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Public Health Services

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1 Public Health Services
Vocabulary Set #4

2 #1 Health Care System All the medical care available to a nation’s people, the way they receive care and the way they pay for it.

3 #2 Primary Care Physician
A medical doctor who provides physical checkups and general care.

4 #3 Specialists Medical doctors who focus on particular kinds of patients or on particular medical conditions.

5 #4 Medical History Complete and comprehensive information about your immunizations and health problems you have had.

6 #5 Health Insurance Private and government programs that pay for all or part of a person’s medical costs.

7 #6 Public Health All efforts to monitr, protect, and promote the health of the population as a whole.

8 #7 Outbreak A sudden increase in occurrences of a disease in a particular time and place.

9 #8 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Part of the U.S Department of Labor. It works to prevent injuries and other health problems in the workplace.

10 #9 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Ensures the safety of foods and cosmetics and the safety and effectiveness of medicines.

11 #10 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Works to track, prevent, and control outbreaks of disease.

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