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Quinton Township Board of Education

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1 Quinton Township Board of Education
Budget Public Hearing April 25, 2019

2 Mission Statement We, the collective members of the Quinton Township School and its community, aspire to provide every student with access to equal educational opportunities. In order to realize this mission, our teachers and staff pledge to serve as advocates who:   *provide a caring, safe, nurturing environment. *establish a challenging and diverse learning climate in which every student's needs are met, exceeded, and supported. *embrace high expectations that all children can flourish as successful learners. As a result of our advocacy, we aspire to develop students who: *demonstrate advanced proficiency in accordance with the Core Curriculum Content Standards. *are self-motivated life-long learners. *understand the perspective of others despite their differences. *exhibit mutual respect while collaborating to achieve a goal. *are empowered learners who can thrive in an ever-changing global society. This mission is embodied in the philosophy that school is not just about children; it encompasses families, parents, community, stakeholders, society, the environment and the world.

3 Budget Goals Maintain status in Salem County as a High Achieving School District. Maintain a teaching staff that provides effective coverage of all mandated CCCS and CCSS for both regular and special education populations. Maintain administrative staff to provide continued support for instructional improvement, student safety and a positive and productive learning environment. Maintain our paraprofessional staff to meet Special Education, Basic Skills, and Early Childhood needs in a cost effective manner. Maintain our school building and property.

4 Our Budget Supports... Staffing Levels & Programs Including
Part-time Special Education Teacher (2.5 days a week) Part-time Gifted and Talented Teacher (2 days a week) Full day Preschool and Kindergarten Programs Mandated Support Services (CST, I&RS, BSI, Counselor) Full Range of Special Area Programs including Art, Music, Spanish, Physical Education, Health (Gr 6-8) & Computers Continued Support of the Revised Teacher Evaluation System (AchieveNJ) Professional Development Phonics First/Response to Intervention Program After-School Support Programs (Homework Center, Math Tutoring, Literacy Tutoring) Curriculum and Materials that are current & aligned with CCSS 21st Century/College and Career Readiness: One-to-one Chromebook initiative for Grades 3-8 iPads for Grades PreK-3

5 Where does the money come from?

6 Revenues for the Past 3 Years

7 2019-2020 State Aid Total Increase in State Aid $11,917 0.003% 2018-19
Inc/(Dec) General Fund Aid $3,530,041 $3,550,445 $20,404 Special Revenue Aid $48,300 $41,994 ($6,306) Debt Service Aid $97,307 $95,126 ($2,181) Total State Aid $3,675,648 $11,917 Assessment for Debt Service on SDA Funding ($36,143) $0 Grand Total Aid Payable $3,639,505 Now let’s review our State Aid for the School Year. You will notice increases in General, Special Revenue, and Debt Service. The overall increase is 5%. Total Increase in State Aid $11, %

8 Where does all the money go?
Total District Net Budget $7,234,268

9 Discretionary vs. Fixed Expenses
Discretionary Expenses: Supplies $ 87, % Repairs & Maint Supplies $ 237, % Total Discretionary Expenses $ 325, % Fixed Expenses: Salaries $2,987, % Benefits $ 800, % Out of District Tuition $1,609, % Purchased Services $ 466, % Utilities/Insurance $ 611, % Transportation $ 416, % Total Fixed Expenses $6,891, % Total Budget $7,217,188

10 Budget Constraints Assessment for Debt Service on SDA Funding.
Salem High School Tuition $856,707. Salem County Vo Tech Tuition $334,772. Out-of District Special Education Costs $342,443. Transportation Costs $190,989. Contracted Health Benefit and Prescription Cost Increases. Assessment for Debt Service on SDA Funding.

11 Tuition Rate per Student
Tuition Analysis Salem Tuition: Difference Inc/(Dec) Full Time $638,000 $756,000 $118,000 Shared Time $7,250 $0 Tuition Adjustment ($139,070) $62,607 $201,677 Resource Room $50,800 $38,100 $12,700 Salem Tuition Total $556,980 $856,707 $299,727 Estimated # Students 44 54 10 Tuition Rate per Student $14,500 $14,000 ($500) Resource Room Hours 2,000 1,500 (500) Resource Room Rate $25.40

12 Tuition Analysis Cont’d
Vo Tech Tuition: Difference Inc/(Dec) Resident Students $262,350 $297,675 $35,325 Tuition Adjustment $40,913 $37,097 ($3,816) Vo Tech Tuition Total $303,263 $334,772 $31,509 Estimated # Students 79.5 73.5 6 Tuition Rate per Student $3,300 $4,050 $750 Out Of District Special Education Tuition: Full Time Students $381,063 $342,443 ($38,620) 7 8 1

13 Measures to DECREASE Tax Rate
Use of Grants to Fully or Partially Fund Salaries Early Childhood Teacher (PK) (PEA - $41,994) Basic Skills Instructional Aides (ESEA - $39,402) Guidance Counselor (ESEA - $6,084) Total $87,480 (5.78 cents savings) Use of Grants to Fund Professional Development Costs and Substitute Fees In-District Workshops (ESEA - $7,300) Total $7,300 (1.59 cents savings)

14 Measures to DECREASE Tax Rate Cont’d
$593,284 from Surplus to offset taxes (32.21 cents savings) $257,386 from Choice Program Aid (14.65 cents savings) Shared Services Business Administrator Professional Development Technology Services & Support Transportation Joint Purchasing (Supplies, Paper, etc) Participate in E-Rate, ACT, ACES, ERIC South, State Health Insurance Total Tax Savings of more than 50 Cents

15 What does all this really mean to the Average Taxpayer?
Tax Levy Total Tax Levy Increase (including debt service) 0.011 Cents over the budget, an average decrease of $2.93 per household ($161,519) or $.01 per day (0.0055¢ increase for July to December 2019 and then 0.0055¢ increase for January to June 2020.) What does all this really mean to the Average Taxpayer? Average decrease of $92.91 per household based on the average assessment of $157,594 or 25¢ per day.

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