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Chemical kinetics: Introduction : The branch of physical chemistry which deal with the study of rate of reaction, mechanisam of reaction,and various factors.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical kinetics: Introduction : The branch of physical chemistry which deal with the study of rate of reaction, mechanisam of reaction,and various factors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical kinetics: Introduction : The branch of physical chemistry which deal with the study of rate of reaction, mechanisam of reaction,and various factors which affect the rate of reaction.

2 Reaction rate : Concept : The stopped-flow technique and its use in studying chemical reactions is described. The speed or rate of a reaction is discussed.

3 Expiriment : Concentration vs time plots are recorded for reactants and product in a chemical reaction. Characteristic features for rates of change in the concentrations of reactants and product are explored.

4 Rate of reaction : Concept: The relationships between the relative rates of change in concentration of reactants and products is discussed. The general expression for the rate of reaction is presented.

5 Expiriment : The stoichiometric coefficients for a chemical equation are determined by comparing the slopes of concentration-time plots for the reactants and products.

6 Defferential rate law : Concept : Differential rate laws for zero-, first-, and second-order reactions are described and explained.

7 Experiment : The differential rate law and the rate constant are determined for a reaction by examining how the rate of reaction varies with the reactant concentration

8 Integrated rate laws : Concept : Integrated rate laws for zero-, first-, and second-order reactions are described and explained.

9 Experiment : The rate law and the rate constant are determined for a reaction by preparing characteristic kinetics plots from concentration-time data.

10 Half life : Concept : The half-life of a reaction is defined and explained.

11 Experiment : The half-life is measured for various initial concentrations for zero-, first-, and second- order reactions. The data is analyzed graphically to determine the relationship between the half-life and reactant concentration for each order reaction and to determine the rate constant for each reaction.

12 Method of initial rates : Concept : The determination of a rate law by the Method of Initial Rates is described.

13 Experiment : The rate law and rate constant for a reaction is determined using the Method of Initial Rates.

14 Isolaition method : Content: The determination of a rate law by the Isolation Method is described Experiment : The rate law and rate constant for a reaction is determined using the Isolation Method.

15 Concept :The reaction between bromate ion and bromide ion in acidic aqueous solution is described. Kinetics of the Bromate-Bromide Ion ReactionKinetics of the Bromate-Bromide Ion Reaction :

16 Experiment : The rate law and rate constant for the bromate-bromide ion reaction is determined. A selection of solutions and a stopped-flow apparatus are available. Students must devise their own experimental strategy for determining the rate law and the rate constant.

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