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The offer on organization of Pr-campaign of a film event

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1 The offer on organization of Pr-campaign of a film event

2 Contents ProfiCinema: what is it?
The program of the efficient Pr-campaign The functions of the agency ProfiCinema The approximate schedule of works Film events with whom cooperated agency ProfiCinema Price

3 ProfiCinema: what is it?
The ProfiCinema project was started in This project consists of three different parts: professional mass media, PR-agency and advertising-production company with its own polygraphic abilities. Our advantages: Unique combination of our own mass media and advertising site; Partnership with the biggest Internet resources (Yandex, Rambler, Google, helps to the efficient promotion of a film festival; Adjust contacts with the lead mass media including press, Internet, radio and TV. There are more than 1000 journalists in our base; We work without holidays, don’t demand the increase salary and we work instead of the whole PR-department in your company. And our services cost cheaper then maintenance your own PR-department; Work under some projects simultaneously allows us to build more closer contacts with mass media; We love our clients LOL. . ProfiCinema accumulates all the forces to lead the active PR-campaign of a festival.

4 Web portal ProfiCinema is the first professional issue for film industry in Russian Web area with the audience about users per week. Our visitors are cinema and TV professionals, journalists and film fans. Our team consists of highly experienced professionals. ProfiCinema’s journalists and film observers are the experts of modern Russian film business. ProfiCinema’s news are published by the biggest news recourses like Rambler.News, Yandex.News and Google.News. Reviews made by our observers regular appear on Yandex.Afisha. Three times a week about of our subscribers receive the ProfiCinema’s mailings. Besides cinema news database of cinema organizations, database of films in production in Russia, reports and reviews on film industry are placed on ProfiCinema.

5 PR-agency ProfiCinema develops and produces PR-campaigns for wide range of Russian film business’s projects. There are more than 1000 mass media in our database. We have established relations with cinema journalists. Our PR-agency: creates press-materials, supervises publications, initiates placing of the project’s information materials, according to the client’s instructions checks publications and draws up press-clippings, organizes the special events like first nights, press-conferences and briefings. Experts of our PR-agency look for sponsors for special events, develop cross-promotion campaigns.

6 Advertising-polygraphic company
ProfiCinema creates design of posters, standies and other polygraphic products for different films and film events. Thanks to our polygraphic abilities we offer high quality products at the interesting price. We produces wide range of advertising-polygraphic products including posters, catalogues, invitations, pens, lighters, T-shorts and souvenirs. Circulations from some tens to hundred thousand copies are available. Superprofessional managerial team will solve your task as fast as possible for the accepted budget.

7 The program of the efficient PR-campaign
Coordination of interactions between mass media representatives and event’s management: Preparation and mailing of the film event’s press – releases; Involvement of mass media representatives; Accreditation of the press for the event itself and its special events; Organization and holding of press-conferences; Preparation and mailing of the event’s information materials (film reviews, interviews with the participants, reviews, society columns, photo etc.) Accreditation of the journalists for the interviews with the event’s management; Initiation of publications and control the distribution of the materials; Individual and close work with the journalists to provide the appearance of publications in mass media.

8 Invitation of the honorable guests to the special events :
Preparation of information materials for PR-managers of the honorable guests; Mailing of the invitations to the special events; Meeting of the honorable guests on the events; Organization of relations of the honorable guests with journalists and photographers. Involvement of sponsors and partners to the organization of the event: Inviting mass media for media partnership; Looking for sponsors for the special events. Manufacturing of printing and souvenir productions with the event’s logo: Printing of the catalogues, posters (70х100), booklets, invitation to special events; Manufacturing of souvenir products with the event’s logo.

9 The functions of the agency ProfiCinema
WE LEAD THE EFFICIENT PR-CAMPAIGN OF THE EVENT: Professionally; Responsibly; In time. REPORTING: Creating reports about special events; Creating a press-clipping. BONUSES: Placing event’s banner via the Web portal ProfiCinema; Placing event’s banner in the news mailings of ProfiCinema (9 mailings).

10 The approximate schedule of work
Two months before the event Looking for sponsors and information partners for the event 1,5 months before the event Preparation of the information materials for mass media One month before the event Preparation of the information materials for PR-managers of the honorable guests Accreditation of mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, Internet-resources) Mailing of the information materials through the base of mass media (more than 1000 addresses), 3 – 4 mailings One month before and during the event Accreditation of journalists for interviews with the event’s management Initiation of publications and control for distribution of the materials Placing of banner in the news mailings of ProfiCinema, 9 mailings Manufacturing of printing and souvenir productions with the event’s logo

11 Two weeks before the event
Placing event’s banner via the Web portal ProfiCinema Mailing of the invitations to the special events During the event Organization of press-conferences; Individual and close work with journalists to provide an appearance of publications in mass media; work with the honorable guests of the event One week after the end of the event Drawing up a report and signing an act of receiving the transfer Two weeks after the end of the event Drawing up a press-clipping

12 ProfiCinema worked with the next film festivals and events:
ProfiCinema is the information sponsor of the Prize of Spectator Sympathies on the 31-st, 32-nd and 34-nd Moscow International Film Festivals. Holding of the PR-campaigns: VII and VIII Moscow festival of the Russian cinema Moscow release. The year of Italy, the programs of screenings of Italian films in Russian regions; First International Travelling Film Market DOORS. Rendering of the information support: Russian programs of the Moscow International Film Festival; International festival of children's animation films The Golden Fish; International festival of ecological films The Golden Hero; International children's film festival Artek; International festival of cinema debuts The Spirit of Fire; Kazan International festival of Muslim cinema; Sevastopol International Film Festival

13 International film festival of Asian Pacific countries in Vladivostok Pacific Meridian;
International film festival named after Andrey Tarkovsky The mirror; International festival of films about human rights Stalker; International festival of military-patriotic films named after S.F. Bondarchuk The Volokolamsky boundary; International film festival Russian abroad; International Film Festival VGIK (OCI).

14 The programs of Italian cinema were screened during next events:
The client: ZORI FILM Project: Program of events devoted to Italian cinematography - Cinema: between past and future devoted to the Year of Italian culture and language in Russia and The Year of Russian culture and language in Italy. Terms: May-December 2011 The programs of Italian cinema were screened during next events: 23 June – 3 July– Moscow International Film Festival (Moscow); 10-15 July – Cinema forum The White Nights (Saint-Petersburg); 9 – 14 August – The program of Italian cinema and video art Ferragosto (Nizhny Novgorod); 19 – 27 August – International Kansky Videofestival (Kansk); 17 – 25 September - Festival Amur autumn (Blagoveshchensk); 23 – 30 September - Festival The message to a human (Saint-Petersburg); 24 – 29 October - Festival West&East. Classic and and Avant-guard (Orenburg); December – The Week of the Italian Cinema in Moscow.

15 PR-support of The Year of Italy project:
Casting of information partners of the festival. Preparation and mailing of press-releases and original informational materials of the festival based on materials from the customer through the mass media base. Involvement representatives of mass media for reviewing of the festival’s events. Individual and close work with journalists to provide an appearance of publications in mass media. Accreditation of press for the reception in the Italian embassy. Initiation of publications and control for distribution of the materials. Accreditation of journalists for interviews with the festival management. Participation in organization and holding of press-conferences. Organization of photographing for preparing the materials for press and photo reports. Coordination of work with official press agencies of the festivals. Finding and placing of advertising in local newspapers. Creating of advertising modules. Organization of a business trip for a representative of ProfiCinema who will coordinate work of the press directly on place and help to review the events. Drawing up a press-clipping (report in the details), delivery electronic and paper materials.

16 Manufacturing promo-materials:
Bags Colors: white, blue, green, red. Size: 40 х 36 х 9 sm Material: polyester

17 The project The Year of Italy» the results:
«The Italian cinema becomes the one from of the «main characters» of the 33 Moscow International Film Festival». ITAR-TASS The project The Year of Italy» the results: The events of the festivals had a wide response in the press; The Italian programs were actively visited by the audience; Journalists had great interest in the events; Great number of publications has appeared and some publications are preparing to the release; Representatives of mass media are very pleased of the cooperation with the press-agency ProfiCinema and many times expressed their gratitude for helping in organization of work, for granting detailed press-releases in a comfortable and affordable form – placing via the Web site and mailing.

18 Price The cost of the ProfiCinema services depends on the terms of PR-campaign and on the volume of works. An approximate amount is rubles in a month. Additional expenses (manufacturing printing and souvenir productions, buffet, etc.) is paid by the client separately.

19 Thank you for attention!
PR-agency «ProfiCinema» Tel.: +7 (495)

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