connect the school to the community. In many communities, there may be a vast amount of education resources that are being overlooked. All of these resources, such as libraries, academic supports, Recreation Programs, before-and-aftercare programs, etc. can be listed on the school’s jog.

17 Educational Use Class Website
Similar to the school site, teachers can use to create a classroom website. Teachers can provide homework, lesson demonstrations, discussions boards, drop boxes, etc. Now students can never use the excuse “I left my homework at school” or the classic “my dog ate my homework.”

18 Educational Use Mode of Research
Want to have your students do their own research on a specific topic, but you’re afraid to let them surf the web unmonitored? You can create a jog that links to websites that you know are safe for your students to view! Now they can learn how to do their own research and they can practice in class or at home for homework!

19 Educational Use Reinforce Classroom Lessons
Now your students can go home and review the information that you have taught them in class! This is especially beneficial for the little guy who was so tired that he slept through your entire lesson. Or the little girl who cant study from her textbook because the text-level is too difficult. You can even provide the site ahead of time so that students can preview what is to come.

20 Still not convinced? We hope that we’ve got you excited enough to want to use If you’d like, you can try it out now without creating an account by visiting, putting a url into each text box, and clicking “try it”. Note that this is just a sample, and you will not be able to add comments to the pages until you become a member. Enjoy!

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