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Oral English week 3 李蕊.

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1 Oral English week 3 李蕊

2 Telephone activity

3 New function part

4 Could you describe this picture and talk about what these people might be saying to each other?

5 I.e. woman; man with a spoon;
man with a cup; white shirt; give a cake; a mirror on the wall; white candles; etc.

6 Making an offer Accepting an offer Refusing an offer
Would you like to sit down? Yes, thank you. Would you like to eat/drink/have some ___? Can I offer you anything? Some ____ please. Thank you. Yes, ____ please. Thank you. Thank you, I’d like to have some ____, please. No, thanks a lot, though. No, thanks, I’m good. I’m not hungry/thirsty now, but I’ll help myself later, if you don’t mind.

7 Task: Prepare a short dialogue of making an offer, including offer food, drinks, accept and refuse the offer. And you can’t look at the functions.

8 tasty, flavorful, tastes good, appetizing, yummy,
really good, savory

9 How to describe food taste in English?
Oily油的, greasy油腻的, light清淡的, healthy健康的, low-fat低脂肪的, nutritious有营养的, sweet甜的, sour酸的, salty咸的, spicy辛辣的, bitter苦的, bland淡而无味的, crunchy松脆的, crispy酥脆的, chewy耐嚼的, tough坚硬的, hot热的, warm温的, cold凉的.

10 think about your favorite food , the food you like least, and their taste.

11 what food you like most/best? 2. What food do you like least?
group work: 4 people in one group and interview each other the following questions, make a record and later do a report (at least 2, using words) 1. what’s your favorite food ? what food you like most/best? 2. What food do you like least? 3. How does it taste?

12 report e.g. In our group, ____likes ____most/ best, he/she said it tasted _____and _____. He/she likes _____least, because it tastes _____.

13 Food and drinks names: Treat 请客 chopsticks 筷子 knife 刀 fork 叉 spoon 勺子 napkin餐巾纸Waiter/waitress 服务员 menu菜谱 Dessert 甜点 dishes菜 specialty招牌菜 snack food小吃 finger food小点心 steak 牛排 beef 牛肉 Mutton羊肉 pork猪肉 chicken鸡肉 roast duck 烤鸭 Sausage 香肠 bacon 培根 Italian noodle 意大利面 Soup汤 steamed dumplings 包子 fried noodles 炒面 beer 啤酒 coffee咖啡 champagne香槟酒 black tea 红茶 green tea 绿茶 jasmine tea茉莉花茶 milk tea with red bean/ honey奶茶 yogurt酸奶 juice果汁

14 Practice make a short menu with your group members, it must contain food , drinks , and price. later promote your restaurant and others vote.

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