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Coverage of Single Entry Point (SEP)

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1 Coverage of Single Entry Point (SEP)
17th Meeting of the Working Group of Local Coordinators for Data Transmission 19-20 October 2006 Agenda Item 6 Coverage of Single Entry Point (SEP) Vincent TRONET 2

2 Purposes Report on progress coverage SEP
Measures taken to improve coverage Proposal for a detailed report by country to be produced each year

3 Background Objectives: 50% coverage SEP in 2006, 100% in 2008
Problem: eWA widely spread but eWP (for small data providers) late Nevertheless 50% coverage remains possible with NSI only

4 Measures already taken to improve coverage
Meetings in ESTAT (including participation to WG) Wide scope awareness in ESTAT (Eurostat Info) ESTAT Management meeting: ITSC, Directors meeting Missions in countries DTC barchart « new occurrences by country » STNE & GLC information Countries IT Management: ITDG Countries top Management: SPC position May 2006: Endorse data transmission strategy based on SEP & eDAMIS Committed all NSIs to use eDAMIS Last but not least: Local Coordinators should not hesitate to inform us when a dataset requested by ESTAT is not in eDAMIS

5 Coverage SEP by country (Report New dataset occurrences by country)
Total EU25 3 months 2006: 2897 Total EU25 3 months 2005: 2279 Increase on one year: +27% 50% SEP: 170 40% SEP: 136 Average EU25: 116

6 Average number of versions sent by country

7 Detailed yearly report by country
Purpose: inform each country about their current situation in order to: Increase the coverage of the SEP Suggest improvements More globally get feedback about the usage of our tools in order to: adapt them, adapt our overall strategy.

8 In practice One report sent to the Local Coordinator
In the first quarter of the year Refering to year N-1 and N-2 (to show evolutions) Comparing for each indicator, the country with EU25 average, maximum and minimum value Making reference to NSI and whole country Presentation of the global results at the first GLC of the year.

9 Possible sections Header country/NSI
Summary table with main indicators Detailed table with several sets of indicators Text to highlight interesting indicators for the country Annex-1: Table links datasets and CNA Annex-2: List of users in NSI Annex-3: bar charts & pie charts of the DTC Annex-4: table of data files received per country, dataset and type of format (see Annex-1 of GLC document) Annex-5: table with average number of versions received by country and domain (see Annex-2 of GLC document)

10 Main indicators Coverage SEP for country (%) Coverage SEP for NSI (%)
Label Year 2006 and 2005 figures Country Average EU25 Lowest EU25 Highest EU25 2006 2005 Coverage SEP for country (%) Coverage SEP for NSI (%) Total number of data files received at Eurostat SEP from country Total number of new dataset occurrences received from country Average number of versions received of dataset occurrences (%) Number of active users Share eWA on total transmissions (%) Share non proprietary format on total transmissions (%) Number of CNA with TCO in the country

11 Categories of indicators
Coverage (data files, dataset occurrences, NSI, country, domain) CNA and users Transmission tools used Format used Type of usage of tools and links users and datasets

12 New categories possible in the future
Results of validation process Respect of deadlines Respect of confidentiality (encryption confidential data) Way the data is transmitted (automatic, semi automatic, naming convention) Transmissions from ESTAT to partner countries

13 Conclusions & Questions
Coverage 50% of the SEP for last quarter 2006 possible for many countries (already reached for DE & NL) Report per country will most probably be produced in a light version at the beginning of 2007 (covering 2005 and 2006) Indicators/reports which will be kept are the ones: which can be produced with a sufficient reliability, For a reasonable cost Which are considered as with a high priority by parties involved in data transmission

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