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Work in Local Government Mauritius

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Presentation on theme: "Work in Local Government Mauritius"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender @ Work in Local Government Mauritius

2 Reach of the COE process in Mauritius
12 local authorities (7 urban, 5 rural) 60 direct beneficiaries 300 intermediary beneficiaries 3000 indirect beneficiaries.

3 Methodology - Mtintso’s framework
ACCESS TRANSFORMATION PARTICIPATION Policy Institutional Service delivery Women Individual Men


5 How gender mainstreaming in local government has evolved over the years
2010 6 stage COE process Action planning Learning and 10 Stage COE process IT for advocacy Monitoring & Evaluation Learning and Updating action plans – link to Agenda 2030 Baseline scores coding Backstopping of COEs External Assessments of summits Sunrise campaign – working with GBV survivors in local government Roll out – COEs take ownership of the Sunrise campaign 50/50 Campaign Summits SRHR in local government Community dramas on SRHR SRHR campaigns SRHR research SRHR Summits

6 COE Process Original 2010 Revised 2011 Process 1
Meetings with management and political teams and adoption of COE process. 2 Undertaking a gender audit of the council. 4 3 Mobilizing meeting with council representatives and popularizing the SADC protocol on Gender and Development.  * Inception workshop. 5 Action planning workshop 6 Adoption of the action plan. 7 Media, campaigning skills. 8 IT for advocacy. 9 Monitoring and evaluation 10 Summit Post 2015 Updating of gender action plans in line with the Post-2015 SADC Gender Protocol New baseline scores with colour coding from blue to green to bronze to silver to gold and platinum endorsed by UN Women Quarterly backstopping meetings Annual self and external assessments at the SADC summit

7 Impact We have engaged in one of the most important revolutions of our time – gender equality where it matters most. Extent – 6 councils, 6 districts/provinces, %percentage of councils out of total councils in country. Movement for change, that involves women and men. Document it – reflect on how to sustain it.

8 Next steps: Consolidation
Youth involvement in local government Gender responsive health facilities Youth friendly SRHR services Gender responsive procurement Gender disaggregation of council data Integrating gender into council planning Sharpening Gender Responsive Budgeting – GRB

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