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New Student Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "New Student Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Student Orientation
The 1:1 Laptop Program in WJCC Welcome Parents!

2 1:1 Laptop Program Personalized Learning
The vision Increase student engagement in learning Promote innovation through student-centered product creation Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills for college and career Provide equitable access to technology

3 What to Expect In the classroom At home
Paperless note-taking, assignment completion, and assessments Review curriculum with web-based resources Create products to show content mastery using technology Videos, blogs, podcasts, presentations, and more At home Access to technology to complete assignments, review content, communicate with teachers Charge laptop for the next day

4 Microsoft Office 365 Web-based Accessible from any computer or device
Allows for online collaboration Students encouraged to save files to OneDrive Applications OneNote Outlook (mail) Word PowerPoint Teams And more! Microsoft Office applications are installed on the student computers, too!

5 OneNote at TMS Used in all English and Social Studies classes as a Learning Management System An online notebook with different sections Collaboration Space Content Library Teachers share content (read only) Individual Student Section Students complete assignments and assessments without paper Students see only their own section ALWAYS available online

6 Expectations Laptop loan agreement signed and returned
Acceptable Use Policy signed and returned Laptop used for school work only Laptop case is always on (grade 6 & 7) Bring laptop to kiosk for repair as needed Report missing laptops and chargers immediately to the media center Store laptop in a secure location Return laptop and charger in good working condition at the end of the school year (or earlier)

7 At Home Division firewall filters websites and keyword searches but does not replace parental supervision Your child’s planner has helpful information Computer username & password (hint) Student address Troubleshooting strategies Set ground rules for computer use Only used in common areas Charged, shutdown, and by the door at the end of the day Helpful internet safety information and more

8 Monitor Academic Progress
ParentVue Link posted on WJCC website See Guidance for activation code Open House: August 28 Or Monday – Friday, 7:00AM to 2:30PM Parents must have a form of identification

9 Questions?

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