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It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness

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2 It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness
Date/time NAME OF SESSION Name of speaker I am XXX. I am a volunteer speaker for Amnesty International. I will be with you for AMOUNT OF TIME. Amnesty International is a human rights organisation. This is our symbol, the Amnesty International candle. The candle represents hope and the barbed wire represents prison. Amnesty stands up for human rights, and represents hope, even in the darkest of times.

3 from across the world standing up for human rights
We are ordinary people from across the world standing up for human rights We take action to protect human rights, we celebrate human rights, and we educate people so they know their rights, value their rights and can defend their rights and the rights of others. Today we’re talking about Amnesty International’s Citizenship fee campaign.

4 Children’s citizenship rights
Amnesty International’s Children’s Rights Network is running a campaign alongside the Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens (PRCBC) to make it easier for children entitled to British citizenship to access it. Citizenship is a human right and should not be taken away.

5 What is British Citizenship?
British citizenship means you can: Live and work in the UK without any restrictions Vote and stand for office Can have access to a British Passport Use the Background Information to give students more information about British Citizenship.

6 Quick quiz… How many children in the UK are entitled to British citizenship but do not have it? 65,000 Between 1,000 and 1,500 Between 100,000 and 120,000 D) 1012 A child is defined as a person under the age of 18.

7 Quick quiz… An estimated 120,000 children do not have British Citizenship We do not have an exact figure but many of these 120,000 children are entitled to British Citizenship 65,000 of these children and young people were born in Britain A child is defined as a person under the age of 18.

8 Quick quiz… There are many children in the UK who are not currently British citizens, but have the right to be registered as British citizens. How much would it cost for a child to exercise this right? A) £35 B) £1,012 C) £372 D) £640

9 Quick quiz… The fee for a child to exercise this right is currently
£1,012 £372 is the processing cost £640 is therefore profit for the Home Office When the laws on registration first came into effect in 1983 the fee was £35

10 Quick quiz… What are the exceptions to the payment of this fee?
Those who cannot afford the fee can apply for a fee waiver  The fee does not apply for children in local authority care The fee does not apply for children born in the UK There are no exceptions

11 Quick quiz… There are no exceptions!
This means that children who cannot afford the fee are not able to register (and lose their right to do so on turning 18). For children who are in local authority care, their local authority must pay the fee. Local authorities rarely make these applications for children in their care, even if it is arguably in the child’s best interest.

12 Should the citizenship fee be £1,012?
Debate … Should the citizenship fee be £1,012? £372 is the processing cost £640 is profit for the Home Office


14 What do we want? 1. Removal of the profit making aspect of the fee
2. Possibility of fee waivers 3. No fee for children assisted by a local authority The aim of the campaign is to: 1. Make sure that the fee is only the administration cost. 2. If someone cannot afford to pay, they should be able to get a waiver, which means no charge. 3. Children assisted by local authorities should not pay because local authorities do not have enough money to pay for all children’s registration fees.

15 Send us your drawings and messages
Support the campaign Send us your drawings and messages Sign the petition Search: Amnesty - Home Office stop blocking children’s rights How you can get support Join the Amnesty Children’s Human Rights Network: /AmnestyInternational.ChildrensHumanrights @amnestyinternational_chrn @amnestyUK_CHRN

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