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COM546 : Frameworks and Theories: Diffusion and Adoption

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1 COM546 : Frameworks and Theories: Diffusion and Adoption
Kathy E. Gill 27 January 2009

2 Theories (recap) (1/2) Scientific Humanistic Why: Discover the “truth”
Create meaning Values: Objectivity “Emancipation” Purpose: Determine universal laws Provide rules for interpretation

3 Theories (recap) (2/2) Scientific Humanistic Research Methods:
Quantitative: experiment, survey Qualitative: ethnography, textual analysis Judged by: Explains data Predicts future Testable hypothesis Practicality Explains human behavior Clarifies values Consensus Ability to reform society

4 Two Theories of Mediated Communication
Shannon-Weaver “Transmission model” or “hypodermic model Osgood & Schramm “Circular model” that stresses the social nature of communication

5 Thinking About Rogers and Christensen …

6 Linear innovation-diffusion theory
The process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. Rogers, 1995, page 5

7 Elements Innovation Social system Time Communications channels

8 Innovation An idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption

9 Communication A process in which participants create and share information with one another in order to reach mutual understanding

10 Time Source

11 Infographic credited to NYT

12 Social System A set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem-solving to accomplish a common goal. Members or units of a social system may be individuals, informal groups, organizations, and/or subsystems.

13 Innovation-Decision Process
The mental process through which an individual passes : from knowledge to forming an attitude toward the innovation (adopt, reject)

14 Rogers: Five steps of adoption
Knowledge Persuasion Decision (adopt or reject) Implementation Confirmation

15 Critical Mass Rogers (1995) : "the critical mass occurs at the point at which enough individuals have adopted an innovation so that the innovation's further rate of adoption becomes self-sustaining.”

16 Adopter categories Innovators Early adopters Early majority
Late majority Laggards

17 Forecast: US Household Technology Adoption, 2005-2010
Forrester Reports. July 2005, Data Overview “The State Of Consumers And Technology: Benchmark 2005”

18 The Five-Year Forecast: Household Devices, Access
July 2008 “Benchmark 2008: Forecast Growth Of Devices And Access In The US” The Five-Year Forecast: Household Devices, Access

19 The Five-Year Forecast: Personal Devices
July 2008 “Benchmark 2008: Forecast Growth Of Devices And Access In The US” The Five-Year Forecast: Personal Devices

20 More than 55% of households will have a DVR by 2011?
Source: Forrester’s North American Consumer Technology Adoption Study 2006 Benchmark Survey

21 Technological Innovations
Hardware - the tool that embodies the technology as a material or physical object. Software - the knowledge base for the tool

22 For additional thought …
Increasing capacity w/out adding wires (telegraph). Parallels today? Grey v Bell …. Jobs v Gates? …. ? v Google? What is today’s “railroad” sector? Price models: Bell’s renting the phone, IBM’s renting the mainframe, cellphone contracts … what do they have in common? Increasing capacity without adding wires – challenge from telegraph to telephone – challenge for broadband Parallels between grey and bell & andreesen and gates What is the corollary to the railroads re adoption of technologies today? Price models : bell’s “renting” the phone … IBM’s “renting” the computer … Constant software upgrades … Suppression of a patent

23 Thinking About Rogers and Christensen … we’ll talk about disruptive technologies

24 Credits Presentation by Kathy E. CC share-and-share alike, non-commercial use “S-curve” from view05/keycomms/

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