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Evaluating Sources and Annotations

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Sources and Annotations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Sources and Annotations
Week Three.One Evaluating Sources and Annotations

2 Lesson Objectives Identify fused (run-on) sentences
Discuss Research Critically Evaluate a Source Write an Annotation Lesson Objectives

3 Tips for Fused Sentences
Find the main subject and verb. If there are more than one main subjects and verbs, you might have a fused sentence. To fix: Add a period, and separate. Use conjunctions/punctuation marks to make a complex sentence. Semi-colon or comma? And, So, For, But, Or, Yet, Therefore, However, Until, Because, That, etc. Vary sentence length. Tips for Fused Sentences

4 Practice Correct the following sentences:
We knew which car we wanted to buy we went to the dealer to buy it. The safe is empty the butler is gone. The current was swift he could not swim to shore. She doubted the value of meditation she decided to try it once. Practice

5 Researching Think about the following questions:
On a scale of 1-10, with ten being awesome, how was your research experience? Explain. What were your expectations versus what actually happened? What do you wish you had known about the research process before starting this project? Researching

6 Evaluate a Source Consider the following points: Author’s credentials
Journal’s credentials Date of publication (Currency and Relevancy) Source’s accuracy Citations and Research Evaluate a Source

7 Write a summary of your favorite movie/TV show AND your least favorite movie/TV show.
Evaluate them, based off of objective qualifications. Annotation Exercise

8 Annotations Two parts: Summary: Key Points, Thesis, Strong Quote
Evaluation: Relevance, Accuracy, Quality Annotations

9 Homework Wednesday, 6/18: Wednesday, 6/18: Brief Assignment Three
Draft of BA 3 Outline for Draft 1.1 Homework

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