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Observation of non-BBar decays of (4S)p+p- (1S, 2S)

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1 Observation of non-BBar decays of (4S)p+p- (1S, 2S)
Bryan Fulsom For the BaBar Collaboration APS-DPF JPS 2006 October 31, 2006.

2 Presentation Outline Motivation for search
Event reconstruction and discriminating variables Fit method Validation on ISR (initial state radiation) data Calculation of systematics Results and interpretation Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

3 Motivation (4S) decays nearly 100% to BBar
Predict decay to other bottomonium states with branching fraction O(10-4) Hadronic transitions in other heavy quarkonia are well known: ie: y(2S)p+p- J/y, (mS) p+p- (nS) for m=2, 3 Theory from QCD multipole expansion makes predictions for the partial widths and dipion spectrum but fails to describe dipion spectrum in 3S1S Experimental results for (4S) p+p- (1S) CLEO: B((4S) p+p- (1S)) < 1.2 x 10-4 B((4S) p+p- (2S)) < 3.9 x 10-4 Belle (conference result): B((4S) p+p- (1S)) = (1.1+/-0.2+/-0.4) x 10-4 BaBar: Observation of both decay modes! Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

4 Bottomonium Spectrum Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

5 Analysis Outline Search for (mS) p+p- (nS), reconstructing (nS)l+l- Kinematic quantities of interest: Invariant mass M(l+l-), equal to M(nS) DM=M(p+p-l+l-) – M(l+l-), equal to M(mS) – M(nS) Fit to DM in regions of M(l+l-) to extract number of signal events Use Monte Carlo to simulate signal events of (mS) p+p- (nS) Includes ISR events with m = 2, 3 ISR (2S) p+p- (1S) and (3S) p+p- (1S, 2S) events from data for validation of MC, event yields, dipion distribution, and determining systematics DM  20MeV M(m+m-)  200 MeV Background events taken from data sidebands: DM  60 MeV M(m+m-)  300 MeV Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

6 Event Reconstruction BaBar dataset:
211 fb-1 “on-peak”, 230M (4S) events 22 fb-1 “off-peak”, approximately 40 MeV below (4S) resonance Reconstruct (mS)  p+p- (nS), (nS)  l+l- Require at least four charged tracks originating from same vertex Discard candidates with small opening angle between charged tracks 9.0<M(l+l-)<10.5 GeV, 9.0<M(p+p- l+l-)<11.2 GeV In cases of multiple candidates, retain best reconstructed vertex c2 probability Focus mainly on (nS)m+m- (nS)e+e- has poor efficiency and higher backgrounds Dominant background is m+m-g Lesser contributions from e+e-g and ISR 4p Select cuts to discriminate between signal and background events, avoid any bias in angular and dipion invariant mass distributions Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

7 Discriminating Variables
cosqp+p-: Opening angle between the two pions Strongly correlated to dipion invariant mass Loose cut to avoid biasing M(p+p-) Mee: Invariant mass of pion candidates assuming electron hypothesis Correlated to cosqp+p-, hence M(p+p-) Loose cut to avoid bias Nveto: Number of pion candidates vetoed as electrons Pions that also pass PID as electrons Strictly require pion candidates to not be electrons p*expected: Centre of mass momentum of (mS) candidate Defined as: For ISR events, use Expected to have a value of 0 for signal events Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

8 Summary of Cuts Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S)
Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

9 Data Distribution Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

10 Data Distribution Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

11 Data Distribution Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

12 Fit Method Perform 1D unbinned extended maximum likelihood fit to DM
Fit region: |M(m+m-) – (nS)| < 200 MeV/c2 (1S), < 150 MeV/c2 (2S) DM  40 MeV Parameterize the signal PDF on signal MC Attempt Gaussian, double-Gaussian, Breit-Wigner, Voigtian (B-W & Gaussian) Voigtian has best c2/d.o.f. for (4S)p+p- (1S, 2S) and ISR MC modes Use linear background, allow Nsig and DMsig to float Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

13 Validation (ISR & Off-Peak)
ISR event yield from data compares well with expected from known BFs and MC efficiency Ratio of (3S) (2S) / (3S) (1S) compatible with CLEO Ratio of ISR yield for e+e- / m+m- modes equal to 1 within error ISR dipion distribution matches previous measurements (see plots) Perform fit to off-peak data Number of (4S) events consistent with zero Size of background from on-peak fit consistent with yield in off-peak Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

14 Systematics Number of (4S) events / luminosity
BaBar B counting uncertainty 1.2%, (4S) should be equivalent Tracking Reconstruction efficiency uncertainty in BaBar estimated at 1.3% per track Muon PID Compare efficiency of particle ID selector in MC sample to ISR data control sample, find 0.7% systematic error per muon Acceptance (Uncertainty in angular distribution) Unknown dipion invariant mass distribution Estimate by comparing yield assuming phase space distribution (in MC) to yield using m(p+p-) dependent efficiency from multipole expansion As large as 10% based on ISR control samples Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

15 Systematics (continued)
Event Selection Vary the cut selection and measure the stability of the yield Release cut on p*, release all cuts but p*, widen dimuon mass window, impose helicity and angular cuts Test on ISR control sample, take maximum discrepancy in yield for each test in quadrature (total of ~4.3%) Signal Parametrization Allow PDF parameters to float individually, or try other parameterizations Compare yield with background subtracted “cut and count” number of events in 20 MeV window Negligible effect Background Parametrization Compare yield using linear versus quadratic function for background Systematic less than 2% Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

16 Summary of Systematics
Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

17 Signal Fit Results Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

18 Results Significance determined by:
Efficiency is percentage of events returned by fit from total generated in MC Branching fraction derived from: Significant observation in m+m- mode, e+e- less compelling Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

19 Results (continued) Use experimental values of B((nS)m+m-) to calculate B((4S)p+p- (nS)) Experimental values for B((nS)m+m-) from PDG G derived from BaBar measurement of G((4S)) Branching fraction for 4S1S compatible with preliminary result from Belle Partial widths are comparable to other bottomonium dipion transitions, O(keV) Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

20 Dipion Invariant Mass Spectrum
Shape of 4S1S distribution close to expected from theory 4S2S transition has a low M(p+p-) enhancement...unexpected! Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

21 Summary Search for non-BBbar decays of (4S)
Observe bottomonium decays (4S) p+p- (nS), (nS)m+m-, where n = 1, 2 Significance: 10.0s for 4S1S, 7.3s for 4S2S Measure product of branching fractions: Branching ratios and partial widths are compatible with theoretical predictions and previous experimental limits and results in the bottomonium system Dipion spectrum for 4S2S is incompatible with QCD multipole expansion Results published in: Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

22 Backup Slides Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S)
Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

23 The BaBar Detector Observation of non-BBar decays of U(4S)p+p-U(1S, 2S) Bryan Fulsom, DPF 2006, October 31, 2006.

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