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Tech Terms PLTW Vocabulary Set #6.

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Presentation on theme: "Tech Terms PLTW Vocabulary Set #6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tech Terms PLTW Vocabulary Set #6

2 #1 Android An open source Linux based mobile operating system designed by Google for smartphones and tablets.

3 #2 Bandwidth The amount of data, instructions, and information that can travel over transmission media.

4 #3 Blue-Ray A more expensive DVD format that has a higher capacity and better quality that standard DVDs.

5 #4 Booting The process of starting or restarting a computer or mobile device.

6 #5 Browser Software that enables users with an Internet connection to access and view webpages on computers or mobile devices.

7 A list of all the websites you have visited over a period of time.
#6 Browsing History A list of all the websites you have visited over a period of time.

8 #7 Cloud Storage An internet service that provides users the ability to save files remotely.

9 #8 Computer Technician Employee who installs, maintains, and repairs hardware and servers; installs, upgrades, and configures software.

10 #9 Conferencing Software
Software that includes tools that enable users to share documents via online meetings with other connected users.

11 #10 Copyright Exclusive rights given to authors, artists, and other creators of original work to duplicate, publish, and sell their materials.

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