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To Mrs. Patino’s Classroom!

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Presentation on theme: "To Mrs. Patino’s Classroom!"— Presentation transcript:

1 To Mrs. Patino’s Classroom!
Welcome Parents! To Mrs. Patino’s Classroom! Please don’t forget to sign the Attendance Sheet and fill out the How We Go Home sheet!

2 Meet the Teacher! FIU Graduate Bachelors in Early Childhood Education
Masters in Curriculum Development 13th year teaching at MGA Mom of two boys

3 First Day Procedures Arrival Procedures (Arrival time: 8:30 a.m.)
May walk child to classroom or drop off via car line If walking child to classroom, enter through walker’s gate Must exit the building by 8:45 a.m. through same gate DO NOT EXIT THROUGH MAIN OFFICE Dismissal Procedures (Dismissal time: 3:20 p.m.) No car line! Parents will park and enter through walker’s gate Students will be dismissed from classroom Please wait for teacher to mark off sign-out sheet before taking your child Bus students will be called down

4 Homework STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE for copying it from the board into their agendas. If they are absent, they are responsible for copying missed homework the next day. It will be checked/collected daily, and sometimes graded.

5 If a student is absent… Make sure you submit an excused note within 48 hours. Students are responsible for: Checking Absent Bin and taking any work with their name on it. Asking teacher/Attendance Monitor for missed work Copying missed Homework from board and completing

6 Home Learning/Presentation/Projects
Grading Scale Weighted Percentage Category Examples 40% Tests Multiple Choice Short answers Unit and Chapter Tests 25% Classwork Class assignments 15% Home Learning/Presentation/Projects Extension of a lesson Models Posters Research Multimedia 20% Quizzes/i-Ready Weekly i-Ready lessons Assessment

7 Classroom Economy Students pay rent for their desk.
Every student has a job with a salary. Fines and bonuses are earned. Every month salary is paid, rent is collected, and students can purchase items from the class bake sale. Need parent volunteers for bake sale!

8 Parent Portal Parents Login to Parent Portal
Enter username and password

9 Attendance Policy For every 3 unexcused absences a referral is given.
For every 10 excused absences a referral is given. For every 10 tardies a referral is given.

10 Only excused absences:
Student illness Death in family Medical appointment (doctor’s note preferred) Observance of a religious holiday (when it is mandated for all members of faith to observe holiday) School-sponsored event or activity Educational or enrichment activity that is not sponsored event (must be approved) Other individual student absence beyond control of parent or student, as approved by the principal.

11 Volunteer Hours The first thing you need to do in order to volunteer, is apply for volunteer clearance- YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE SCHOOL WITHOUT IT! If you plan on going to St. Augustine in May, you will need Level 2 clearance. You should be aware that if the parents do not complete the hours required, their child/children will not be registered at the school the following school year. All this information is stated in the Mater Gardens parent contract.

12 Volunteer Hours (cont.)
As usual, 30 volunteer hours are required per child, unless you have multiple children in the school, in which case only 15 hours are required for each additional child. Half of the volunteer hours should be completed by the end of the 2nd quarter.

13 How to become a volunteer
New parents: Go to Click on Parent Create a portal account Log in Click on Apps, Sites, Services Click on Be a School Volunteer Select school: Mater Gardens Academy Select Level 1 Old parents:

14 How to Accumulate Hours
Chaperone on a field trip Help during school activities such as the Hispanic Heritage event, spring carnival, etc. Donate supplies from Wish List for the classroom

15 Uniform Policy Pants or skorts: solid khaki or navy blue (no cargo pants or super skinny) Shirts: Polo short-sleeved shirts in white, gray, teal, and/or navy blue with school emblem. Shoes: Solid black (including soles and logos, no exceptions) closed toe sneakers, or Mary Janes with one strap. Ballerina shoes and TOMS are not permitted. Socks are solid white or black and worn at all times. Cold weather: Solid navy blue jacket (without brand logos). The undershirt must be school colors (white, turquoise, or navy blue). NO HOODIES!! Belt: Solid black There will be no exceptions to the uniform policy. Any student out of uniform will be sent to the office until they are in proper uniform. After 3 violations of not being in correct uniform the student will be issued a referral to administration.

16 Leader in Me 7 habits of successful people/students
Habit 1: Be proactive Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind Habit 3: Put first things first Habit 4: Think Win-Win Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood Habit 6: Synergy Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Students must have a Leader in Me binder!

17 Behavior Management Students will receive a monthly calendar where they will monitor their behavior (to keep in binder). Students start off the day on Green. After approximately three verbal warnings, students will be moved to Yellow. After that, students will be moved to Red. More than 3 Yellow days in the month will result in a B conduct grade. More than 3 Red days in the month will result in a C conduct grade or lower. Monthly conduct grades will be averaged for the Report Card

18 Communication Procedures
Always contact teacher first!! If not satisfied, I will direct you to the administrative team member who will be able to help you. Please do not contact administration until you have spoken with me first!

19 Testing Students will take the FSA Writing, FSA Reading, and FSA Math this school year (around April-May) FSA Parent Night will be announced later in the year. Arrange a parent-teacher conference if you would like to know how to help your child write the essay.

20 Class Monthly Magazine
Every month, students will submit an original writing piece to go in our Class Monthly Magazine (will be kept in our Class Library). It will be worth a project grade! It can be something students have worked on in class, or something they are asked to write! A rubric will always be attached that explains the expectations. We don’t want students to think writing is only about writing essays!

21 Reading Centers Students will be given a differentiated Centers Menu, which they will have two weeks to complete. It will reflect skills/concepts taught in class (Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar, Comprehension, Creative Writing, etc.) They will be given time to work on it daily, and can also work on it when they are finished with their work At the end of the two weeks, it will be collected and graded Absences, short weeks will be taken into consideration

22 AR (Accelerated Reader)
Students will need to meet their points goal quarterly in AR. This will be worth two grades: one for the percentage of the points earned and another for their quiz average They will keep track of their points and books read in “My AR Goal Tracker” log. They (and you) will see their monthly points and current quiz average in the “AR Book Log” which will be kept in their binder (You will sign this at the end of each month) Students should read an average of 20 minutes each day in order to reach their goal.

23 Cashless System ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE ONLINE THROUGH THE CASHLESS SYSTEM Deadlines are absolute; when the link expires, no further payments can be made! Please be aware of payment due dates and make sure you pay on time!!

24 Donors Choose Raising money to purchase 5 Chrome Books for our class
Project Title: Critical Thinkers Need Chromebooks! Will share through Class Tag Share with friends and family!

25 Technology/ Resources
i-Ready Accelerated Reader Brainpop

26 Reminders Cell phone / tablet use is not permitted during school hours unless authorized by teacher for instructional purposes. Smart watched are not allowed. Book bags with wheels are not allowed. Dismissal Procedures- Silent Dismissal will begin 2nd day If your child goes on bus, please fill in bus log. Parents are not allowed upstairs before or after school unless they have signed in and have a visitor pass.

27 Reminders (cont.) Students cannot leave 30 min. before dismissal time.
Purchase Agenda for $10 (MANDATORY) Make sure to indicate Allergies Active shooter drills Payments to be done online ONLY Must be signed up as volunteer by August 30th!

28 ITEMS AND DEADLINES (due August 30th)
Reminders (cont.) ITEMS AND DEADLINES (due August 30th) Lunch application Media Release Form Contact card Parent handbook acknowledgement Volunteer sign up Walkers application (if applicable)

29 How to contact Mrs. Patino
Class Tag A sheet with your class code will be given

30 Wish List Glade plug-in refills 1 white stool from IKEA Globe
Donors Choose donation!

31 Don’t forget to fill in:
Sign-in sheet Dismissal Log Parent Conference Log (if you would like to schedule a conference)

32 Questions??

33 We are going to have a fantastic year!!

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