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Cluster Week 6 September 30 – October 1

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1 Cluster Week 6 September 30 – October 1

2 Norms

3 Yearly Cluster Goal By May 2015, all 7th and 8th grade students will improve on the ELA and Math Galileo IE Post Test, by at least 10% with a focus on: Skill focus ELA: Key Ideas and Details (Thinking/Problem Solving) Skill focus in Math: Number Sense (Thinking/Problem Solving)

4 School Goal-Math By May 2015, student achievement will increase on the Math Galileo IE Post Test as follows: 7th Grade: Meeting/Exceeding will increase from 77 % to 79% Total number of students to move 63 8th Grade: Meeting/Exceeding will increase from 72 % to 75% Total number of students to move 80

5 School Goal-ELA By May 2015, student achievement will increase on the ELA Galileo IE Post Test as follows: 7th Grade: Meeting/Exceeding will increase from 95% to 96% Total number of students to move 12 8th Grade: Meeting/Exceeding will increase from 81% to 83% Total number of students to move 60

6 Cluster Cycle 1 Goal By the end of the first cluster cycle, teachers will effectively analyze student work and monitor student achievement as evidenced by a 3.0 or higher average score of all teachers in each of the following three TAP rubric indicators: Standards and Objectives, Assessment, and Student Work. Target learning outcomes-through student work and asssessment

7 Evaluate New Learning Interprets information?
Draws conclusions through writing? Connects what they learn to prior learning and life experience? Use Student Analysis & Action Plan template We will visit this at the end…

8 Identify the Need Teachers will design student work by developing work with high student engagement in mind.

9 Obtain New Learning Teacher Content Student ENGAGEMENT relationship
expertise Content relevance Student relationship ENGAGEMENT Draw this on back of agenda, So, how do we do this? DETAILS MAKE IT INTERESTING, engagement is the sweet spot in the middle!

10 Sell Your Subject? How do you “sell” your subject?
How do you “sell” your subject? What is the connection to rubric? What is the connection MTSS? Student work-making it relevant?

11 Student work/assessment
Disengaging engaging Recap without revisit Completion grading Grades without feedback Trivial pursuit questions Punitive grading New ideas Wide variety of sources Deep knowledge base Employing a spirit of inquiry Use of trial and error

12 Develop New Learning Where do you need to develop your lessons where there is high student engagement? Relationship? Relevance? Expertise? Differentiation? Scaffold? Basic to complex Grouping for learning? Activities and Materials? New ideas? Tiered Assignments? New ideas? Going deeper with topics?

13 Some ideas Packet ideas(Creativity and Innovation)
ESPN Math—students work together on a problem—one is the writer(problem solver) another is the commentator, the last one is the “color” commentator. Tiered Assignments Packet of different ideas from myron dueck

14 Closure-exit ticket How does student engagement look in your classroom? What will you do for engagement this week?

15 Apply New Learning Engage your students! Bring Back Samples of student
work with high engagement

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