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Natural Resources. Natural Resources Using Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Resources. Natural Resources Using Resources."— Presentation transcript:


2 Natural Resources

3 Using Resources

4 Caring For Resources

5 Food Production

6 Farms

7 Farm to Table

8 Natural Resources Using Resources Caring For Resources Food Production Farms Farm to Table $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 What is a natural resources? Page 2-3

10 nature that people can use
Something found in nature that people can use

11 How is a forest a natural resources? Page 2-3

12 A forest provides lumber for building.

13 How is oil a natural resource? Page 2-3

14 People turn oil into gasoline for cars and diesel fuel for trucks.

15 Why is California’s Central Valley a good place for planting?
Page 2-3

16 rich soil. The days are not
It has lots of sunlight, clean water and rich soil. The days are not too hot or cold.

17 Why is the Midwest (IOWA) a great place for corn growing?
Page 2-3

18 It provides many hours of sunlight and lots of water.

19 people use on the desert?
What resource do people use on the desert? Page 4-5

20 can be eaten like an apple.
The cactus fruit can be eaten like an apple. People can also make it into a jelly or syrup.

21 How is sand a natural resource? Page 4-5

22 Sand melts into a liquid that turns into glass.

23 natural resource of cotton?
How do we use the natural resource of cotton? Page 4-5

24 We use the cotton plant to make our clothing.

25 the sun as a natural resources?
How do we use the sun as a natural resources? Page 4-5

26 Solar panels capture sunlight and turns it into electricity.

27 How is the mineral copper an important natural resource? Page 4-5

28 Electrical wires are made with copper.

29 What is conservations? Page 6-7

30 make them last longer is
Working to save resources or to make them last longer is called conservations.

31 How can we conserve fish in the ocean? Page 6-7

32 about the number of fish you are allowed to catch.
Make rules and laws about the number of fish you are allowed to catch.

33 How can we conserve food? Page 6-7

34 You can make a compost heap and use it in your garden.

35 How can we conserve on lumber? Page 6-7

36 We can recycle paper products.

37 What is an example of a resources that is unlimited? Page 6-7

38 Wind is an unlimited resource because we’ll never run out of it.

39 How did people long ago pickle foods? Page 8-9

40 foods by putting them in vinegar or other acids to kill germs.
People pickled foods by putting them in vinegar or other acids to kill germs.

41 from long to today? Page 8-9
How has getting fish and meat changed from long to today? Page 8-9

42 In the past people hunted Today people buy fish and meat at stores.
and fished to get food. Today people buy fish and meat at stores.

43 changed from long ago today?
How has saving food changed from long ago today? Page 8-9

44 Long ago people dried food Today food goes to a processing
in the sun and wind. Today food goes to a processing center and gets canned.

45 changed from long ago to today?
How has getting milk changed from long ago to today? Page 8-9

46 Long ago, farmers had their own
cow and stored the milk in a springhouse. Today milk comes from a big farm and comes from a processing center.

47 fruits and vegetables changed?
How has getting fruits and vegetables changed? Page 8-9

48 Native Americans gathered plant foods and grew crops.
Today we purchase our fruits and vegetables at stores that traveled by trains and trucks from far away.

49 will you see if you were a bird soaring above a farm?
What kinds of things will you see if you were a bird soaring above a farm? Page 10-11

50 Cattle and sheet in pastures
A silo Henhouse Cow barn Pigsty Cattle and sheet in pastures bugs

51 What are farms of today like? Page 14-15

52 Technology helps farmers in many ways. Farmers use machines to
plant and harvest crops. Computers and satellites get information about the fields.

53 In the past, most farm work was done with __________ power. Page 12-13

54 In the past, most farm work was done with muscle power. People, horses, mules and oxen

55 How did families prevent locust
from destroying their crops in the past? Pages 12-13

56 out to pick locusts off crops
Whole families went out to pick locusts off crops with their hands.

57 How does an airplane help farmers today? Pages 14-15

58 It flies over the crops for the farmer to monitor
how they are growing. The plane contains devices that measure how healthy the crops are.

59 heated and cooled again in step 3?
Why is the milk quickly heated and cooled again in step 3? Pages 16-17

60 To kill and germs

61 Why is the milk tested at a processing plant in step 2? Pages 16-17

62 To make sure it’s safe to drink

63 What is a distributor? Pages 16-17

64 a product from a processing
a person who brings a product from a processing plant to a market

65 important for food safety?
Why is refrigeration important for food safety? Pages 16-17

66 Refrigeration prevents
the food from spoiling.

67 What is a processing plant?
Pages 16-17

68 are washed, boxed, and stored
a place where foods are washed, boxed, and stored


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