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Years 1/2 Hamilton, Backshall and Banksy

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1 Years 1/2 Hamilton, Backshall and Banksy
Hamilton Class Teacher: Mr De-Keyzer (Phase Leader) Teaching Assistant: Mrs Stevens Backshall Class Teacher: Mr Townsend Teaching Assistant: Mrs Stokes Pixies Class Teacher: Miss Simpson Teaching Assistant / Cover supervisor: Mrs Marriott

2 Topics Term 1 & 2– Identity and Diversity
Term 3 & 4 – Globalisation and Interdependence Term 5 & 6 – Social Justice and Equity Where possible we link English in with our Topics.

3 Timetable English - Phonics/Spelling, Guided Reading and Maths lessons are in the morning. Topic and Science work is in the afternoon as well as PE, Computing, RE and Art & Design Technology.

4 Homework Homework sheets are given to all of the children at the beginning of every term. There will be a number of tasks on this and these will be stuck into reading records. These can be done in any order. Reading should be signed, and the title of the book recorded. Children are expected to complete one homework task per week and return it to school by the Thursday. Homework can be completed on paper, submitted via seesaw or be completed verbally, with a signature and date on the homework sheet when it is returned.

5 Homework Homework in KS1 should take around half an hour to complete and reading should take place daily. If after this time the work is not completed, it is not compulsory to finish the task – hand it in as it is. KS1 homework tasks are designed to be done with adult support, although we like to see what the children have done, rather than what parents have done for them.

6 Reading & Guided Reading
Children will be reading every day independently in class before school starts & after lunch. Children will be read to daily alongside completing guided reading which will encompass a number of activities. Library books can be changed as frequently as children want to, but we will provide dedicated time for children to change them.

7 Phonics/Spelling Phonics/spelling will be built into English lessons and writing developed alongside this. We will continue to follow the Monster Phonics programme, with children going to different groups depending on the sounds they are studying.

8 Before and After school routines
Lunch boxes are to be put on the lunch box trolleys. Lunch box monitors will be in charge of moving these to the correct place. Children are dismissed from the classroom onto the playground at the end of the day. Their teacher will wait by the classroom door. Children will have both reading records and contact books at the beginning of term. Parents are welcome to just use reading records for communication or can utilise contact books alongside these.

9 How you can help your child at home.
Read as frequently as possible. Ask them questions about what they are reading to develop their inference and deduction skills. This will also develop fluency & expression. Play mental maths games to develop faster addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.

10 What to do if you have a concern or problem
First, speak to the class teacher. They are often available after school. The office can always arrange an appointment if they aren’t available. (It is always helpful to let the office know why you want to speak with the teacher so they can pass this on in advance of your meeting). You can meet with the phase leader if you feel the matter has not been resolved. If you still feel the matter has not been resolved, you can make an appointment to meet with a senior member of staff. We now ask all parents when making an appointment to see a senior member of staff to provide the following information prior to the appointment. The reason Any other staff already spoken to about the issue If the matter remains unresolved (which we hope is very unlikely) then you should write your concerns down and send the letter to Mrs Thomas and an appointment will be made to see her. e

11 Other events PE – Hamilton – Monday and Thursday
Backshall – Monday and Tuesday Banksy – Monday and Thursday Reminder for correct PE kits for lessons Parent’s Evening: Early November Keep your eye on the website for all the latest news, homework, more detailed information and dates for your diary.

12 Seesaw

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