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AX 2012 Development Training

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1 AX 2012 Development Training
Presented by Vishy Grandhi Click to add notes

2 Training Outline Lesson 1: Variables & Operators
Lesson 2: Conditional Statements Lesson 2: Loops Lesson 2: Built-in Functions Lesson 2: Communication tools Recipes

3 Variables & Operators: Overview
Scope of variables Global, Local Declaration Declare all variables before any other code Use a semicolon after each declaration EDTs: Try to use the variable same as EDT Initialization Composite Data Types

4 Variables & Operators: Primitive types

5 Variables & Operators: Composite types

6 Variables & Operators: Containers
Containers can contain simple and EDTs but not classes. Following functions can be used to manipulate containers

7 Variables & Operators: Assignment Operators

8 Variables & Operators: Arithmetic Operators

9 Variables & Operators: Relational Operators

10 Variables & Operators: Operator Precedence

11 Conditional Statements: Overview
If Switch Ternary

12 Loops: Overview While Do while For

13 Built-in Functions: Examples

14 Communication Tools: Overview
Print “…” Pause; Box::info(…) Box::yesNo(“…”,DialogButton::Yes,””,””) DialogButton Info(“…”) Warning(“…”), Error(“…”) SetPrefix(“…”)

15 Summary of Training We have looked at X++ language elements including how to declare variables, loops, conditional statements, dialogs etc…

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