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Welcome! Admin – Joanne and the course booklets

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Admin – Joanne and the course booklets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Admin – Joanne and the course booklets
Our invisible friends and colleagues How are we feeling now that we are here? What is the ‘check-in’ and how important is it? Establishing the ground rules – how ‘safe’ is ‘safe enough’?

2 Our ground rules, or “what would make me feel safe here
Our ground rules, or “what would make me feel safe here.” We listed the following (Wednesday 4th): Supportive Non-judgemental Respectful Fun (will “enjoyment” do???) Honest/trusting Comfort/’Holding’ Confidential to the group

3 Things worth knowing about…
“This is Malcolm and he…”

4 …can be contacted by email or phone.

5 Rides a motorcycle Has a pet cat/dog/gerbil Plays guitar

6 Is left-handed Is vegan Is afraid of heights

7 Speaks German Is afraid of flying Collects things

8 Has never learned to drive Can’t swim Kills house plants without even trying

9 Is a keen gardener Is apolitical Had surgery in the last two years

10 Remembers life before the internet Has never been on another continent Knows stuff about coffee

11 Has an infectious laugh Can read music Is nervous in large groups

12 Hates people introducing him/her Hates introducing people Both of the above, especially on a Wednesday night

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