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Leadership Levels.

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1 Leadership Levels

2 Leadership The act of inspiring subordinates to perform and engage in achieving a goal. Unlike management, leadership cannot be taught, although it may be learned and enhanced through coaching or mentoring

3 5 Levels of Leadership Author John C. Maxwell in his book The 5 Levels of Leadership describes that there are 5 distinct Levels of Leadership – Position, Permission, Production, People Development, Pinnacle. The next few slides describe those levels.

4 The 5 Levels of Leadership – By John C. Maxwell

5 Level 1 Position This is the entry level of leadership. The person's job title is their influence. People follow because they have to follow.

6 Level 2 - Permission People follow in this leader because they want to. They allow the person to lead them. Relationships are built.

7 Level 3 - Production People follow these leaders because of the results they can and have created. They get things done.

8 Level 4 - People Development
People follow these leaders because of their ability to empower others. By empowering others they are able to reproduce those same results.

9 Level 5 - Pinnacle These are the leaders that develop level 4 leaders. They create legacies. People follow them because of who they are and what they represent. Level 5 leaders transcend their position in their organization and industry.

10 Level 5 Leadership In his book Good to Great, Author Jim Collins defines level as the highest level in the hierarchy of executive capabilities. The hierarchy being – Highly Capable Individuals, Contributing Team Member, Competent Manager, Effective Leader, Level 5 Executive

11 Good to Great by Jim Collins

12 Level 5 Executive This type of Leader builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will. These leaders channel their ego needs away from themselves and into a large goal of building a great company or organization Their ambition is first and foremost for the institutions, not themselves. Excerpts from Good to Great


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