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“Why I Want to Teach” By: Linda Behrends.

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Presentation on theme: "“Why I Want to Teach” By: Linda Behrends."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Why I Want to Teach” By: Linda Behrends

2 INTASC Standard, Description and Rationale
Standard # 2: Learning Differences: The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. Name of Artifact: Personal Statement Date: October 09, 2013 Course: EDUC 101 Introduction to Teaching Brief Description: This project will help me figure out my personal philosophy on education by examine five question. This will in turn assist me in identifying my core beliefs and allow me to present them to show how I will succeed as a future teacher. Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard # 2, Learning Differences I have selected to include my personal statement project. I have decided to included this because it shows the diversity that teachers can encounter in their students in the different types schools and communities.

3 I would like to teach so that I can:
Pass on my love of learning that I discovered after my children started school. Making a difference in children's lives, to a give them a better future. Be able to see the light bulb come on when students learn something new.

4 The traits that I posses to be an effective teacher are:
Compassion Flexibility Creativity Curiosity Love of Learning Organized Patient

5 The characteristics of the students I want to teach are:
I would like to teach every kind of student. If I had to make a choose of the characteristics of the students I would like to teach they would be: Disrespectful Inattentive Acts out

6 The characteristics of the community where I want to teach are:
I would like to teach in either a public school where the children need a positive role model. I would also like to teach in a community similar to mine where the teacher stay for years and teach many generations of family's.

7 I will contribute to the profession of teaching by:
Engaging students in active learning Showing students that I care that they learn, so that they may have a fulfilling future By being a positive role model in the students life

8 References Koch, J. (2014). Teach. (Student ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

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