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Evolution Where we came from….

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution Where we came from…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution Where we came from…

2 Evolution Part 1 What is DNA’s role?

3 What is DNA? Double helix of nucleotides
Nucleotide - phosphate- sugar backbone - Nitrogen bases (A-T, G-C)

4 Function of DNA DNA holds the code for making proteins
DNA knows the exact order the Amino Acids need to go in to make specific protein

5 What happens if DNA changes?
Start with this DNA strand Change it into RNA The RNA will tell what order the AA will be in Change a base in the DNA RNA will now look like now The AA order will look like this now

6 Effect of DNA Change A new protein is produced
Proteins have many functions It may have been a protein for pigment (colour) Instead of camouflage now the organism is bright red!

7 What to know Theory of evolution
describe the five agents of evolutionary change: Mutation genetic drift gene flow non-random mating natural selection

8 The Theory of Evolution:
Life on Earth has changed over time Descent with modification-Passing on genes from parents with changes Modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms

9 Genes and Evolution Chromosomes structure that contains DNA
Genes specific region of chromosome that carry the information to produce a specific protein Ex) Eye colour Alleles are variations of genes Ex) Blue, green, brown or red eyes

10 Mutation Changes in DNA This affects the proteins that are produced
Mutation in the hair colour DNA can change this Into this

11 Genetic drift the change in the frequency of an allele in a population due to random sampling

12 Gene flow the transfer of alleles or genes from one population to another.

13 Non-random mating occurs when the probability that two individuals in a population will mate is not the same for all possible pairs of individuals An organism is more likely to mate with another within their community (inbreeding) dark plumage in American Robin indicates reproductive performance

14 Natural selection Gradual mechanism where “traits” become more/ less common based on the fitness of organism Ie) Survival of the fittest- most favorable organisms survive to reproduce


16 ADAPTATION is any genetically controlled characteristic of an organism that increases its fitness (ability to survive and reproduce)

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