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Chapter 1: History of Psychology AP Psychology

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1 Chapter 1: History of Psychology AP Psychology
Review Session Week 1 Chapter 1: History of Psychology AP Psychology

2 Key Terms & Influential People
Biological Cognitive Humanistic Behavioral Psychoanalytic Cross-Cultural Evolutionary Structuralism Introspection Nature vs. Nurture Functionalism APA Wilhelm Wundt G. Stanley Hall Sigmund Freud John B. Watson B.F. Skinner Abraham Maslow Carl Rogers Inez Prosser George Sanchez

3 History and Approaches

4 History and Approaches

5 History and Approaches

6 History and Approaches

7 History and Approaches

8 History and Approaches

9 History and Approaches

10 History and Approaches
8. Which of the following approaches to psychology emphasizes observable responses over inner experiences when accounting for behavior? (A) Behaviorist (B) Cognitive (C) Existentialist (D) Psychodynamic (E) Structuralist

11 History and Approaches
9. Wilhelm Wundt and the structuralists studied questions still asked today primarily by Behavioral psychologists Cognitive psychologists Psychodynamic psychologists Humanistic psychologists Sociocultural psychologists

12 History and Approaches
10. With which definition of psychology would John Watson and B.F. Skinner most agree? Psychology is the science of behavior Psychology is the science of mental behavior Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes specific to contexts Psychology is the extension of population

13 Answers A C B

14 Quick Write We conducted a variation of Asch’s (1951) conformity study in which participants made judgments about the length of lines. We randomly assigned participants to one of two conditions and told them that the study involved perceptual abilities. In the first condition, participants estimated the length of lines after hearing five people pretending to be participants (confederates) give inaccurate estimates. In the second condition, participants estimated the length of lines without hearing estimates of confederates. As we expected, participants in the first condition were less accurate in their estimates of line length, demonstrating the tendency to conform to major influence A. How would each element below be related to the specific content of the experiment reported in the abstract? Control group Deception Operational definition of the dependent variable Hypothesis Debriefing

15 Psychological Perspectives



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