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Welcome to the Club Officers Training Program – Sergeant At Arms

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Club Officers Training Program – Sergeant At Arms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Club Officers Training Program – Sergeant At Arms
Presented By: A person who believes in his saying, “To become a great leader, first become a great team player!!” Inception of becoming a great leader…

2 AGENDA Role Description Role Responsibilities Case Studies
Before the meeting Upon arrival at the meeting During the meeting After the meeting At the Executive Committee meeting Case Studies Tips N Tricks Self-Evolution


4 Role Description Inception of becoming a great leader…

5 Who is the SAA? According to TI:
“The Sergeant at Arms is responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation, and hospitality. The Sergeant at Arms chairs the social and reception committee.” According to Me: “The Sergeant at Arms is the organizer, the ribbon cutter, the bottle opener, the first and last impression of a meeting.”

6 Responsibilities of the SAA
Inception of becoming a great leader…

7 Logistics SAA Kit Contact details of members & various SPOCs Gavel
Ribbons Feedback Forms Ballots/Voting Slips Timer Flags Registers Lectern* Microphones* Stationery Contact details of members & various SPOCs

8 Before the meeting Confirm room reservation
Ensure there are club supplies Role player requirements Prepare your opening Speech Titles Share Theme to TTM and Grammarian Collect the WOD and IOD from Grammarian* Knowledge of all the roles Optional: Circulate the nomination link regularly Optional: Create an invite for the internal guests

9 Upon Arrival at the meeting
Reach at least minutes before the meeting starts Remind the role players Setup the room Gavel, Ribbons, Registers, Stationery Ballots and Feedback Form Prepare the Board Check the AC Arrange Tables and Chairs Projector* Promotional Material* Greet the guests

10 During the meeting Welcome and greet the audience
Announce the club name and meeting number Declare the meeting as open Set the 3 golden ground rules Introduce the Presiding Officer* or the TMOD Sit near the door to welcome late arrivals Prevent interruptions Coordinate food service Collect ballots and tally votes for awards* Pass the attendance and feedback* register

11 After the meeting Short-term (on a regular basis):
Book the next meeting venue in advance Ensure there are enough supplies Return the room to its original configuration Pack up all materials and store them in a safe place Pick up and dispose of any stray items or trash Long-term (requires planning): Arrange for a replacement Prepare a successor for office

12 At the Executive Committee meeting
Book a venue to conduct the EC meetings Arrange for the necessary logistics Share the upcoming venues based on the meeting dates Update the EC on the shortage in supplies

13 Connectivity with other EC Officers

14 CASE STUDIES Inception of becoming a great leader…

15 CASE STUDY – 1 Date of the Meeting: 25th of May, 2018 Time of the Meeting: 12:00PM to 1:15PM In today’s meeting you have all the roles filled. You have 3 speakers and following are their CC projects: CC2, CC8 and CC10. The CC2 speaker has informed that he will be using a chair. The CC10 speaker has requested to provide a whiteboard/flipchart. What are the additional things that you need to plan for this meeting as the SAA?

16 CASE STUDY – 2 Congratulations!! Your club’s VP-PR is doing an amazing job. She informed the EC that there are 15 members who are going to attend your meeting from TCS along with a few District officers. In addition, she also mentioned that a lot of freshers are showing interest to attend this meeting. What are the additional things that you need to plan for this meeting as the SAA?

17 CASE STUDY – 3 You are the SAA of your club. Unfortunately you were tied up with a lot of work for the past few days before the meeting and did not get a chance to speak to any of the EC officers. On the day of the meeting, you came directly to the venue 10 minutes before the meeting commencement. Based on the above situation, what are the things that may go wrong and could have been easily rectified?

18 CASE STUDY – 4 You are the SAA of your club. In most of the meetings you find that the guests have a tendency to come late. In addition, you found a member taking a call and another club member and an external Toastmaster (member of another club) connecting after a long time, during the proceedings of the meeting. Based on the above situation, what are the things that may go wrong and could have been easily rectified?

19 CASE STUDY – 5 As the SAA of your club, you act as the first impression of a meeting and also as the store-keeper of various materials. The most common feedback that you get are mentioned below: a. Your openings are monotonous b. There is always a shortage of some material What are the steps that you are going to take to work on the feedback provided?

20 CASE STUDY – 6 You are the SAA of your club. One of the primary responsibilities of the SAA is to book the venue. It so happened that two days before your club meeting there was a client visit and they required your venue. What are the next set of actions that you are going to take to ensure the smooth execution of your club meeting?


22 TIPS N TRICKS Inception of becoming a great leader…

23 Tips Attend district-sponsored Club Officer Training Program
Meet with outgoing EC, especially the SAA Meet with current EC Introduce yourself to key stakeholders Always be prepared for any hiccups Always have the phone numbers of key stakeholders handy Special/Joint/Area/Division Meetings

24 Club Mission We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

25 Self-Evolution

26 Discover the NEW you!! I believe this role will teach you to be a few Steps Ahead of All !!

27 Thank you. All the best !!

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