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Unit Title: Prayer and Ritual

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1 Unit Title: Prayer and Ritual
Focus Question: How does my understanding of prayer and ritual shape me? Learning Intention: To learn about the Lectio of Nature. Success Criteria: To complete a higher level thinking task relating to the topic. Last Lesson Magnificat This Lesson Lectio of Nature Next Lesson Contemplative Prayer

2 What is Lectio of Nature?
Just as the Lectio of Scripture involves reading, reflecting, responding and resting, so too a Lectio of Nature calls you to listen with the ear of your heart to what God present in the forces and beauty of nature is saying to you.

3 Finding out more about the Lectio of Nature
Read through the Pdf called ‘Lectio of Nature’ on our weebly in order to understand what it means. Then, watch YouTube clip 1, which explains exactly what you have to do and how it works, if it is still unclear. Finally, watch YouTube clip 2, which provides you with a Lectio Devina tutorial/ example.

4 What is the purpose of Lectio of Nature?
Read from the text of nature and all that is around you. Reflect on things that speak to you: stop and wonder, pause and think on creation. Respond in prayer, in gratitude, in writing or in images. Or simply “be” in the moment of it all. Rest in the wondering, drink in all that surrounds you. Be still, for the presence of the Lord is moving all around!

5 Identify one passage in our bible which is concerned with nature/ our environment and copy it into your OneNote. Lectio: Be quiet and respectful in order to not disturb one another, then read the passage above attentively, respectfully and slowly. Read it several times and then write down your thoughts about your specific passage. Meditatio: Ponder first what you have observed being attentive, reading your passage, and then make notes about your thoughts and what this means in terms of your relationship to God’s creation. Oratio: Respond spontaneously as you continue to read and to listen to your bible passage, which means for you to create a short prayer, thanking and praising God for his creation. Contemplatio: Simply love and focus on God. Have a rest and try to lift all your problems and negative thoughts to God. Finally answer: What is your opinion of the Lectio of Nature? Do you think it helps people to connect to God and his creation? This lesson: Work at your own pace, this is not a race, but try to do all 6 tasks!

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