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7TH Grade Social Studies Mr. Eisenhardt

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Presentation on theme: "7TH Grade Social Studies Mr. Eisenhardt"— Presentation transcript:

1 7TH Grade Social Studies Mr. Eisenhardt
WELCOME! 7TH Grade Social Studies Mr. Eisenhardt

2 Contact Mass emails will be sent home periodically.
Always feel free to me with questions or concerns. Response time may vary, but 24 hours is generally the maximum.

3 What will my child be learning this year in social studies?
Engaging Content Deeper Understanding of Themes and Concepts Educational Technology Literacy Skills

4 How will my child be graded?
TESTS/QUIZZES 30/20=50% Long-Term Assignments(LTA) 20% Homework/Class work 25% Class Participation 5% TOTAL 100%

5 Absences Work that has been assigned the day of an excused absence is due the day after the student returns to school. Materials will be posted on the website. Students who miss class are strongly encouraged to come to extra help.

6 Website The website is updated daily and will allow both students and parents to see what topics are covered in class, handouts, and homework.

7 Extra Help Offered every Tuesday at 7:15 school in Room D-5 as well as the morning of an exam. Any conflicts will be addressed on a student to student basis

8 I anticipate a successful school year!
“History is a guide to navigation in perilous times…it is who we are.” -David C. McCullough

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