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Caspian Environment Programme Investment and Donors’ Forum Islamic Republic of Iran presentation of priorities and commitments Presented By: Hamid Farahani.

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Presentation on theme: "Caspian Environment Programme Investment and Donors’ Forum Islamic Republic of Iran presentation of priorities and commitments Presented By: Hamid Farahani."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caspian Environment Programme Investment and Donors’ Forum Islamic Republic of Iran presentation of priorities and commitments Presented By: Hamid Farahani Rad 19 November 2004, Baku, Azerbaijan

2 National Caspian Action Plan Priorities for Intervention
Integrated Waste management (solid, liquid & hazardous) Watershed management Integrated Coastal Zone Management Sustainable Fisheries Management Sustainable Tourism/Ecotourism Ambient monitoring (IMS) Biodiversity Conservation Public Environmental Education & Awareness EIA & SEA enabling & capacity building

3 Relationship between NCAP & relevant national policies & plans for development
Country’s 20-year outlook (2025) 4th Five-Year National Development Plan (Umbrella Plan) and Provincial 5-Year Development Plans Environmental Strategies National Biodiversity Action Plan Forest Protection Plan Solid Waste Management Plan for Coastal Provinces Coastal Area Management Plan Marine Environment Conservation National Plan for River Pollution Management National Plan for Integrated Pest Management Public participation in development processes

4 Implementation Status of NCAP:
Finalized at NCAP Forum NCAP developed in cooperation with all relevant Ministries & different stakeholders Endorsed by the NFP who is bestowed ‘Full Power of Authority’ in connection with CEP by the Vice President (H. E. Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar) since 1998 Integrated into the 4th Five -Year National Development Plan Incorporated in the Development plans of Coastal Provinces Incorporated in the Relevant Ministries Action Plans

5 Allocated and Ear-marked Funds Department of Environment (2005 – 2009)
($12,650,000) Institutional Strengthening Contribution to the Caspian Environment Programme Wetlands and Protected Area Management National Biodiversity Action Plan Protection of western population Siberian Cranes and Their Habitats Improvement of Environmental Laboratories in Coastal Provinces Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Development Activities in Coastal Areas Environmental Awareness Programme in All Coastal Provinces Improvement of Environmental guarding Through Establishment of Guard Stations and Conducting Training programs

6 Allocated and Ear-marked Fund
Fisheries Co. (Shilat) ($8,411,000) Pollution Monitoring (Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Heavy Metals) $ 750,000 Hydrological Studies($ 1,875,000) Stock Assessments of Bony and Sturgeon Fishes ($ 936,000) Sefid-Roud Hydro-Biological Studies & Resource Assessment ($540,000) Limnological Studies in Major Rivers ($ 750,000) Eco -Toxicological Studies on Phoca caspius and Commercial Fish Spp. ($ 560,000) Population Control of Mnemiopsis leidyi Using Biological Means to Improve Kilka Fisheries ($ 500,000) Completion of Caspian Fish Gene Bank Reference Centre ($ 2,000,000) Commercial Species Breeding & Rearing ($ 500,000)

7 Allocated and Ear-marked Funds
International Sturgeon Research Institute ($5,195,000) Stock assessment and sturgeon tracking ($2,000,000) Sturgeon breeding and rearing ($1,060,000) Genetics, physiology and biochemistry of sturgeon ($ 955,000) Ecology, eco-toxicology and hygiene of sturgeon ($ 970,000) Processing technology of sturgeon products ($ 110,000) Data communication of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea ($ 100,000)

8 Allocated and Ear-marked Funds
Ministry of Energy ($3,550,000) Marine Data Information Centre and Environmental Monitoring ($750,000) Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energies in Rural Areas and Related Activities Establishing Biogas Units in Coastal Villages ($ 300,000) Determination of Pollution Sources, Pollution Control and Management Measures ($1,250,000) Enhancement of Meteorological Stations in Amirabad, Noshahr, Port of Anzali, and Neka ($225,000) Enhancement of Meteorological Information Centre ($175,000) Completion of the National Caspian Research Centre ($175,000) Determination of Self-Purification Potential of the Caspian Sea ($75,000) Preparation of Coastal Area Land-Use Plans ($350,000) Study of Climatic Vectors Governing the levels of Water sources in South Caspian Area ($ 250,000)

9 Allocated and Ear-marked Fund Ports & Shipping Organization
($ 5,050,000) Feasibility Studies and Construction of Reception Facility for Ship-generated Wastes ($ 3,000,000) Updating the Sensitivity Mapping of Coastal Areas ($ 100,000) Prevention, Control and Management of Alien / Invasive Species in Conjunction with Globalast Project ($ 700,000) Integrated Coastal Area Management Plan ($ 1,250,000)

10 Allocated & Ear-marked Funding by Ministry of Interior, Department of Environment
Local Government ($185,000,000) Establishing an Incineration Plant ($ 45,000,000) Solid Waste Management in Coastal Areas ($ 140,000,000)

11 Provincial Budget For coastal provinces
($ 96,000,000) Mazandaran Province $55,000,000 Protected Area Management; Fisheries; Forest Protection; Flood Prevention and Control; Environmental Research; Solid Waste Management; Urban Sewage Network Gilan Province $ 31,250,000 Environmental Protection; Protected Area Management; Fisheries; Rural Water Supply; Waste Water Management; River Management; Forest Protection Golestan Province $ 10,000,000 Waste Water Management; Environmental Protection Including Protected Areas Management; Industrial Waste Management in Minoodasht and Port of Gaz; Forest Protection; Flood Prevention and Control

12 Financial Requirements & Sources
Required Funds Grants Loans National / Provincial Investment Total Needed Budget Subject Area 96,000K 4,000K * 400,000K 500,000K Wastewater Mgmt. 55,000K 5,000K * 140,000K 200,000K Solid Waste Mgmt. - 3,200K * 2,000K 5,200K Sturgeon Research 50,000K 45,000K 100,000K Hazardous Waste 1,500K * 500K Regional cleaner Prod. Centre 1,000K 10,000K 90,000K Watershed Mgmt. * Capacity building, Awareness raising, Information & technology transfer

13 Financial Requirements & Sources
Required Funds Grants Loans National / Provincial Investment Total Needed Budget Subject Area 96,000K 4,000K * 500,000K Fisheries Genebank Reference Centre - 3,000K * 5,000K 8,000K Tourism & Ecotourism 1,500K 3,000K EIA / SEA Capacity Bldng 500K 2,000K Ambient Monitoring 700K * 300K 1,000K Economic Evaluation of Provincial Biodiversity * Capacity building, Awareness raising, Information & technology transfer

14 Financial Requirements & Sources
Required Funds Grants Loans National / Provincial Investment Total Needed Budget Subject Area - 1,000K 500K 1,500K Environ. Educ. 2,000K * 3,000K Rivers Rehabilitation Plan 2,000K Capacity Building Environmental Management System (Provincial) * Capacity building, Awareness raising, Information & technology transfer

15 Why Investment in Iran? More than 50% of the whole Caspian population lives on the Iranian coast Proximity to Population centres & Increasing Tourism and Recreation Strong Law enforcement Protecting Fisheries Ind. Ecologically important Location, Rich Biodiversity Strong government support for environmental protection projects and Conservation (National Environmental Fund) Considerable potential for private sector investment (tourism & agribusiness) with government support

16 Thank You For Your Attention

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