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Creating Learning Design Recipes: As Easy As ABC

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1 Creating Learning Design Recipes: As Easy As ABC
1. Acquire An organised proforma, set up within Microsoft Forms, collects and collates information from academics regarding good digital practice. MS Forms automatically feeds an Excel spreadsheet with the recipe information, stored in the cloud. Column headings are specifically labelled as criteria for the recipe. Promoting digital practice Sharing real examples of academic teaching practice from within the University to inform and inspire practical digital solutions to pedagogical challenges. 3. Circulate Recipes are published online on the Lincoln Academy of Learning and Teaching website alongside collated playlists of support materials. Recipes are shared under a Creative Commons license. 2. Build A template created using Adobe InDesign is populated directly from a .csv version of the Excel sheet. Object place-holders share the same names as the Excel column headings allowing pictures and text to be automatically imported. InDesign allows the multi-page document to be exported in a variety of ways, including an indexed eBook. Recipes can be printed individually or as a collection. Andy Beggan – Dean of Digital Education Dr Michael Shaw – Digital Education Developer @AndyBeggan @TheMolecularLab @UoL_LALT

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