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Week 2 Terms Rational CLT survey

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1 Week 2 Terms Rational CLT survey
Methods Week 2 Terms Rational CLT survey 1

2 Housekeeping: Name Cards
English Nickname: _________ address: ______________ Phone #: __________________ Your Picture Something about your self:_________ ______________________________ 2

3 Website Google ID: homework PW: homework
James Brawn TESOL or James Brawn HUFS ID: homework PW: homework

4 Homework Essay #1: Due today Read Ch 2 - GTM
Read Techniques and Principles (TP3) pay special attention to the sections: Experience and Thinking About the Experience (pp ) TESOL Method Workbook (TMWB, pp ) As you read look at and answer the questions in the workbook

5 TESOL Method Workbook Open the book to page 15 Discuss the questions:
What is apprenticeship of observation? (TP3 p. iv) Do you think your own experiences as learners have affected you beliefs about teaching and learning? Why? Why not?

6 Class Discussion Biggest? Smallest?
First skim the introductory chapters Then discuss with a partner or small groups What is a technique? What is a method? What is an approach? What is a framework? Biggest? Smallest?

7 Technique Definition / Example
A technique is a way of doing something, a strategy or routine that helps the teacher manage student learning Comprehension Check Questions (CCQs) after I have given my students instructions Think-Pair-Share

8 Method Definition / Example
A method is a ‘coherent’ procedure for the presentation and practice of new language; that is, it takes beliefs about what helps Ss learning and uses those beliefs to create procedures and techniques Audio-lingual Method believes that repetition is important in habit formation, and ‘good’ language habits become errorless speech; consequently it uses a lot of activities that have Ss repeat the TL

9 Kinds of Methods 3 basic types
Language-Centered methods Learner-Centered methods Learning-Centered methods Work with your partner and try to decide what is the main focus for each of these would be

10 Kinds of Methods Language-centered methods
Concerned with linguistic forms and grammatical structures Explicit instruction, explanation and analysis of forms Learners provided with opportunities to practice pre-selected, pre-sequenced structures through form focused exercises

11 Kinds of Methods Language Centered Methods
“Accumulated Entities” – focus on grammatical forms leads to mastery Language learning is linear and additive Language development is intentional and conscious, not incidental and unconscious

12 Kinds of Methods Learner-Centered methods
Concerned with language use and language needs outside the classroom Aims: grammatically accuracy and communicative fluency Considers real life language used in social interaction or academic settings Presents relevant structures in communicative context

13 Kind of Methods Learner-Centered methods
Meaning-focused activities: practice of pre-selected, pre-sequenced grammatical structures (forms) and communicative functions and notions. Focus on form and function leads to mastery, so development of formal and functional repertoire according to communicative needs is encouraged Language development in intentional

14 Kind of Methods Learning-Centered methods
Concerned with learning processes Language is too complex to be neatly analyzed, explicitly explained, or sequentially presented Language learning is not linear, so language input is not pre-selected or pre-sequenced Ts create conditions and opportunities rather than presenting forms and functions

15 Kinds of Methods Learning-Centered methods
Open-ended meaningful interaction through communicative activities and problem solving tasks Focus on meaning-making leads to grammatical & communicative mastery Learning is incidental and unconscious Learning happens when attention is focused on understanding, saying and doing things with language (communicative purpose)

16 Approach Definition / Example
An approach is a guiding principle on how to teach language. An approach reflects a researcher’s or practitioner’s beliefs about language, learning and teaching Communicative Language Teaching is more of an approach than a method because there a variety of methods or ways of putting it into practice

17 Framework Definition / Example
A framework is a conceptual structure that helps to organize and direct a process E-I-F (Encounter – Internalize – Fluency) is the productive skills framework P-D-P (Pre – During – Post) is the receptive skill framework Task-based learning pre-task – task cycle – language focus is the pushed output framework

18 Class Discussion Why does Larson-Freeman say teachers should learn about methods? (TMWK p. 16) How do you play the doubting and believing game? (TMWK p. 18) Is there a single “best” method? Why or why not?

19 Class Discussion Learning about methods is important
Aids in a teachers ability to reflect on teaching and learning Allows teacher to choose how to teach their students based on Ss needs and context Join community of practice through knowledge of the professional discourse Once you join the discourse community you become an active member of a constantly changing field, so your teaching/learning stays alive Knowledge of methods increases a teacher’s repertoire of techniques

20 Class Discussion Doubting game: identifying the challenges of the method in terms of your context, your students, and your beliefs about teaching and learning Believing game: attempt to understand the method in terms of its beliefs and goals before you judge or dismiss it.

21 Class Discussion Learning to become a teacher is a journey that involves the following things: Notice Understand Experiment Reflect/Interact Improve Implement What happens along this journey?

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