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Studies at Business Administration
MBAN, MIBE, MIMM, MSF and MSM master´s programmes Orientation August 28, 2019 Kaija Huotari Study counsellor in Business Administration & Susanna Koponen Programme coordinator
Student customer services
located on the third floor of the university's second building, room 2313 enrolment for the academic year registration for exams and study courses attendance certificates official transcripts letters of recommendation discontinuation of studies and renouncing one's study right graduation ceremonies Open: Mon – Thu 9 – 15, Fri
Contact information in study counseling Study Counsellor Kaija Huotari (while absent; Phone +358 Room 2313 Student Adviser Julia Kari Phone Your own tutor (E.g. documents involving graduation)
Teacher tutors in each programme
MBAN Christoph Lohrmann MIBE Igor Laine MIMM Heini Vanninen MSF Azzurra Morreale and Jan Stoklasa MSM Katrina Lintukangas MSIS Anni Tuppura - Teacher tutors assist you to plan your degree to correspond to the skills you want achieve during your studies. - You may reach teacher tutors by setting an appointment by .
Studies M. Sc. in BA degree structure Language studies Minor studies
Studies abroad Internship Complementary studies
M. Sc. in BA Degree structure
The Degree Structure Core Studies – 78 ECTS cr Specialisation Studies – 54 ECTS cr Minor Studies (not in MBAN- and MSF-programmes) 24 ECTS cr Language studies (not English or native language) 6 ECTS cr 120 ECTS cr (min.) Please notice that minimum amount of core and specialisation studies varies depending on Master’s programme (see programme’s degree structure)! Double degrees have specific degree structures. You can find the master´s degree structures, all minors and course descriptions in WebOodi > Study guide (> your own programme) and also: Uni > Studies > Study Guides
Language studies All (MBAN-, MIBE-, MIMM-, MSM-, and MSF-) programmes minimum of 6 ECTS cr of one foreign language (other than English or your native language). Notice, that the language studies must be from the same language! The Language Centre offers courses in eight languages: Finnish, (English), German, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese and Swedish. Notice: The language of instruction is mentioned in the course descriptions. Please see: Language center More information in Uni > Studies > Language Studies and study guide Language studies abroad during study exchange period: The language courses can be included into your compulsory language studies The extra language studies, which the programme grants on the basis of foreign studies (studies abroad during master’s studies) or working abroad can be included in obligatory language studies (3 – 6 month studies abroad > 4 ECTS cr, 7 – 12 month studies abroad > 6 ECTS cr)
Minor studies Minimum of 24 ECTS cr in all the other master´s programmes, but not in MBAN and MSF Minors are defined study entities and can be found in Study Guide in WebOodi. > Study guide > LUT School of Business and Management > Master’s Programme in MIBE/ MIMM/ MSM > Minor studies Notice, that you have to follow the structures and take the courses according to the study guide! Recommended to take during the first and second terms Some programmes have recommended minor studies: MIBE: International Marketing, Digitalization and Business Analytics, Sustainability MIMM: International Business an Entrepreneurship, Digitalization and Business Analytics, Sustainability The minors offered in Finnish are also accepted (Sivuopintokokonaisuudet WebOodin Opinto-oppaassa ).
Studies abroad Internship
LUT provides good possibilities to gain international learning experience through the network of partner universities worldwide. Min. 24 – 30 ECTS studies abroad (one semester) All courses completed abroad should fit in the degree. Programmes have specific recommendations about studies abroad, please see Uni portal > International Mobility > Outgoing Exchange students > Other instructions. Learning agreement abroad must always be agreed beforehand. Applications through LUT Student Services (application process, deadlines etc.) Exchange period is not allowed for Double degree students! Internship You can also include internship into your degree in Core, elective studies. See more information from course description A130A2200 Internship for Master´s Programmes and from Uni portal: Business Administration > Instructions > Internship
Complementary studies
Complementary studies are not included in the 120 ECTS cr required for the Master’s degree, they are an addition to it. They are COMPULSORY courses for all master’s students. Study these courses during the first year of your studies at LUT. The following courses are obligatory complementary studies in all master’s programmes for all students: A130A0050 Introduction to Studies of Economic Sciences for Master’s Students A350A0050 Business Research Methods (not for those, who have graduated as B.Sc. (Econ. & Bus.Adm.) from university in Finland = tätä kurssia ei niille, joilla on Suomessa yliopistossa suoritettu kauppatieteiden kandidaatin tutkinto) In MSF- and MBAN- programmes the above-mentioned courses and also the course A350A0250 Multivariate and Econometric Analysis Methods Remember to enroll also to these courses! Important: Complementary studies must have been completed before applying for the Master’s Thesis topic!!!!
Credit transfers Note! The M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Admin.) degree must include at least Master’s Thesis 30 ECTS cr and at least 40 ECTS credits of studies completed at LUT, 15 ECTS credits of which must be major studies. The total amount of the degree is 120 ECTS cr.
Credit transfer instructions
Notice, that if the courses are older than five years, you cannot apply for credit transfer (this does not concern language studies)!! Only credits from another university degree of the same level or open universities (or equivalent studies) not included in a degree may be transferred to the M.Sc. degree Courses completed outside of LUT must correspond fully to an LUT course in content and workload, if you want to replace a compulsory LUT course Into elective and language studies we can accept also courses, which don´t replace directly any LUT course Send the credit transfer application, course descriptions and official transcript of records of the substitute courses by to Applications are available in UNI → Study programs → Business Administration→ Forms → Credit transfer applications More information is available from Study Counsellor Kaija Huotari Send the credit transfer applications (by ) Mon at the latest!
Personal Study Plan (PSP)
A part of the compulsory complementary course A130A0050 Introduction to Studies of Economic Sciences for Master’s Students (Notice: it is important to register to the course by Fri 30st August at 23:59)!! Instruction for PSP Master´s Thesis and graduation Time available for the completion of the degree
Instructions for Personal Study Plan (=PSP)
An important tool for planning, scheduling and following your studies The studies are completed according to the accepted study plan Study Guide (degree structure) is in WebOodi, UNI study portal provide necessary information. You may also turn to the study counsellor or student adviser, if you have any questions. Specific study plan form (Excel sheet) only for the DD master’s programmes The total number of credits in M.Sc. Degree must be 120 ECTS cr. Notice! 120 ECTS credits does not include the complementary studies, they are an addition to it!
Instructions for PSP Your PSP has to follow Study guide’s degree structures Also minor studies have specific structures and courses Update your PSP every autumn! Every year we inform about the changed courses in Uni portal: UNI > Studies > Study guides > Changes of the study programme All degree structures are in Weboodi > Study guide > LUT School of Business and Management > Master’s Degree Programme in MBAN / MIBE / MIMM / MSF / MSM All minors Weboodi > Study guide > LUT School of Business and Management > Master’s programme in MIMM / MSM / MSIS > Minor studies PSP templates > SISU (more information about the SISU in PSP sessions, MUST ATTEND!) Study guide´s degree structures and course descriptions are also in Uni > Studies > Study Guides Programme specific studies info in each programme and course enrollments will be made during the orientation week according to the orientation programme. Use always the official address:, when you send us s. LUT uses always the official address when we contact you!
Master´s Thesis and Graduation
During the first year of studies you can already start thinking your Master´s Thesis topic You will do your thesis during the second year of studies Remember to enroll to Master´s Thesis course during the 2nd year of studies, it is obligatory for all master´s students Read carefully also Final thesis instructions in Uni See more guidance, all applications needed and deadlines in Uni > Graduation Notice! You have to be enrolled as attending student and pay the Student Union fee also during the semester when you are graduating!
Time available for the Completion of the Degree
Notice, that you can complete your master´s degree studies in two years (study 60 ECTS cr / academic year) You can see when your study right ends in WebOodi The duration for studies for students admitted to complete only the degree of Master of Science (Econ. & Bus. Adm.) is in total four academic years Students who have started their studies after may enrol after the first study year as non attending for a maximum of one academic year (=two semestes) without it being included in the duration of the studies. Military service, maternity, paternity of family leave will not shorten the duration of the study right Please notice that extended study right can be granted only for very spesific reasons, e.g. working during studies is not a reason for granting extended study right NOTICE!! The courses in your Master´s degree can not be older than seven years! (exc. language courses) After seven years the courses will expire automatically
Practical information about study related affairs
WebOodi UNI portal Teaching Schedules Registration for Courses Examinations Technology Support
Teaching schedules and WebOodi
The times and places for courses are given in the course schedule in the UNI portal UNI → Studies → Planning studies → Teaching schedules WebOodi is the user interface for LUT students All the degree structures in Study Guide Personal study plan Register for exams*), courses*), midterms and the academic year, modify contact information, monitor the records Unofficial transcript directly via Can be accessed directly through the Uni portal → Quick Links →WebOodi LOGIN with your LUT Username First! Check that your personal information and contacts are correct. * )Remember to register for bouth courses and exams separately!!
UNI portal Student online service which provides access to information and information systems related to studies Uni portal includes general information targeted for all students. The home page has windows to services and a calendar, as well as links to other important services. Can be accessed at (quick link from university’s web page) Use your LUT Username to login UNI LUT News: Important information! UNI Studies General instructions about enrollment, exams, teaching schedules UNI Study programmes > Business Administration important information concerning your studies, applications, deadlines, graduation etc.
Registration for courses, enrolment at LUT
Students can register for courses through WebOodi Registration must be done before the deadline (certain deadline before each period) Registration deadlines for courses can be found in the Study Guide or in the Uni portal → Studies → Enrolments → Course registration Registration deadline for Period 1 is on Fri, 30 August at 23:59! Register also for Period 1 language courses at the same time! Peer tutors will help you with course registrations according to the orientation programme. Notice! You have the right to attend courses and examinations only if you have enrolled as attending student and have paid the Student Union fee during the same semester! Remember to enroll at LUT every academic year! Otherwise your study right will end. You have to be enrolled as attending student also during the semester, when you are going to graduate!
Examinations WebOodi is also registration tool for exams and midterms
Timetable for Examination Uni portal → Studies → Examinations →Examination schedule → Exams by departments / daily scheduling Three examination dates are set for each course. If a student does not pass the examination after taking it three times, (s)he may apply in writing for an additional retake. Instructions and application in Uni. Registration for Exams and Midterms Starts 4 weeks before the exam date and ends 1 week before the exam If you’re unable to take the exam, cancel it two working days before the exam. This is very important because each registration is considered an exam taken! If you register late for the exam, you have to pay 40 €
Technology support Technology support and assistance:
Origo Service Desk: UNI→ Studies →New Students > ID Instructions for New Users, phone: Important: LUT address is used by LBM study staff. Your personal s are not used.
… to sum up 1. Study guide= WebOodi
2. Schedules, forms, information, changes, help and all you need to know = UNI HAVE A GREAT STUDY PERIOD AT LUT!
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