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JavaNation Training Presentations

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1 JavaNation Training Presentations
Steaming Milk JavaNation Training Presentations

2 What is steamed milk? Milk exposed to high pressure steam
Made using espresso machines Steam is introduced gradually Turns into a smooth, silky beverage Requires skill and precision

3 Fill the jug Be sure milk is fresh Not too much Not too little
Fill to just below spout

4 Milk stretching Turn steam on
Submerge nozzle of steam wand just below surface of the milk Listen for a hissing sound Begin to spin the milk in a whirlpool motion

5 Milk spinning Should not hear hissing sound Tilt the jug slightly
Spin until milk reaches 140 degrees Fahrenheit

6 Rest Disperse any big bubbles Swirl the milk one more time
Milk should look like wet paint

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