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Presentation on theme: "KNOWLEDGE | INTEGRITY | EXCELLENCE | STEWARDSHIP"— Presentation transcript:


2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES The AANA Foundation was established in 1981 as a charitable organization devoted to anesthesia research, education and development. The Foundation serves as the philanthropic arm of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. The AANA Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees pictured here along with CEO Lorraine Jordan. Back row: Vicki Coopmans, Chuck Griffis, Stephen Finder, Paul Beninga, John Jelinek (retired), Ron Castaldo, Leslie Jeter Front row: Oluwatoyin Orunja, Kathleen Thibeault, Stephanie May, Ladan Eshkevari, Marjorie Everson

CORE VALUES Knowledge, Integrity, Excellence, and Stewardship MISSION To advance the science of anesthesia through education and research. As the philanthropic arm of the AANA, the Foundation raises funds and invests in projects that directly support the nurse anesthesia profession. VISION To serve as the leading source for assuring safe anesthesia care through education and research.

4 Since 1981, the Foundation has awarded more than $4
Since 1981, the Foundation has awarded more than $4.1 million to more than 3,500 individuals 1,137 scholarships totaling $1,838,000 to support nurse anesthesia 189 fellowships totaling more than $1,316,000 to assist CRNAs & CRNA students pursuing their PhD and DNP degrees 192 research grants to CRNAs totaling more than $825,000 44 student research grants totaling $44,500 2,021 poster presentations at AANA Annual Congress totaling $152,000

5 FY18 AANA Foundation Accomplishments
Awarded over $208,000 to the following program recipients: 57 scholarships totaling $127,500 to support nurse anesthesia 2 fellowships to assist CRNAs and CRNA students pursuing their PhD and DNP degrees and 2 post-doctoral fellowships totaling $49,000 1 research grants totaling more than $13,688 1 student research grant totaling $2,500 137 poster presentations at AANA Annual Congress totaling $16,000 (Read slide)

6 Support Proof is Power Annual Fund
High-level research is critically important to improving anesthesia patient safety, advocating for the profession, and rebutting inaccuracies and mistruths about nurse anesthesia. The Foundation’s Annual Fund is referred to as the “Proof is Power” campaign. Funds from the Annual Fund are focused on education and research for CRNAs. Research demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that “Proof is Power!” Data, research, and evidence are changing our practices and patient care for the better. Not all of us have the inclination to spend part or all our time engaged in the research process, but we all have the opportunity and the responsibility to support research efforts. It is in every CRNA’s enlightened interest to support the AANA Foundation because the Foundation’s work supports CRNAs both clinically and on a policy basis. The Annual Fund supports grants, fellowships, scholarships, workshops, awards, and poster sessions. In addition to the Annual Fund, the Foundation has embarked on a campaign to RISE Above…

7 Support the RISE Above Campaign
The RISE Above campaign raises funds for Health Policy Research – focused on large-scale research projects that prove that CRNAs are safe and cost effective anesthesia providers. RISE Above – an acronym for Research In Safety & Effectiveness.

8 CRNAs must RISE Above challenges and obstacles in the current healthcare environment, such as:
• barriers to practice • legislation that inhibits scope of practice • workforce competition • practice inefficiencies • inaccuracies about CRNAs • interdisciplinary communication barriers • health systems challenges • health insurance systems that don’t recognize CRNAs as providers It is important that CRNAs RISE Above challenges and obstacles in the current healthcare environment, such as: (read list) Visit to learn more.

9 Support research that highlights the value of CRNAs
The AANA Foundation has funded important research beneficial to all CRNAs such as “No Harm Found When Nurse Anesthetists Work Without Supervision By Physicians,” published in Health Affairs and “Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Anesthesia Providers” published in Nursing Economics. These two studies have been invaluable in debunking false claims that unsupervised CRNAs are not safe.

10 Past Health Policy Research Studies
Scope of Practice Laws and Anesthesia Complications: Negrusa B, Hogan P, Warner J, Schroeder C, Pang B (2016) Anesthesia Provider Model, Hospital Resources, and Maternal Outcomes: Needleman J, Minnick AF (2009) Anesthesia Staffing and Anesthetic Complications During Cesarean Delivery: Simonson D, Ahern M, Hendry M (2007) Surgical Mortality and Type of Anesthesia Provider: Pine M, Holt KD, Lou YB (2003) Other Health Policy Research studies include those listed above.

11 Rise Above supports the practice of every single CRNA in this country.
“RISE Above health policy research provides the evidence that all CRNAs--be they practitioners, educators, administrators or business owners--can use to justify and protect their practice and the patients who depend upon our services for access. The resulting completed studies, once published in peer review journals, represent scientifically vetted information that the safety, quality, and efficacy of CRNA anesthesia practice is equal to that of our competitors on all attributes. And often, CRNAs provide this high quality service with less cost to health care systems. I have walked into countless legislative and regulatory offices, and seen the dawning looks of comprehension on the faces of those present once they read the evidence. RISE Above supports the practice of every single CRNA in this country.” Charles A. Griffis, PhD, CRNA AANA Foundation Chair RISE Above Campaign Co-Chair Dr. Charles (Chuck) Griffis offers the following message as to why all CRNAs should support this campaign. (read)

12 The RISE Above Campaign was created to fund research to build a case for the ability of CRNAs to practice to their full scope. The research is used to promote the practice and justify the quality, safety and cost effectiveness of nurse anesthesia. To learn more and support this effort, visit If you haven’t done so already, please visit the website and support this campaign.

13 $1,364,000 To learn more and support this effort, visit
Cash and Pledges to Date Total Over: $1,364,000 To learn more and support this effort, visit I am pleased to announce that we currently have donations received totaling over $915,000 and pledges of over $1,307,000.

14 AANA Foundation Programs
Research Grants Student Scholarships “State of the Science” Oral and General Poster Sessions Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Fellowships Research Funding and Workforce Study Workshops Program Administrator’s Outstanding Student Researcher In addition to the RISE Above campaign, the AANA Foundation’s Annual Fund supports programs in education and research designed to help CRNAs enhance their professional growth.

15 AANA Foundation 2018 Awards
John F. Garde Researcher of the Year Tomas Ceremuga, PhD, CRNA The AANA Foundation offers several awards. The most prestigious awards for CRNAs are presented at the AANA Annual Congress: John F. Garde Researcher of the Year

16 AANA Foundation 2018 Awards
Rita L. LeBlanc Philanthropist of the Year Robin Naden-Semba, MSN, CRNA Advocate of the Year Desiree Mauppins, BSN, MSN, CRNA, APRN 2018 Awards continued: Rita L. LeBlanc Philanthropist of the Year Advocate of the Year Janice Drake CRNA Humanitarian Award Janice Drake CRNA Humanitarian Award Janet Dewan, PhD, MS, CRNA

17 Ways to Give Proof is Power Annual Fund Dues – Triple Crown Member –
Mail – Telemarketing Online – RISE Above Campaign Online - Other Giving Opportunities Scholarship Sponsorships Tributes and Memorial Gifts Friend for Life - Planned Gifts Amazon Smile Program- There are several ways individuals can contribute to the AANA Foundation. Charles Griffis, PhD, CRNA AANA Foundation Chair

18 Attend a Foundation Fundraiser
Annual Congress in Chicago, IL Sunday, August 11, 2019 Assembly of Didactic and Clinical Educators, Braselton, GA Thursday, February 20, 2020 Another way to support the Foundation is to attend a fundraising event. The AANA Foundation holds fundraising events each year at the AANA Annual Congress and the Assembly of Didactic and Clinical Educators. The CRNA-PAC holds their events at Mid-Year Assembly and Fall Leadership Academy. In this way we don’t have two major fundraising events taking place at the same meeting.

19 A Taste of Chicago - Champagne & Sports August 11, 2019 7pm-11pm
Our upcoming fundraising event, A Taste of Chicago – Champagne & Sports will be held at The Chicago Sports Museum and Harry Caray’s 7th inning Stretch in the Water Tower Place on Michigan Ave. Join us for a fantastic night out on the town that will include dinner, drinks, dancing, DJ, and access to all Chicago Sports Museum exhibits. Have fun while benefiting the AANA Foundation and its mission to support Nurse Anesthesia education and research! Date & Time: Sunday, August 11, 2019, 7pm – 11pm Attire: Dress to Impress! (cocktail attire) Tickets available at AANA Annual Congress Registration: $250 - CRNA Ticket  $125 - SRNA Ticket $25 - SRNA After 9pm Ticket (A limited number of After 9 Tickets will be available. We will offer a complimentary ticket for Student Advocates, but encourage them to encourage their classmates to purchase tickets asap. It was a hot ticket that sold out last year.)

20 Friends for Life Make a planned gift that will leave a legacy, and join a special group of Foundation supporters. For more info, contact Nat Carmichael at (847) or Another way to support the AANA Foundation is to become a Friend for Life. Ways to become a Friend for Life are: Putting the Foundation in your will or trust Starting a Gift Annuity with Foundation A gift of securities, real estate or other appreciated asset Making the Foundation a beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement account. The minimum gift level for those giving a specific cash amount is $25,000. 2018 Friends for Life

21 AANA Foundation Donor Recognition
Annual Giving Gem Levels Diamond $5,000 and greater Ruby $2,500 - $4,999 Emerald $1,000 - $2,499 Sapphire $500 - $999 Amethyst $250 - $499 Topaz $100 - $249 Donors are recognized at the gem levels listed in this slide. Donors are listed by gem level in the AANA Foundation Annual Report and Recognition booklet, on the AANA Foundation website, and gem level ribbons are given to donors to wear on their name badge at the AANA Annual Congress.

22 Wear the Triple Crown Be an AANA Member
Give $250 annually to AANA Foundation Give $250 annually to the CRNA-PAC The AANA, the AANA Foundation and CRNA-PAC recognize nurse anesthetists who are members of the AANA and donate $250 annually to both the Foundation and PAC as Triple Crown honorees. All cumulative donations of $250+ to the Foundation and PAC in fiscal year 2019, whether they are given along with your Dues payment or not, qualify for Triple Crown membership. Triple Crown Honorees are recognized at the Annual Congress and on the AANA website.

23 The Gertrude Fife Society
Honoring cumulative cash contributions Individual Levels Qualifying Range Legacy $250,000 and above Platinum $100,000 - $249,999 Gold $50,000 - $99,999 Silver $25,000 - $49,999 Bronze $10,000 - $24,999 Business Levels Grand Benefactor $1,000,000 and above Benefactor $500,000 - $999,999 Grand Sponsor $250,000 - $499,999 Sponsor $100,000 - $249,999 Supporter $50,000 - $99,999 State Association Levels Summa Cum Laude $1,000,000 and above Presidential Honors $500,000 - $999,999 Trustee Honors $250,000 - $499,999 Magna Cum Laude $100,000 - $249,999 Cum Laude $50,000 - $99,999 The Foundation’s most generous donors are recognized in The Gertrude Fife Society which honors cumulative cash contributions of $10,000 or more for individuals and $50,000 or more for businesses and state associations. Gertrude Fife The second AANA president, treasurer for 15 years, Journal editor for 12 years, Director of the Lakeside School of Anesthesia and Agatha Hodgins Award winner in 1978.

24 (Your State Here) State Advocates
AANA Foundation (Your State Here) State Advocates As your state Advocate, I am here to answer any questions you may have regarding the Foundation. Please note my phone number and address and feel free to reach out to me if you would like to support the Foundation or if you have any questions. (If you have another role with the Foundation, edit this slide and include your photo and contact info.) (Insert Name Here) State Advocate address (Insert Name Here) State Advocate address

25 (Your State Here) Student Advocates
AANA Foundation (Your State Here) Student Advocates (If you have Student Advocates in your state you can include them on this slide and duplicate the slide if needed.) In addition to State Advocates, the Foundation has a Student Advocate program offering students the opportunity to get involved in the profession by representing their nurse anesthesia program. Shown here are the Student Advocates in our state. (Insert Name Here) Student Advocate NA Program address (Insert Name Here) Student Advocate NA Program address

26 Contact:
AANA Foundation Staff Lorraine M. Jordan, CRNA, PhD, CAE, FAAN, AANA Foundation CEO and AANA Chief Research, Quality and Policy Officer Nat Carmichael, JD, Assistant Director Luanne Irvin, MS, Development Officer Bonnie Lowth, BA, Administrative Assistant Alyssa Fitzgerald, BA, Fundraising & Marketing Assistant Contact: or (847) The AANA Foundation staff members are also willing and available to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact the Foundation at the address or phone number above.

27 Again, thank you for making this grant possible.
As experts in the anesthesia and pain management, I firmly believe that CRNAs should be actively involved in the generation of new knowledge to address this critical problem. My long-term goal is to a build a program of research investigating chronic pain and train future CRNA scientists. Again, thank you for making this grant possible. - Edwin Aroke I’d just like to end today’s presentation with two quotes from Foundation grant and scholarship recipients. (read quotes)

28 Thank you so much for awarding me with an AANA Foundation Scholarship
Thank you so much for awarding me with an AANA Foundation Scholarship. I consider this an amazing honor and I am grateful there are so many CRNAs out there who want to give back to the profession… I have been shaped by so many CRNAs in the community including my instructors in my program and clinical sites, and those I have met at various AANA conferences. I am constantly humbled by the things I learn from other CRNAs and even SRNAs about their journey, and I feel blessed to be going into a career that has such strong connections. Nancy C. Cannon, BSN, SRNA

29 Thank you! Q & A This is where the official presentation ends and you can take questions or promote discussion.


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