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How to interview correctly

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1 How to interview correctly
Robin Huggins Director of Academy & Client Sevices MBN Solutions #MBNskills

2 By the end of this presentation you will be able to:
1. Understand the importance of research and preparation in the interview process. 2. Plan your day correctly – avoiding stress! 3. Prepare a series of questions designed to encourage a 2 way dialogue at interview. 4. Recognise simple body language and presentation techniques that will aid you on the day. 5. Know how to conclude the meeting – and follow up effectively. #MBNskills

3 Research and Preparation
1 Know the company – what they do, who they do it for – use Google news for recent information rather than historic facts. 2 Know who you are meeting – Linkedin is your friend! 3 4 Know what you are meeting to discuss – job spec, project detail, etc. 5 Know what’s written on your CV. Cross reference this information with what’s on the job spec. 6 Prepare examples of where you’ve used what they are looking for. 7 Prepare your own questions. #MBNskills

4 Your own questions This is the MOST important part of your preparation. The idea is to have a “2 way dialogue” as much as possible. To do this – you need to be able to ask your own questions. There are roughly 3 areas to focus on: - The company itself - The role or task or project you’ll be carrying out - The “softer” people, cultural or social elements This is a chance to demonstrate your analytical skills – and ensure you understand exactly what’s in store for you, should you be offered the job/project. Try to come up with about 10 questions – including some “curve balls”! #MBNskills

5 Timing is everything #MBNskills
Locate the building – then walk by and head off somewhere for a coffee/water/sit down – DO NOT SMOKE! Aim to arrive at the location of the interview AT LEAST half an hour before you are due to interview. Plan transport properly – make sure you’re not planning on getting the ONLY bus or train that arrives on time! Have back-ups. 10 minutes before interview – enter the building, switch off phone!!! Sit back down in reception until greeted, read any company brochures. Enter the building - ask to use the bathroom. Wash your hands, check your appearance and get your “game face” ON. #MBNskills

6 Presenting yourself/body language
Always look your very best. Dress appropriately to the situation. Take props (laptop, notebook, folder) with you if required. Practice handshake technique – first impressions count. Sit up straight, don’t cross arms (defensive gestures). Lean forward to show interest, smile! Listen with your eyes. 2 ears – 1 mouth always listen to what’s being asked. #MBNskills

7 Concluding the interview
“I’m very interested in the role/project/job so please get in touch with me if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss after today.” Any questions that you have prepared that weren’t answered already – ask them at the end Once you have all the answers that you are looking for thank the interviewer for their time As you rise to shake hands to leave always leave a positive lasting impression #MBNskills

8 Following Up Drop the interviewer/company an – thanking them for meeting you! Ask if there’s anything else they would like from you – references, examples, etc. Ask when you might expect feedback from them. Reiterate your interest in the role/position/project. Make sure you write SHORT s! If feedback doesn’t arrive in the time specified – chase them! Always take bad news on the chin. No doesn’t mean “forever.” #MBNskills

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