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What is DLM? Dynamic Learning Maps
Is the state’s alternate assessment designed to assess students with the most severe cognitive disabilities who are unable to take the regular state assessment due to the severity of their cognitive and adaptive abilities 1% of a district’s total population should taking the DLM Wichita Public Schools participation in the DLM is over 1% (At end of slide) Per Cary Roger, from KSDE -DLM consultant, presented DLM in at our in-service on the 6th. She explained that our district is not penalized for being over the 1%, but state is. The state has submitted a waiver to the feds to explain the overage until districts over the 1% have an opportunity to decrease their numbers In the meantime, we are on a corrective action plan. At the end of the school, the state asked us to implement a plan to decrease our numbers
DLM Participation Guidelines
This is the DLM we were using during the school year. There are 3 questions to answer 14 non-allowable considerations. At the end of the school year, the categorical team and Dee Dee Stroot met to put together a plan to decrease the number of students participating in the DLM.
DLM Participation Guidelines
259’s Plan The first thing that changed is that Dee Dee revised the state DLM participation form so that so that the 14 items that cannot be considered for participation are at the top and the questions at the bottom. We began using in the school year. This was done because it was though that the 14 items were being ignored, so by moving them to the top this is the first thing teachers saw. We have asked teachers to use this as a checklist when considering participation. If they can’t get through the checklist, then there is no need to answer the 3 questions at the bottom. In addition to moving the 14 non-allowable considerations to the top, signature lines were added to the bottom. There is a signature line for an IEP team member and district level personnel (I will explain about the signature lines later)
DLM Participation Guidelines
The state also added a second page to the DLM participation form which includes a definition, al list of characteristics, educational considerations and a list of resources
DLM Participation Procedures
DLM participation is a team decision and must be decided at an IEP or amended IEP meeting. New Student entering the DLM System: Prior to an IEP or amended IEP meeting, you MUST contact Campus Support to consult regarding eligibility. b. Use the rubric when determining eligibility found with the DLM Participation Guidelines form in ad hoc documents. The categorical teams contribution was to implement procedures for the DLM for teachers to follow Let’s go through quickly as a campus support team. The procedures have been rewritten to incorporate our new campus support structure. If you believe something does not work or see anything I need to correct, please let me know. Please NOTE #2 – When considering a new student for participation in the DLM, IEP teams are asked to contact someone from the categorical team, now campus support, prior to an IEP meeting. This has not been happening. We are receiving DLM forms after the fact. If this continues to happen, we need to decide if we will go back to that IEP team and go through the rubric process (will talk about this later) and, if needed, amend the IEP. Along with the revision of the DLM participation form, the addition of the second page provided by the state, the procedures the presented all this information categorical and IR teachers, school psychs, social workers, and SLP’s
DLM Participation Procedures
DLM On Synergy: DLM Participation Guidelines document is located in ad hoc documents. Create a document. After completion of the rubric, the IEP team must agree to answer “Yes” to all four questions for participation using the drop down boxes. When the document is complete, click the “save” button and then “print preview” button to print. These are the steps to adding to the DLM roster. Synergy and the DLM are connected. Synergy creates a report that notifies Scott Dellinger to upload a student to the teacher’s DLM roster. b. The drop down boxes must be filled out. Some teachers are printing the document and circling the yes/no and sending that in. When it does this way, Synergy does not recognize that the document has been completed.
Synergy DLM Ad Hoc Document
This is what it looks like in Synergy This should be the IEP Manager’s responsibility and part of the IEP process.
DLM Participation Procedures
DLM On Synergy (continued): The document will require signatures from the IEP manager or team member and Campus Support for district level support signature which indicates Campus Support has been consulted. Finalize the DLM Participation Guidelines document in Synergy. When all signatures have been gathered, send a signed copy to CIEP with all other copies of signed documents. Place the original in the student’s IEP file. e. Let’s talk about the district level signature line. If you are signing a form, this means this is for a new student and you should have been consulted. If you get this form to signed the IEP manager and you were not consulted, then that is when you need to go back to the team and decide if they have gone through the rubric process. After review, if you decide the student is not eligible will, then will need to amend the IEP. The teacher must finalize the IEP – many teachers forget to finalize. If it is not finalized, synergy will not recognize it. Synergy creates a report that tells Scott Dellinger to upload the student to a teacher’s roster. So, if it is not finalized the student will not appear on the teachers roster
DLM ParticipationProcedures
When it is decided a student is eligible to participate, a DLM document needs only to be filled out once until it is decided the student is no longer eligible. Review the DLM participation guidelines at each annual IEP. When a student is no longer eligible to participate, another DLM Participation Guidelines form must be created. Follow steps in #3 a-h, however, in step “c” one or all four of the questions must indicate “No”. These procedures will be posted in the Special Education – IEP Support - Synergy Resource Page and the categorical page on schoolwires
Resources Provided By KSDE
Go to From Subject Index – Select D Scroll down to Dynamic Learning Maps I didn’t want to make a lot of handouts, instead I want to show you where you can get the materials provided by the state So on your computers go to Rubric! This year the state has added an extensive rubric for teams to use. *Discuss the adaptive behavior portion (caution – consider the age of the student, cultural factors, etc.) Once I asked a teacher how she qualified a student adaptively. She stated he did not know his address or the names of his parents. Depending on the age of the student they may not know these things. Explain Linkage levels when talking about blue prints by linkage levels – How are linkage levels assigned to students
Remember the form Dee Dee created, well the state revised their form for the school year and guess what!
19-20 DLM Revisions We shared this with Cary Roger from KSDE and she liked it too. So the State have revised their State DLM Participation form for this year
259’s DLM Form With the state’s revisions for this school, teams have two documents to consider. To make it easier for teams we have merged the two documents There is one in your packet – Is the definition page – Learner Characteristics etc Then you will find the rubric – it begins by explaining the data you can use and the 14 non-allowables Please take Note the IQ statement at the bottom Also be careful in using Adaptive behavior scales when qualifying students also #4 Adaptive behavior – be careful Once you get through the rubric – then you answer the 4 questions – If you come up with a “no” and teams have gone through the process I would advise putting in the student’s file for future reference, but don’t send it in signed. Only need to sign and send into CIEP if they are going to participate – and do not fill in the drop down boxes. At the first PE in September, we will show teachers the new DLM Participation guidelines, procedures, and get them started on the required training.
DLM Start Up Will begin to come out the first of September
- I will send Campus Support - We will present new information to teachers at September’s PD – new form Will come out in phases – first required training on Moodle, second First Contact Surveys, etc. Only certified staff can train Paras can monitor only – cannot administer any part of the test Consider having more than one person in a building trained Please encourage your teachers to complete the phase as it comes out or they will be overwhelmed. Moodle communicates with KITE educator portal – a teacher cannot do anything in KITE until Moodle has communicated they have completed the training with 80% score and this may take a couple of days. Consider having more than one person trained – if you want to be trained, please let me or Scott know
We may need that cushion to get testing done.
This year there are only 2 testing windows instead of 3 has it has been in the past. The state’s DLM testing window opens September 9th, however, 259 testing window opens begins September 24th. The reason for this is to allow teachers to complete the required training. Our testing window ends earlier than the state’s and this is to allow for any unforeseen problems in testing students. We may need that cushion to get testing done. We do not tell teachers that our end date differs from the state because then they will wait until the last minute
Teacher have this – given at August 6th in-service
Say after 3rd bullet point: Students are not tested until their 3rd grade year When teachers get their roster, they realize they have a student that is missing from the roster. This especially happens for 3rd grade teachers. Some teachers automatically fill out a DLM form and send it in. Can’t happen this way – it is a team decision and the IEP needs to be amended. Teachers need to begin considering eligibility during the student’s 2nd grade IEP so that they are ready to go in the fall of their 3rd grade year - so hopefully this will occur in the spring
Year-End Reports DLM is an all or nothing – you cannot be split out
If a student has reached Target, Successor, or Advanced levels – remove from DLM If a student is at one of these levels in one area, but “approaching target” in another – a student can be removed if it is believed the student will reach target level soon If a student is in the gen. ed. classroom for any core subject and taking DLM – remove from DLM – even though they have not met target On your way in, you should have picked up the year-end reports for your school
Resources DLM Professional Development Educator Resource Videos Kansas DLM Page Familiar Texts Exemplar Text Supports KITE Requirements (Print as a handout) The Exemplar Text Supports are grade level books that have been modified so that students with the most significant cognitive disabilities can access grade level content. They can be found be found on Tar Heel Reader and created by teachers They can be used at anytime not just for the DLM
Here’s a little activity to help us identify students that might be eligible for the DLM
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