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2 What are Role Models? Role model, this phrase forms an interesting play on words. Although it has come to have a variety of connotations, from a source of inspiration to a social icon, the word quite literally means a model for a role, a person one can strive to emulate. The notion of role model is unequivocally associated with the youth. It is the young, with the unlimited possibility of the future before them, who are influenced by the people the aspire to emulate. This is why the question of role models become important, as an insight into the views of the leaders of tomorrow. The role models people choose reflect the type of values that the hold dear and the type of society they will create in the years to come.

3 Who are your role models?
Devise a point system rubric out of 20 based on values and principles you look for in an Role Model. Now rate the following:

4 Your president

5 Biebz

6 Rapper 2pac

7 Mother Teresa

8 Bob Marley

9 Desmond Tutu

10 The Late Nelson Mandela

11 Steve Jobs

12 The Oscar

13 The Obama

14 David Beckham




18 What do you look for in a Role Model?

19 Homework Choose a Role Model of your choice
Tell us why is this person is your Role Model? What is this persons view or impact on the following: Personal values, belief systems, religion, media, social and cultural influences and economic condition

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