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5 Themes of AP World History

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1 5 Themes of AP World History
Know the themes of world history to better analyze societies

2 Social Political Interaction with environment Culture Economics
5 themes Acronym - SPICE Social Political Interaction with environment Culture Economics

3 Social--Development and transformation of social structures
• Gender roles and relations • Family and kinship • Racial and ethnic constructions • Social and economic classes

4 Political--State-building, expansion, and conflict
• Political structures and forms of governance • Empires • Nations and nationalism • Revolts and revolutions • Regional, trans-regional, and global structures and organizations

5 Interaction between humans and the environment
• Demography and disease • Migration • Patterns of settlement • Technology

6 Cultural--Development and interaction of cultures
• Religions • Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies • Science and technology • The arts and architecture

7 Economic--Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems
• Agricultural and pastoral production • Trade and commerce • Labor systems • Industrialization • Capitalism and socialism

8 Identify Which of the 5 themes each of the following belong to
Chiefdom Egalitarian gender roles Trade Sun god Migrations Stone Tools Burial Rituals Small kinship groups Ornamental Jewelry Hunter/Gatherers

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