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Fig. 1 Area and carbon distributions in SFs in the lowland Neotropics.

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1 Fig. 1 Area and carbon distributions in SFs in the lowland Neotropics.
Area and carbon distributions in SFs in the lowland Neotropics. (A and B) Percentages of modeled forest area (A) and AGC stock (B) in different land cover and forest age classes in 2008: cropland, pasture, forest ≤20 years (YSF), forest 20 to 60 years (MSF), forest 60 to 100 years (old SF), and forest >100 years (arbitrarily used as cutoff for OGF). (C) AGC stocks of YSFs and MSFs in 2008 (filled bars), and their net carbon sequestration from 2008 to 2048 (hatched bars). The total size of the bar indicates the total carbon stocks of those forests in Stacked bars are shown for five scenarios, where 100, 80, 60, 40, and 20% of the area are allowed to recover. The hatched yellow bar below the zero line indicates the carbon loss under these scenarios due to forest conversion to pasture or cropland in 2008, and the blue bar indicates the net sequestration potential of the different scenarios (carbon sequestration from 2008 to 2048 minus conversion-driven carbon loss in 2008). (D) Total AGC of YSFs and MSFs over the period 2008–2048 under different regeneration scenarios. (E) AGC of YSFs and MSFs in 2008, and their net carbon sequestration from 2008 to 2048 given 100% recovery, for each country separately. The total size of the bar indicates the total carbon stocks (AGC) of those forests in (F) Total AGC of YSFs and MSFs from 2008 to 2048 for the four countries with the largest carbon sequestration potential in naturally regenerating forests (see table S2 for more details). Robin L. Chazdon et al. Sci Adv 2016;2:e Copyright © 2016, The Authors

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