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Regional Operations Forum How to Organize for Operations

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1 Regional Operations Forum How to Organize for Operations
Accelerating solutions for highway safety, renewal, reliability, and capacity Regional Operations Forum How to Organize for Operations

2 Organization What are we talking about?
Organize internally for effective conduct of TSM&O mission Functions, roles, and reporting Responsibilities, authority, and accountability Dotted line relationships External relationships formalized for effective collaboration Just want to make sure we are all on the same page when we discuss “organizational issues.” Org charts (as you know) do not tell the whole story, but we will be going there. Note: With TSM&O, we have internal organizational issues (agency wide and sub-units like regions/districts) There are also very important external organizational issues with the agency’s partners/collaborators in delivering TSM&O strategies: PSAs Local government MPOs Data suppliers Towing and recovery Out-source contractors doing engineering or other functions

3 What Needs to Be Organized?
Span of control: Align responsibility with authority Span of influence: Relationship/leverage over support functions Hierarchy: Manager in position to make trade-offs regarding performance Ways to coordinate key business process functions Real-time procedures and protocols Decentralization—HQ vs. districts roles: Need for “matrix reporting” Is TSMO truly a program? How to tell? Discussion item The next three slides are a basic summary of what we have learned from best practices. They are useful to take home when you are considering you own organization Discussion : Ask for comments

4 Question: How Important is Organization Structure?
Group Discussion (Hint: roles, responsibilities, authority, accountability, reporting, relationships) Is it obvious to you? Is it obvious to your non-TSM&O colleagues in the agency? What are the unique organization issues in TSM&O that are different from highway project development? Ask for volunteers Note from previous slide: Roles Responsibilities Authority (esp. re relationships with outside partners) Accountability (who to whom) Reporting (what and to whom) Relationships (vertical and horizontal within TSM&O arena With support functions (planning, maintenance)

5 Two Extremely Different Org Charts (1st)
This is the MD SHA CHART program It is set up as a separate statewide division/district reporting directly to the same person as all the districts (the chief engineer, deputy director)

6 Two Extremely Different Org Charts (2nd)
Washington State DOT TSM&O responsibility at the individual regional (district) level. There are several units that make up the regional, area TSM&O) and traffic engineering Ops units report to the Regional traffic engineer, who reports to the regional administrator (same level as other major activities) Not shown: signals maintenance unit also reports to traffic engineer

7 Discussion: Two Extremely Different Org Charts
Both states are considered to have good TSM&O programs. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each organization? What would be best suited to your situation? Questions: what can you tell from an org chart: limited centralized vs distributed functions/responsibilities (WashDOT includes many of the CHART functions at the Regional level) reporting relationship at district /at HQ. What does HQ do? relationships to support functions – planning, maintenance (coordinated at regional level) importance of dotted lines you can’t see (where is planning in WSDOT) Often org charts are designed Discuss: What can’t you see on an org chart: Hints: location of capabilities – unique, shared distribution of authority (and resources) and responsibilities – do they match? integrating operations into planning STIP, TIP) , maint., new project development

8 Innovative Strategy: Colorado DOT
CDOT Executive Director’s Charge (2013): Established division of TSM&O, division director Develop organization structure Strategic plan New units: Corridor Management, Incident Management, and Event Management Staffing assessment (needs, gaps, realign resources) Balance regional and HQ ops functions Realigned regional signal ops to report to TSM&O division Developing operations performance measures

9 Organization as Integral to All Agency Key Capabilities
CAPABILITY LEVELS FOR IMPROVING TSM&O EFFECTIVENESS DIMENSIONS Level 1 Performed Level 2 Managed Level 3 Integrated Level 4 Optimizing Business Processes Systems & Technology Performance Culture Organization/Workforce Collaboration You have seen the CMM matrix Remember there are dimensions and levels of capability As you know from the pre-ROF work and day one, organization and staffing (workforce) is one of those dimensions Question: How is organization/workforce related to the other dimensions Go to next slide

10 Question: How Do the Other Five Dimensions Affect (or Are Affected by) Organization?
Business Processes Systems & Technology Performance Culture Collaboration Identify the interdependence of any other dimension with organization? How do organization and staffing support inhibit improving any of the other dimensions of capability? Ask for volunteers Example: performance measurement and management Who develops the measures Who deploys the systems to collect data Who does the analytics Who uses the measures Who reports the measures

11 of Capabilities from ROF Participants
Self-Evaluations of Capabilities from ROF Participants DIMENSIONS LEVEL 1 PERFORMED LEVEL 2 MANAGED LEVEL 3 INTEGRATED LEVEL 4 OPTIMIZING Planning & Programming 5 7 3 Systems & Technology 4 6 Performance Measurement 1 9 Culture Organization/ staffing 2 Collaboration 11 Need to insert number of scores in this table before the module

12 Levels of Organizational Capability— An Exercise
What did you indicate as your agency’s current level of organizational capability? What will it take to get to the next level of capability? Note: You will also have an opportunity to discuss this with your own state colleagues on Friday morning. Note to instructor: Before this module is delivered , the instructor should consult the pre-ROF CMM survey and compile the level designations and enter them into the next slide You may wish to aggregate them by agency, but it really doesn’t matter for purposes of this exercise

13 Staffing Issues Does TSM&O have unique staffing requirements —professional/nonprofessional/field What are the needed core capabilities, i.e., the KSAs—management and technical? How can they be acquired? “Organizations are staffed” TSM&O is new. There is limited technical training, no special degrees and the needed capabilities are not widely understood See questions on slide – discuss each question Then proceed to next slide

14 Staffing Considerations
Position specifications (KSAs) and grade levels for key technical capabilities Acquiring the needed capabilities (engineering vs. operations: On the job training (who does it?) Outsourcing (if staff slots limited) Stealing (from other DOTs, consultants?) Recruitment and retention (external competition) Grade levels—are they attractive? Conditions of employment? ($$ & career opportunities) Training and co-training provided by …? Here are some considerations in staffing up Discuss each briefly Hints Where are you getting your staff (mostly in-house – are the positions attractive – to CEs, to others? Are staff grades, compensation and career opportunities competitive with other parts of the agency

15 Outsourcing: Threat or Opportunity?
What functions could be outsourced? Engineering and planning (ConOps, architecture, ITS systems design) TMC staffing Traffic data and analysis/modeling ITS device/communications/systems maintenance Safety service patrol Construction inspection How can you best manage performance? What core capacities must be in-house? What are you doing and why? There is definitely a trend It seems to be driven by: limited staff slots time for new hires lack of in-house technical skills Discussion: What else? What are the advantages/disadvantages, problems? What are the core capacities that must be retained in-house?

16 Discussion and Homework to Take Back
At what level do you think your agency is currently? Why did you select that level? What steps might be taken to get to the next level? What are the staffing challenges for TSM&O within your organization? Question: what are key actions to get to the next level as implied by the criteria These may be “guesses” from those at the average level or ideas based on experience from those above the average level It might be useful to track this discussion for reference during later slides

17 Main Points – Takeaway TSM&O has unique organizational requirements (vs. legacy) Includes functions not easily accommodated in legacy organizations No one best organization given differences in size/number of regions in state, scale of program Commitment to real-time customer service from leadership and other units Management recognition of special staffing needs—technical, managerial, and collaborative Criteria for effective organizations Link between responsibility and authority for key functions All units in agency need to understand/support real-time functions Reporting with accountability to monitor effectiveness

18 Resources SHRP 2 L06: Institutional Architecture to Improve Systems Operations and Management SHRP 2 L31: CEO/Executive Level Presentation on TSM&O and accompanying guide book AASHTO Systems Operations and Management Guidance online tool: Creating an Effective Program to Advance Transportation System Management and Operations Primer (FHWA-HOP ) The Primer in the last bullet provides a really good, succinct way to communicate a lot of what we have talked about this week relative to agency capability maturity and the concept of the CMM, and it highlights how to advance to next steps. We would encourage you to download this and share with some of your partners back at your home office to start some of the organization discussions.

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