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Death Death To a child - death has much mystery about it

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1 Death Death To a child - death has much mystery about it
As we learn more – much that is still unknown We wonder What is it like to die? What do we know after we die? Do we recognize one another after death? What happens to the soul immediately? Etc….

2 What Happens After Death?
What Do We Know About What Happens After Death?

3 What Happens After Death?
What Do We Know About What Happens After Death? There is Life After Death

4 There is Life After Death
Matt. 22:32 1. God is not the God of the dead - but living. 2. God is the God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob 3. Therefore: Abraham, Issac & Jacob - are living! Matt. 17:3 – Moses & Elijah Heb. 9:27 – After death = judgment Luke 16:19-ff – Rich man & Lazarus

5 What Happens After Death?
What Do We Know About What Happens After Death? There is Life After Death Where the Dead Go

6 Where the Dead Go Death = separation

7 Ecc. 12:7 “Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it.” Jas. 2:26 “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

8 D E A T H Hades (Back to God) In the Grave (Return to Dust) Spirit
Body & Spirit Body In the Grave (Return to Dust)

9 Where the Dead Go Death = separation Term “Hell”

10 “Hell” Sheol: (Heb) - “Unseen state” - Psa. 139:8
Hades: (Grk) - “realm of the dead” Translated: “Hell” & “Hades” (Acts 2:27, 31; Lk. 16:23; Mt. 16:18) Tartarus (Grk) - “abode of the wicked dead” (2 Pet. 2:4) Gehenna: (Grk) - “where the wicked after death suffer punishment” - Mk. 9:43

11 Where the Dead Go Death = separation Term “Hell” Realm of the dead

12 Hades “...properly, unseen, i.e. "Hades" or the place (state) of departed souls:--grave, hell” (Strong’s).

13 “…the region of departed spirits of the
lost (but including the blessed dead in periods preceding the Ascension of Christ). Is has been thought by some that the word etymologically meant the unseen (from a, negative, and eido, to see), but this derivation is questionable; a more probable derivation is from hado, signifying all-receiving… “It never denotes the grave, nor is it the permanent region of the lost; in point of time it is, for such, intermediate between decease and the doom of Gehenna” (W. E. Vine).

14 J Hades U D D E G A M E T N H T Great Gulf R E S U Paradise
C T I O N J U D G M E N T D E A T H Hades Paradise Jesus, Thief, Lazarus Luke 23:43; 16:22 Acts 2:27, 31; Matt. 16:18 Great Gulf Tartarus Rich Man, Angels Luke 16:23; 2 Pet. 2:4-9 Jude 6; Luke 10:15

15 Jesus Acts 2:27, 31 Luke 24:43 Not Here John 20:17
Hades (Paradise) Is Not Heaven Hades - Paradise Jesus Acts 2:27, 31 Luke 24:43 Heaven Not Here John 20:17

16 J Hades U D D E G A M E T N H T Great Gulf R E S U Paradise
C T I O N J U D G M E N T D E A T H Hades Paradise Go to heaven Jesus, Thief, Lazarus Luke 23:43; 16:22 Acts 2:27, 31; Matt. 16:18 Great Gulf Tartarus Go to hell Rich Man, Angels Luke 16:23; 2 Pet. 2:4-9 Jude 6; Luke 10:15

17 What Happens After Death?
What Do We Know About What Happens After Death? There is Life After Death Where the Dead Go Awareness & Knowledge After Death

18 Awareness & Knowledge After Death
Luke 16:19-31 Real story or only a parable? What difference does it make? Not called a parable If were a parable – still teaches the same Some of the elements of story are real: Abraham (v. 23) Moses & prophets [Law] (v. 29) If these are real – why not the rest?

19 Awareness & Knowledge After Death
Luke 16:19-31 Real story or only a parable? Is awareness & knowledge after death V. 23 – torments (knows were is) – saw V. 24 – recognized & talked to Abraham V. 25 – Abraham responded – appealed to memory Vv – aware family still living V. 30 – knows he is dead V. 31 – able to be reasoned with

20 What Happens After Death?
What Do We Know About What Happens After Death? There is Life After Death Where the Dead Go Awareness & Knowledge After Death Can’t Know Eternal Destiny of All

21 Can’t Know Eternal Destiny of All
Can know we have eternal life (1 John 5:13) Can have hope for others we know are faithful (1 Thess. 4:13-18) Can know those that do not obey will be lost (2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 21:8; Gal. 5:19-21) God’s word is plain – yet… Say, “in a better place now” – Say, “R.I.P.”

22 Can’t Know Eternal Destiny of All
Can know we have eternal life (1 John 5:13) Can have hope for others we know are faithful (1 Thess. 4:13-18) Can know those that do not obey will be lost (2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 21:8; Gal. 5:19-21) We can’t know all that God knows God knows the secrets (Rom. 2:16) God knows all one has done (2 Cor. 5:10)

23 BE CAREFUL “I know they are in heaven.”
“If any one will go to heaven, she will.” “My loved one is in a better place now.” R.I.P (Rest in Peace) “Don’t whittle on God’s end of the stick.”

24 What Happens After Death?
What Do We Know About What Happens After Death? There is Life After Death Where the Dead Go Awareness & Knowledge After Death Can’t Know Eternal Destiny of All

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