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Copyright Notice! This PowerPoint slide set is copyrighted by Ross Koning and is thereby preserved for all to use from for as long as that.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Notice! This PowerPoint slide set is copyrighted by Ross Koning and is thereby preserved for all to use from for as long as that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Notice! This PowerPoint slide set is copyrighted by Ross Koning and is thereby preserved for all to use from for as long as that website is available. Images lacking photo credits are mine and, as long as you are engaged in non-profit educational missions, you have my permission to use my images and slides in your teaching. However, please notice that some of the images in these slides have an associated URL photo credit to provide you with the location of their original source within internet cyberspace. Those images may have separate copyright protection. If you are seeking permission for use of those images, you need to consult the original sources for such permission; they are NOT mine to give you permission.

2 Start this link 4 minutes before 9 AM: 8:56 AM

3 Your Extra Help Office Hour!
Welcome to Biology 120 Organismal Biology Fall 2019 Lectures: MWF 9-9:50 S-331 Laboratory: R 8-10:50 S-331 W 3-3:50 in S-356 or S-331 or S-220 Your Extra Help Office Hour! Hotlines: or

4 Professor: Ross Koning, PhD.
Cell Phone: Office: MWF S-356 Website: University of MICHIGAN (Ann Arbor) 1981 Plant Physiology - Flower development Please call me Ross! On your note-card: Write your name (First and Last official) Write your nickname (what you like to be called)

5 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Enrollment A Course for Freshman Biology/Biochem Majors/Minors This is NOT an LAC course—drop then add something else You should also be registered for: (add if not transferred) Math 155, 243, 216 (or as placed by exam, not Math 135!) Chemistry 210 and 212 (unless completed already) English 100 (unless completed already) HPE 104/108 etc. - needed in 1st 60 credits On your note-card: Write in the CHE you are taking now or write NONE Write in the CHE you have completed on your transcript

6 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Objectives Structure and Function of Organisms Experience in Modern Phylogeny (Cladistics) Hands-on Experience with Living Organisms Study of Diverse Solutions to Common Problems Obtaining minerals and water Obtaining energy and food Exchanging Gases Transporting materials Maintaining temperature Chemical Signaling Reproduction Environmental Sensing Movement Etc.! Reinforce Experimental Approach and Writing in Biology

7 Resources Two textbooks are required:
Freeman, S., K. Quillin, L. Allison, M. Black, G. Podgorski, and E. Taylor Biological Science. 6th ed. Pearson/Cummings (earlier editions OK!) Used for all four Biology core courses! Pechenik, J. A A Short Guide to Writing about Biology. 9th ed. Pearson (earlier editions and Knisely 4th or 5th editions are OK too!) Used for ALL Biology Courses!

8 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Resources Two textbooks are required: Freeman, S., K. Quillin, L. Allison, M. Black, G. Podgorski, and E. Taylor Biological Science. 6th ed. Pearson/Cummings (earlier editions OK!) Used for all four Biology core courses! Pechenik, J. A A Short Guide to Writing about Biology. 9th ed. Pearson (earlier editions and Knisely 4th or 5th editions are OK too!) Used for ALL Biology Courses! No Laboratory Manual, handouts or visit: Laboratory and Writing Handouts, if lost, can be downloaded/printed Depends upon organism availability, readiness, and behavior Three-Ring Binder, Zipper Pouch, Pencil with Eraser Laptop with Microsoft Office installed or USB/Flash/Jump Drive Simple Calculator useful (+ – x ÷ =) Colored pencil set would be useful All students with long hair need to have a scrunchie for labs with fire

9 Grading Weights Partici-pation Quizzes Final Exam Worksheets
Techniques Exam Writing Assignments

10 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Departmental Laboratory Dress Code Closed Shoes on Thursdays! Long Pants or Jeans or Lab Coat if you wear shorts, skirts, kilts Slacks worn snugly at waist, no undergarment showing!!

11 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Departmental Laboratory Dress Code Closed Shoes on Thursdays! Long Pants or Jeans or Lab Coat if you wear shorts, skirts, kilts Slacks worn snugly at waist, no undergarment showing!! Hats are not allowed in any class or laboratory Hair longer than earlobes must be secured with hair-tie in laboratory Neither food nor drink are allowed in laboratory Do not come to class in your pajamas and slippers!!

12 For laboratory Tomorrow: One source of beans shaken to mix them
Two samples poured into finger bowls One sample submerged in water The other sample left dry Does this describe an experiment? Hand in your note-card: Write your name (First and Last official) Write your nickname (what you like to be called) 3. and 4. (your current CHE and your transcript CHE) 12

13 Announcements Remember that your written response to the essay, “Effective Learning Begins With the Right Attitudes” is due on Wednesday (9/4) at the start of our lecture (9:00 AM). Two pages typed/computer printed double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font. Papers arriving at 9:01 AM are one-day late! EARLY PAPERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED !!

14 Clarification of the Bio 120 Late Paper Penalty Policy
Your first writing assignment is due on Wednesday at 9 AM... Handed in Wednesday at 9 AM = full credit Handed in Wed. at 9:05 AM = 1 day late = 10% penalty Handed in Thursday at 9 AM = 2 days late = 20% penalty Handed in Thu. at 9:05 AM = 3 days late = 30% penalty Handed in after any paper has been returned by instructor to the first student = too late = 0% If the late assignment is a writing project, then, even though it may be worth 0% because of its tardiness, you still MUST hand it in at a passing level (65%) or you fail the entire course!

15 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Participation Variables Completion of Comp Exam THIS WEEK! In-Semester Lab Skills demonstrations Plickers questions correctly answered Attendance-reliability

16 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Participation Variables

17 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Participation Variables

18 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Participation Variables Completion of Comp Exam THIS WEEK! In-Semester Lab Skills demonstrations Plickers questions correctly answered Attendance-reliability Attitude-positive Attention-in and out of class Staying on-task and on-topic Engaged in class discussions Effective and contributing team member Bringing required materials to class Arriving on-time always Never using a cell-phone for talking or texting during class Never leaving lecture for a bathroom break (go before class and hold it until after class!)

19 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Participation Eastern Catalog: Study/Work at home is expected Two hours of work at home for every one hour in class Calculations of homework expectations: 3 hours lecture per week make 6 hours of homework 3 hours laboratory per week make 6 hours of homework You are expected to do 12 hours of homework each week! YES…12 (twelve) hours per week! In particular, lab worksheets and writing projects are NOT designed to be completed within class time! Welcome to College!

20 Let’s Look at the Syllabus
Participation Commuting Students There is no special treatment for commuting students Is your vehicle reliable? Are your tires capable of driving in snow? Is there a family member who can drive you for “Plan B” Do you have a “Plan C” carpool with other students in town? Are you a courageous driver in snow, sleet, ice, pouring rain? Parking is limited on our campus…arrive early to find a spot Plan on walking time from your parking spot to class Hand in papers before a deadline to avoid late penalties!! Especially if foul weather is forecast! 20

21 Let’s Look at the Schedule
Headings Tentative Syllabus: subject to change: watch website! Dates: as currently planned, subject to change Writing Assignments: orange highlights Lab Pre-lab or Worksheets: yellow highlights Lecture Topics will be links to lecture notes on website Readings: Portions of the textbook you need to read before class Laboratory Exercises: Print out if you have lost yours! Note: No Hour-Exams (just weekly quizzes) Note: Laboratory Skills Final in Final Exam Week Note: Final Exam during Final Exam Week

22 Meet Your Biology Advisor
Eastern ID Number Birthdate MMDDYY or PIN The Biology Department Expects You to Monitor your University account during and even between semesters!!

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