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Instructions - Delete this first page

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1 Instructions - Delete this first page
All accepted applications will be required to complete a 3 minute presentation to the ISPF Panel (up to 10 members). The 3-minute presentation will be followed up by 5 minutes for the Panel to ask any question or provide additional comments Use this template as one option on how to structure your PowerPoint. It is encouraged to add visual and modify PP as you see fit as long as you keep it to a 5-page max (including title page) The top judging criteria will based on your Innovation, Budget, and Plan so make sure you cover these points Remember to dress professionally and look like a team when coming to the presentation

2 Team Members School and Program
Project Title Research question being addressed Team Members School and Program

3 Project Description and Innovation
Provide some background on your project, what you are looking to do, and why is this innovative.

4 Project Plan What stage of the project are you current at and what do you need to do to get to the project objectives. Gantt Charts, milestone, or other visuals, can be used to convey your plan.

5 Budget Give a overview of your budget, feel free to use tables, graphs, or any other visuals to help the panel understand what you are spending money on and why it’s needed.

6 Summary and Expected Impact
Highlight again your innovation and what you expect to accomplish during this project. How does this impacts your school, community, project sponsor, etc.

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