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Acute Inflammation.

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Presentation on theme: "Acute Inflammation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acute Inflammation

2 Serofibrinous peritonitis
neutrophils fibrin Liver Fibrin

3 Acute diffuse suppurative appendicitis
Ulcerated mucosa Low power Swollen appendix intact mucosa Purulent exudate neutrophils Lymph follicle High power Ulcerated mucosa Ulcerated mucosa glands neutrophils

4 Lobar pneumonia Consolidated lobe

5 Lobar pneumonia pleura High power Low power fibrin Exudate in alveoli
Interalveolar septae neutrophils

6 Chronic Inflammation & Repair

7 Chronic Inflammation Lymphocytes Blood vessels Plasma cells

8 Granulation Tissue capillaries Low power High power Capillary

9 Myocardial scar scar myocardium scar Left ventricle scar myocardium

10 Intra & Extracellular deposits

11 Hyalinosis, Spleen Hyaline change In central arteriole Lymph
Follicle(white Pulp)

12 Amyloidosis Kidney High power Low power Amyloid in glomeruli
Amyloid in afferent arterioles

13 Amyloidosis , liver Amyloid material (pale pink) Liver cell cords

14 Fatty change , Liver(Steatosis)
High power Low power Central vein Fat vacuole in liver cell vacuolated liver cells

15 Fatty change, liver(Steatosis)
rounded border High power Vacuolated hepatocyte (signet ring appearance) Yellow cut section Portal tract

16 Brown atrophy ,heart Lipofuscin pigment

17 Disorders of Blood Flow

18 Chronic venous congestion, lung
Low power High power anthracosis Heart failure cells Thickened interalveolar septae

19 Chronic venous congestion,liver
Central vein Central vein Low power Central sinusoidal congestion and necrosis

20 Chronic venous congestion,liver
High power Notice the similarity of the cut section of the liver to the cut section of the nutmeg (left) Congested central sinusoids Dark areas are congested sinusoids giving the cut section of liver a nutmeg appearance central vein

21 Recent Thrombus vessel thrombus Low power High power thrombus
Vessel wall *In the picture on the right the blood vessel is opened longitudinally. The thrombus appears as red jelly- like material adherent to the intima. *The lines of Zahn represents the aplatelets, They appear purple in color. Lines of Zahn fibrin

22 Infarction, Spleen Recent infarctions Zone of hyperemia
Coagulative necrosis (infarction) Splenic tissue Zone of acute inflammation

23 Infarction,Lung Infarction Lung showing chronic venous congestion
Low Power High Power Hemorrhagic infarction

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