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Welcome to Kindergarten at Raymer Elementary!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten at Raymer Elementary!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten at Raymer Elementary!

2 Teachers Ms. Liebel – Grade 2/3 next year – Temp teacher until Mrs. Brunn returns Mrs. McClellan temp teacher for Mrs. Lightfoot Mrs. Meyers Strong Strong Facilitator – Terry Gaudreau

3 Support Teachers: Counsellor – Adrian Juric
Speech & Language – Nancy Irvine Resource – Lindsay Lindsay Indigenous Advocate – Roxanne Phillips Learning Assistance/ELL – Dena Schultz Strong Start Advocate – Terri Gaudreau Teacher- Librarian – Charlotte Morris Other Support Teachers: Classroom Support ARC Worker PHE

4 Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Melissa You are the PAC Meetings are on a Wednesday once a month in the library 6:30-7:30. Free Childcare is provided

5 Kindergarten is the bridge between home and school.
is where the foundation is built for future learning. leads to success in future grades. is where building independence in each child is key.

6 Kindergarten………. is about time to interact with other children.
is about exposure to a language rich environment. is about opportunities to learn through play.

7 Raymer’s Mission Statement
Raymer Elementary School community empowers students to be confident, curious, resilient life-long learners in a collaborative, respectful and safe environment.

8 Raymer’s new Goal To develop a growth mindset with all our learners to empower them to tackle the challenges that will come in life and the belief that they can succeed with hard work and perseverance.  School Focus: The principles of assessment for learning. Social Emotional Learning

9 Who is at the Learning Table?

10 Why is assessment changing?
Students at the center of their learning



13 Play is the Way

14 Three Terms Kindergarten experiences foster the development of the whole child.
Term 1 – September to November Term 2 – December to March Term 3 – April to June


16 Term 1 Core Competency: Personal and Social: Social interactions
Taking turns Interacting with peers and with teacher using eye contact and polite words Speaking in complete sentences using a five year old voice Keeping hands and feet to self

17 Communication skills Observing others before speaking Sitting quietly
Facing the speaker Raising hand and waiting turn to speak Using polite words

18 Developing independence
Dressing self (shoes, jackets, zippers, snaps, buttons) Packing, emptying and carrying own backpack Being responsible for own library books, show and share items, taking notices home and delivering notes from parents

19 Term 2 and Term 3 Curricular Competencies
Recognizing and naming letters Learning letter sounds Recognizing letters make up words and words make up sentences Rhyming Recognizing numbers Counting beyond 20 Patterning Thinking Skills – See, Think, Wonder

20 Getting Your Child Ready
Give your child little jobs around the home in order to help develop self-confidence and responsibility Read to your child and discuss the story Teach your child his/her address and phone number Teach your child to put on, take off and hang up his/her clothing Teach your child how to tie shoelaces Discourage the use of ‘baby talk’ and encourage development of a larger vocabulary Encourage your child to recognize and learn to print his/her own name (Upper and Lower case)

21 Visit the library with your child regularly.

22 Read to your child daily. Play rhyming games.

23 Talk with your child – e-portfolios will go live Sept/Oct.

24 Arrive at school a bit early
so your child has a chance to play with friends before school.

25 Read notices from school. Check the online portfolios – FreshGrade
Read notices from school. Check the online portfolios – FreshGrade. Newsletters are sent electronically monthly. Hard copies are in the office.

26 Keep your child’s teacher informed of any changes in your family situation.

27 Keep the office informed of changes in phone numbers, address, care giver information.

28 What about the lunch hour?
Sept & Oct: -Kindergarten students play outside then come in to eat. -Kindergarten students stay in the primary playground area -Kindergarten students are supervised by paid noon hour supervisors and assisted by Grade Five student helpers.

29 By October, the Kindergarten students are ready to go to the ‘big’ playground but still have Grade Five helpers in their class while they are eating.

30 Please remember…. the Kindergarten teachers welcome and encourage communication with the home to support a successful beginning of the school experience.

31 Gradual Entry Tuesday, September 3 - Optional Open House 9:15-10:00
Wednesday, September 4 – Family Meetings with one of the Kindergarten teachers

32 Gradual Entry Continued – Mini Sessions
Your child will attend one of the mini sessions – letter sent home in the summer Thursday, September 9:00-10:30 Thursday, September 12:00-1:30 Friday, September 12:00 -1:30

33 Friday, September 6 Optional School Wide Assembly 9:00-10:00
Sit with their parent on the chairs provided behind the benches

34 Gradual Entry Continued
Monday, September 9, class lists will be outside in the primary courtyard and the teachers will meet you there and bring the students in. All Kindergarten students will attend from 8:30-11:30am Please pack a snack and lunch

35 Gradual Entry Continued
Tuesday, September 10, students will meet their parents outside in the designated areas All Kindergarten students will attend from 8:30-11:30am Please pack a snack and lunch Parent 6:00-7:00

36 Full Day! September 11 8:30-2:30 Pack snacks and lunch, indoor shoes in their full size back pack. Label all clothing/shoes clearly with your child’s name


38 We look forward to working with you and your child at Raymer Elementary!

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