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Compare today to fifteen years ago:  Faster paced or slower?  More complex or simpler?  More change or less?

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Presentation on theme: "Compare today to fifteen years ago:  Faster paced or slower?  More complex or simpler?  More change or less?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare today to fifteen years ago:  Faster paced or slower?  More complex or simpler?  More change or less?

2 “…things are no longer in their place. Our previous ways of explaining the world and relationships…no longer appears to work… Things we thought would never happen…we are experiencing now, and we dare not even imagine the future. That which appeared normal to us – family, the Church, society and the world – will probably no longer seem that way. We cannot simply wait for what we are experiencing to pass, under the illusion that things will return to being how they were before.” [ Pope Francis at Basilica of St John Lateran, 16 September 2013]

3 Welcome to the 21 st Century…

4 Some Catholic “VUCA”: 50% of Catholic teenagers no longer identify as Catholic a decade later [Smith] 22% The number of Catholic schools in the U.S. fell by 22% between 2000 and 2018 34% decline in number of priests and women religious since the year 2000 6:1 Of adults who change religion, Catholicism attracts 1 convert for every 6 who leave [Pew]

5 “Getting comfortable with the reality of being uncomfortable….”

6 Time for a new culture of leadership: A culture where everyone leads, that is, where each person feels a leadership opportunity and responsibility. Living our baptismal promise! Better leadership skills: the “Moses” problem A “one team” mindset: focused on generating solutions, not in scapegoating other Catholics Highly entrepreneurial: willing to try new approaches Accountable for outcomes; monitor success and failure A daily habit of reflection: nourished by prayer Courageous yet humble: calling upon the Spirit’s gifts

7 Everyone leads… “it is necessary to improve pastoral structures in such a way that the co-responsibility of all the members of the People of God in their entirety is gradually promoted…This demands a change in mindset, particularly concerning lay people. They must no longer be viewed as “collaborators” of the clergy but truly recognized as “co-responsible”, for the Church's being and action.” [Pope Benedict XVI]

8 If we get the first three above 90%...the fourth will start rising! 1.I feel invited and encouraged to participate in parish ministry = 47% (percent in pews who “strongly agree”) 2.Clear to me how to become more involved in parish ministry = 32% 3.Parish leaders encourage me to explore my vocation within the parish = 26% 4.I am interested in becoming more involved in ministry of my parish = 22% [Zech, Gautier, Gray]

9 Creating a “leadership mindset” among congregants who think of themselves as, “leaders of leaders, people who are disciplers, mentors and supervisors to newer lay leaders and lay ministers.” [Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian]

10 An Entrepreneurial Culture: Agility/Innovation/Growth: Healthy individuals, teams, and organizations are continually learning and growing; moreover, people are encouraged to innovate, create, and be open to change. Agile cultures empower people with a bias for action and an urgency to move forward… [Senn Delaney, Seven Dimensions of Healthy Culture]

11 Inner freedom from: Our own pride The fear of making a mistake The fear of trying something new Our attachment to the way everyone else has been doing it, or the way it has always been done before Our own ego needs to protect status, control Our own sinful attachments: greed, power, etc

12 What career records does Kobe Bryant hold? Most points? Most MVP awards? Most steals? Most assists?

13 BE FREE from inner fear of failure! Most points? Most MVP awards? Most steals? Most assists? MOST MISSED SHOTS!!

14 “You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take.” - Wayne Gretzky

15 How do we build momentum? Start creating a new culture of leadership: explain the need to fellow parishioners, create a burning platform, call others to lead! Build a “guiding coalition” to help lead the change Be entrepreneurial: do a “Gretzky audit” Be accountable! Track results Look for the “easy wins”: start with simple, proven ideas, or initiatives likely to bear fruit (e.g. “becoming more welcoming” as an initiative). IT’S OKAY TO HAVE FUN ALONG THE WAY!

16 “Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying… ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” [Mary Anne Radmacher] 16

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