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Latest on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit NALFHA Legislative Conference Emily Cadik AHTCC Executive Director September 17, 2019 @EmilyCadik @AHTCCoalition.

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Presentation on theme: "Latest on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit NALFHA Legislative Conference Emily Cadik AHTCC Executive Director September 17, 2019 @EmilyCadik @AHTCCoalition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latest on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit NALFHA Legislative Conference Emily Cadik AHTCC Executive Director September 17, 2019

2 The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
History 2015 9 percent Housing Credit rate made permanent 2016 AHCIA first introduced by Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) 2017 AHCIA reintroduced by Sens. Maria Cantwell and Orrin Hatch, first introduced in House by Reps. Pat Tiberi (R-OH) and Richard Neal (D-MA) 2018 12.5 percent Housing Credit allocation increase for four years (2018 – 2021) and income averaging enacted in Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018

3 The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
AHCIA Reintroduction Sponsors S. 1703: Senators Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Todd Young (R-IN), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Johnny Isakson (R-GA) H.R. 3077: Representatives Suzan DelBene (D-WA), Kenny Marchant (R-TX), Don Beyer (D-VA), and Jackie Walorski (R-IN)

4 The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
AHCIA Reintroduction S and H.R introduced June 2019 Total Provisions: 27 5 new provisions 4 updated provisions 2 provisions added to H.R only

5 Key Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act Provisions
Returning Provisions New Provisions Housing Credit expansion Bond recycling Minimum 4% rate Rural basis boost Preservation provisions Cost reasonableness Provisions to support housing for hard-to-reach areas (e.g. rural and Native) and populations (e.g. extremely low income) Veterans fix Provisions to combat NIMBYism (including name change) Protections for victims of domestic violence

6 Key Provisions: Increasing Production
The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act Key Provisions: Increasing Production 50 percent allocation increase phased in over five years (updated provision in S and new in H.R. 3077) Estimated 384,455 additional homes financed 4 percent minimum Housing Credit rate At least 66,000 additional homes financed Expand Multifamily Housing Bond recycling (new provision) At least 100,000 additional homes financed *Source: Novogradac & Company

7 Talking Point: Potential AHCIA Impact
The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act Talking Point: Potential AHCIA Impact Source: Novogradac & Company

8 Key Provisions: Serving Hard-to-Reach Areas + Populations
The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act Key Provisions: Serving Hard-to-Reach Areas + Populations Rural areas Basis boost for developments in rural areas (new provision) Standardize income eligibility for rural areas Native American communities: Basis boost for developments in Native American areas Native American selection criteria Veterans of the Armed Forces: Clarify that veterans are exempt from the general public use rule for Multifamily Housing Bond properties (new provision) Extremely low-income (ELI) households: 50 percent basis boost for apartments for ELI tenants

9 The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
Key Provisions: Preserving Affordable Housing Right of First Refusal (ROFR) (updated provision): For new properties, replace the existing ROFR with a purchase option Clarify options for acquiring properties and definition of property Strengthen protections against planned foreclosures Capitalize tenant relocation costs Flexibility around existing tenant income

10 The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
Key Provisions: Streamlining and Simplification Simplify and better align the Housing Credit’s student housing rule with HUD’s rule (updated provision) Better align the Housing Credit with the Violence Against Women Act (new provision) Add income averaging option as a third minimum set-aside option for Multifamily Housing Bond properties (new provision)

11 The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
Summary of Key New Provisions Provide a 30 percent basis boost for properties in rural areas if needed for financial feasibility Clarify that veterans are exempt from the general public use rule for Multifamily Housing Bond properties Better align the Housing Credit with the Violence Against Women Act Expand Multifamily Housing Bond recycling Require states to consider cost reasonableness in their Qualified Allocation Plans

12 The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
Potential Legislative Vehicles Temporary tax provisions Technical corrections to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 Spending bill

13 Resources ACTION Resources:
Advocacy & Engagement Resources ACTION Resources: AHCIA one-page overview, summary of all provisions, and explanation of differences between the 115th and 116th Congress versions National, state, and district fact sheets Cosponsor lists for S and H.R. 3077 AHTCC Resources: Help with groundbreakings and grand openings Sample letters

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